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User:Lucy Cassidy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



I live in Oxfordshire, England, but am originally from London.

I'm nerdy enough (see Nerdy Interests, below) to be getting hooked on editing, but I have to restrict my hours of play as I tend to get RSI in the elbows if I "mouse" too much. I mouse both left- and right-handed, to spread the load, but if I do too much, well, I end up in dire distress! So please excuse me if my contributions seem a bit erratic.

Wiki Interests


My Wikipedia interests are mainly centred around the canal, mainly because I have yet to learn to say "no" properly. That, and a propensity for saying "Why has no-one done this yet? For god's sake, I'll do it myself!"

Nerdy Interests


A friend taught me how to write html last year, and now I write xhtml (strict) with a fair degree of confidence.

I've made, so far, five working webpages, and I have a great deal of invisible smug satisfaction that they don't use any Java script, or anything fancy, but by cunning use of css they have apparently-animated buttons, and look pretty much as nice as any other sites.

I am currently considering offering tuition for absolute beginners: I have a guinea-pig lined up, and I hope to start the tuition at some point over the winter of 2008.

Other interests


Lego train: once a year I get out the shoeboxes and set it up all round my living room/kitchen/hall floor.

Ebay: hate dealing with the freaks and frauds, but it's the only way to increase my Lego train track.

The thermosyphon effect. Fascinating! All I want in life is a house with a chimney, so I can install a woodburning stove with a backburner and do experiments.

Head Over Heels: with grovelling thanks to Retrospec for their update, also for introducing me to Alien8, which I am ploughing through whenever I get an hour or two to spare, having finally finished HOH.

Pages I have started

  • None so far, but I hope to be adding a lot of offspring pages to the Wilts'n'Berks main page.

Note re name of Wilts'n'Berks


Please note, the correct name is, I was told, "Wilts and Berks Canal", and the restoration group to which I belong is the "Wilts and Berks Canal Trust", formerly known as the Wilts and Berks Canal Amenity Group. The use of the ampersand is frowned upon within the group.

This has been queried, as the official W&BCT website uses both!! I have asked the question, and will update this paragraph in due course.

My use of the modern abbreviation is used, quite deliberately, to tease. That's the kind of guy I am! (I am, of course, a girl.)


