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The Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados (IMDEA), or Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies, in English, is a project of the Madrid Regional Government , included in the IV Regional Plan of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation 2005-2008 (PRICIT) [1], of which the aim is to put in place advanced research centers and higher education and training in the Community of Madrid [2] [3][4] [5][6] . The project took shape between 2006 and 2008 with the creation of eight IMDEA Institutes[7].



Each of the Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies is managed by an independent foundation. There are currently eight institutes: Institute IMDEA Water, Institute IMDEA Food, Institute IMDEA Social Sciences, Institute IMDEA Energy, Institute IMDEA Materials, Institute IMDEA Nanoscience, Institute IMDEA Networks and Institute IMDEA Software.

Each of these eight institutes specializes in an area of knowledge, as indicated by their names:

  • Institute IMDEA Water is pooling knowledge from experimental, legal and social sciences as well as engineering, with the aim of generating the cross-disciplinary approach required to address water management in the 21st century as efficiently as possible. Its research focuses on the scientific and social aspects of water (supply and demand; quality and quantity; physical, chemical and biological characteristics; time and space variability; watershed processes; and economic, ecological, and equity considerations).
  • Institute IMDEA Food, initially set up with the aim of developing useful research in different food-related areas, such as nutrition and health, or food quality and safety, by agreement from the Scientific Council, has increasingly focused research on Nutritional Genomics, given its international scientific relevance, limited activity in the Community of Madrid, and high potential for transfer in the medium term.
  • Institute IMDEA Social Sciences is a research center for the analysis of the social problems of our time. Among other goals, the Institute seeks to create research groups capable of studying social problems from different intellectual perspectives simultaneously; promote interaction between social scientists and the business community; encourage the youth to do research in the field of social sciences and help them complete their training and education in several disciplines at the same time; and make it easier for social scientists who have trained or are currently doing research outside the Community of Madrid to join the region's science and technology system.
  • Institute IMDEA Energy has been created with the aim of promoting and undertaking R&D in energy-related areas, with the main focus on those topics related to renewable energies and clean energy technologies. The Scientific Program of IMDEA Energy, managed by the Foundation, has been designed with the aim of contributing to the future establishment of a sustainable energy system based on the development of renewable energies and clean energy technologies that have no or minimal environmental impact.
  • Institute IMDEA Nanoscience, created by a joint initiative of the Community of Madrid and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, aims to become a flexible framework where new research groups are created that bring together the best scientists currently working on Nanoscience in the Community of Madrid and renowned researchers from other international institutes, in order to create new teams capable of addressing problems related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The Institute also aims to educate technical and scientific personnel, as well as promoting technology transfer and the creation of businesses, which will help the economic development of Madrid and Spain.

The governing, representative and administrative bodies of the IMDEA institutes are their respective Boards of Trustees. The trustees may be permanent or elected and help bring balance to this body, as some of the trustees are chosen from among internationally renowned scientists, others are experts in areas related to the foundations' goals, working at universities and other research centers on the Board; and others come from businesses that are on the Board. Expert trustees with business experience or recognized professional prestige in the sectors related to the foundations' goals may also be appointed1.

Another important body within the organizational structure of each IMDEA Foundation is the Scientific Council, or Scientific Advisory Board, composed of internationally renowned researchers in the areas related to each Institute's goals. The functions of this Council include advising the Director in the development of the annual action plan and the four-year plan of objectives; evaluating the results of both of these plans; advising the Council on all scientific work submitted for its approval; and making proposals to the Council for the renewal and appointment of internationally renowned trustees.

Also, the Director of each IMDEA Institute must be chosen by the Board of Trustees, from among internationally renowned experts in the areas related to the Foundation's goals who have demonstrable experience in directing groups, projects or institutions.



According to their statutes, the mission of each IMDEA Foundation is "to provide new research capacities, technological development and innovation" in the field of their respective branches of knowledge. These capacities should help to:

  1. Carry out scientific research of international excellence.
  2. Achieve research of excellence and quality, focused and driven by the real needs of society, especially aimed at improving the technology level and competitiveness of the Community of Madrid.
  3. Strengthen collaboration and cooperation with business sectors.
  4. Create a framework that facilitates the incorporation of international researchers, creating or using buildings, infrastructure and equipment in order to conduct internationally competitive research.
  5. Ensure the availability of technologies that will produce tangible results in the medium-long term.
  6. Better exploit research results.
  7. Act as a monitoring and foresight observatory for research in these areas.
  8. Encourage the participation of society, mobilizing its resources in favor of universities, public research bodies and innovation and technology centers in the Community of Madrid.
  9. Contribute towards the training and education of researchers and technicians in cooperation with the academic institutions involved.1


  1. ^ Madrid+d IV Regional Plan of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation(PRICIT)
  2. ^ Madrid Network IMDEA Una forma nueva de hacer ciencia
  3. ^ Madrid.org Inversión de 14,4 millones en los ocho Imdea para fomentar la investigación científica
  4. ^ ABC.es PP asegura que Madrid es la región que más fondos dedica a investigación
  5. ^ Diario Madrid Inversión de 14,4 millones en los ocho Imdea para fomentar la investigación científica
  6. ^ La Voz Libre Madrid potencia la investigación científica con más de 14 millones de euros
  7. ^ Madrid.org Esperanza Aguirre presenta el nuevo Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados