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If you are viewing my page that means you somehow stumbled upon this or saw that I edited stuff and are checking out this page. Or you just found me some other way. You might not care but here is some information about my profile and me myself. "Dasbeste" is German for "The Best" even though I am the worst person ever. I made that my name because I was learning German and was interested in the German language.

Speaking about languages I also know some Russian. Also I know programming languages I guess they are languages too HTML,JavaScript,Java,Python,CSS. Programming for me is both a hobby and kind of a job as well. I am a musician as well because I do make some music electronically and I make remixes of songs. You might be bored of me and my profile or think my profile is not good enough.

Well I will improve it but it takes time to write out a good bio or profile. Also it even takes time to make a good username sometimes just not as much time. This username might not be the greatest but it is something atleast that. This profile is kind of long and I'm willing to add on more stuff to my profile. You may also notice that I type out long sentences and paragraphs.

Some of that is to explain alot of stuff, some of it is just to stretch out my profile page some more. Also I am a gamer. I used to be a YouTuber since 2015 it lasted until late 2018 when YouTube terminated my account just for making a sex joke. While there are YouTube channels that show video game characters actually having sex available on YouTube.

Alot of other people not just me have complained about YouTube moderation. Hell you probably don't even care that that happened to me as well. So yeah the moderation system is weird but works to some extent atleast. My Wikipedia account was created in late 2017. The paragraphs here on my profile page I try to shorten down to 5 sentences after that I indent a line.

I like gaming, programming, engineering and architectural design. You may or may not care but I'd hope you care whoever the reader may be if your still reading my profile. Thank you for reading down here that means hopefully you care. I hope that you didn't just skim through it in a hurry like "meh who cares." This might be a boring profile but it's decent.

Sure there are some profiles with different colored text, different font and font sizes. I could do that if I went in source editing which I will. There are way better profiles to be honest but also worse.