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User:Goorgle/Books/Penology Wiki 101

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Penology Wiki 101


Penology Wiki 101

1983 Batticaloa Jailbreak
25 Minutes to Go
Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri
Abu Zubaydah
Bauchi prison break
Bermudian death penalty referendum, 1990
Bisher Amin Khalil al-Rawi
Black jail
Black site
Blood eagle
Blowing from a gun
Brazen bull
Breaking wheel
Bullet fee
Camp Bondsteel
Capital punishment
Capital punishment for drug trafficking
Capital punishment in Europe
Capital punishment in the Middle East
Capital theft
Caxton Gibbet
Cement shoes
Cities for Life Day
Colombian necktie
Cornelia Grumman
Crushing (execution)
Damnatio ad bestias
Dead Man Walking (play)
Death by a Thousand Cuts (book)
Death by boiling
Death by burning
Death by sawing
Death flights
Death row
Death row phenomenon
Decimation (Roman army)
Diego Garcia
Electric chair
Enhanced interrogation techniques
Escape from Davao
Euthanasia Coaster
Execution by elephant
Execution by firing squad
Execution by shooting
Execution of Thai royalty
Execution van
Execution warrant
Extrajudicial punishment
Falling (execution)
Final statement
Forced suicide
Frontier justice
Gas chamber
Ghost detainee
Governor Davey's Proclamation
Halifax Gibbet
Hanged, drawn and quartered
Hanging judge
HMS Maidstone (1937)
Incapacitation (penology)
Inert gas asphyxiation
Jamil el Banna
Judicial murder
Khalid al-Mihdhar
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Last meal
Lethal injection
Libertarian perspectives on capital punishment
List of helicopter prison escapes
List of jailbreaks by al-Qaida affiliates
List of methods of capital punishment
List of people hanged, drawn and quartered
List of people who escaped from prison
List of prisoner-of-war escapes
Lynne Stewart
Maiden (beheading)
Mock execution
Nine familial exterminations
Peshotanu (punishment)
Pleading the belly
Poena cullei
Posthumous execution
Premature burial
Prison escape
Public execution
Republican marriage
Right to life
Robert Kingsley
Royal Commission on Capital Punishment 1864–66
Sarposa prison attack of 2008
Scaffold (execution site)
Shot at Dawn Memorial
Slow slicing
Snake pit
Stay of execution
Suffocation in ash
Summary execution
Temara interrogation centre
The Death Penalty: Opposing Viewpoints
Tunica molesta
UN moratorium on the death penalty
Upright jerker
Walking the plank
Wrongful execution
Aboriginal deaths in custody
Al-Kateb v Godwin
Alternatives to incarceration
Amnesty International
Ankang (asylum)
Ankle monitor
Arab Commission for Human Rights
Arbitrary arrest and detention
Bail (Canada)
Bethany Home
Body cavity search
Broken Lives
Business Solidarity (NGO)
Cell dog
Centro Popular de la Memoria
Chain gang
Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act (Singapore)
Daiyo kangoku
Death in custody
Defend International
Derechos Human Rights
Detention (imprisonment)
Drunk tank
Arthur Charles Evans
Extrajudicial detention
Fair Trials International
False imprisonment
Fellowship of the Dice
Five techniques
Forced disappearance
Forced labor in the Soviet Union
Free Waqar Campaign
Front Line Defenders
Doug Hegdahl
Hirst v United Kingdom (No 2)
House arrest
Chan Htoon
Immigration detention
Indefinite detention
Indefinite imprisonment
Independent custody visitor
Independent Monitoring Board
Inmate Code
International Coalition to End Torture
Involuntary commitment
Jailhouse Jesus
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons
Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group
Lao Veterans of America
Life imprisonment in England and Wales
Local prison
Longford Prize
Loughan House
Magdalene asylum
Mental Health Review Tribunal (England and Wales)
Mary Norris
Novgorod case
Penal colony
Political abuse of psychiatry
Political abuse of psychiatry in Russia
Political prisoner
Principal officer
Prison blogs
Prison farm
Prison officer
Prison register
Prison warden
Prisoner of conscience
Prisoner of war
Prisoner-of-war camp
Prisons in Bahrain
Prisons in Ukraine
Protective custody
Punishment in Laos
Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union
Struggle against political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union
Quiriquina Island
Remand (imprisonment)
Reprieve (organisation)
Senior officer (rank)
Hasan as-Senussi
Slopping out
Society for Human Rights and Prisoners' Aid
Soft detention
Sremska Mitrovica prison
Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice
Stanford prison experiment
Stationhouse bail
Stress position
Sudan Organisation Against Torture
Suicide watch
Tamil Solidarity
Ulster Magdalene Asylum
United Kingdom prison population
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
Youth detention center
Zimbabwe Peace Project
Prison literature
The 120 Days of Sodom
Daniil Andreyev
Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
Between the Bars (blog)
Malcolm Braly
The Cantos
Rubin Carter
Eldridge Cleaver
Consolation of Philosophy
Couldn't Keep It to Myself: Testimonies from Our Imprisoned Sisters
De Profundis (letter)
The Development of Capitalism in Russia
Don Quixote
Dry Guillotine
Epistle to Philemon
Epistle to the Colossians
Epistle to the Ephesians
Epistle to the Philippians
Fanny Hill
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
O. Henry
Infelix ego
Letter from Birmingham Jail
The Letters of Oscar Wilde
Paul Lorrain
Bo Lozoff
Marília de Dirceu
Mein Kampf
Ion Moraru
Le Morte d'Arthur
Our Lady of the Flowers
The Pilgrim's Progress
Prison Notebooks
Alexander Ratiu
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Soul On Ice
To Althea, from Prison
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
The Travels of Marco Polo
Two New Sciences
White Nights (book)
List of memoirs of political prisoners
Frantsishak Alyakhnovich
The Ballad of Reading Gaol
Menachem Begin
Black Silence
Jack Black (author)
A Blighted Life
Born Fighter
Musa Cälil
The Damage Done
Dialogue with Death
Eikon Basilike
The Enormous Room
Escape (David McMillan book)
Fish: A Memoir of a Boy in a Man's Prison
Julius Fučík (journalist)
Guantanamo: My Journey
In the Belly of the Beast
In the Labyrinth (novel)
In the Presence of Mine Enemies: 1965-1973 - A Prisoner of War
Jeffrey Archer's Prison Diaries
Live from Death Row
The Long Holiday
Long Walk to Freedom
Makes Me Wanna Holler
The Man Died: Prison Notes of Wole Soyinka
My Life as a Traitor
My Story (Kray book)
Never Say Die (book)
Papillon (book)
A Prison Diary
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist
James Robinson Risner
Screwed: The Truth About Life as a Prison Officer
Scum of the Earth (book)
Seven Years in Tibet
Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail
Sufferings in Africa
They Called Me the Catch Me Killer
Through the Valley of the Kwai
Jacobo Timerman
To Ruhleben – And Back
Torture Central
The Vietnamese Gulag
A Way of Life: Over Thirty Years of Blood, Sweat and Tears
When Hell was in Session
Francis Yeats-Brown
You Can't Win (book)
Auburn system
Boven-Digoel concentration camp
Box (torture)
Cadena temporal
Compassionate release
Conjugal visit
Constant visual observation
Convict lease
Bernard Coy
Custodial sentence
European Prison Rules
Foreign languages in prisons
Incarceration in Ukraine
Inmate video visitation
Innocent prisoner's dilemma
Labor camp
Laogai Research Foundation
LGBT people in prison
List of longest prison sentences
List of prisoners with whole-life tariffs
Masanjia Labor Camp
Maze Prison escape
Military prison
Edward Morrell
Open prison
Operation Safeguard
Parole board
Pay jail
Penal harm
Penal labour
Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners
Prison abolition movement
Prison cell
Prison consultant
Prison film
Prison food
Jail superintendent
Prison handball
Prison Legal News
Prison library
Prison rape
Prison rape in the United States
Prison ring
Prison riot
Prison ship
Prison tattooing
Prison uniform
Prisoner security categories in the United Kingdom
Prisoners' rights
Private prison
Privatization in criminal justice
Re-education through labor
Reclusione Militare
Rendition aircraft
Secure units for children
Separate system
Solitary confinement
Special Operations Response Team
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
Titan (prison)
Prisoner transport
Viper Island
Youth Justice Board
Gassing (prison slang)
Prisoner abuse
Shiv (weapon)
Immigration detention in the United States
United States Penitentiary, Atlanta
United States Penitentiary, Pollock
Physical punishment
Cropping (punishment)
Cucking stool
Electric shock
Five Punishments
Human branding
Judas cradle
Political mutilation in Byzantine culture
Public humiliation
Tarring and feathering
List of methods of torture
Washing out mouth with soap
Charles-Henri Sanson
Henry-Clément Sanson
Federal Bureau of Prisons
ADX Florence
Criminal record
Background check
Talk:Background check
Canadian Police Information Centre
China Crime Information Center
Crime Information Center
Crime Intelligence Division (SAPS)
Criminal Justice Information Services
Criminal Offender Record Information
Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004
Criminal Records Act
Criminal records in the United States
Disclosure and Barring Service
Disclosure Scotland
Employment discrimination against persons with criminal records
Employment discrimination against persons with criminal records in the United States
Expungement in Texas
Expungement in the United States
FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division
Felony waiver
Interstate Identification Index
Juvenile delinquency
National Crime Information Center
National Crime Information Center Interstate Identification Index
National Identification Service
Police certificate
Police National Computer
Sentence (law)
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (minimum sentence for offences involving trafficking of persons under the age of eighteen years)
Back-to-back life sentences
Community sentence
Conditional sentence (Canada)
Criminal costs
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1997
Criminal sentencing in Canada
Discharge (sentence)
Focal concerns theory
Sentencing Guidelines Council
Life imprisonment
Life imprisonment in New Zealand
Mandatory sentencing
New South Wales Sentencing Council
Order for Lifelong Restriction
Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000
Sentencing Project
Reclusión perpetua
Reparation order
Santos Reyes (prisoner)
Sentencing disparity
Sentencing in England and Wales
Split sentence
Standard scale
Suspended sentence