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Saint symbolism: Saints (I–P)

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Saint symbolism has been used from the very beginnings of the religion.[1] Each saint is said to have led an exemplary life and symbols have been used to tell these stories throughout the history of the Church.[2] A number of Christian saints are traditionally represented by a symbol or iconic motif associated with their life, termed an attribute or emblem, in order to identify them. The study of these forms part of iconography in art history.[3] They were particularly used so that the illiterate could recognize a scene, and to give each of the Saints something of a personality in art.[2] They are often carried in the hand by the Saint.

Attributes often vary with either time or geography, especially between Eastern Christianity and the West. Orthodox images more often contained inscriptions with the names of saints, so the Eastern repertoire of attributes is generally smaller than the Western.[c] Many of the most prominent saints, like Saint Peter and Saint John the Evangelist can also be recognised by a distinctive facial type. Some attributes are general, such as the martyr's palm.[4] The use of a symbol in a work of art depicting a Saint reminds people who is being shown and of their story. The following is a list of some of these attributes.

Saints listed by name


Saints (A–H)

Saints (Q–Z)


Article title Attributes
Ida of Toggenburg Deer, or a deer with 12 candles, crow[5]
Ignatius of Antioch bishops vestments, surrounded by lions or in chains[a]
Ignatius of Loyola chasuble, book often inscribed with Ad majorem Dei gloriam, or the letters AMDG, the christogram IHS with a cross across the h (traditionally with three nails below the letters, and the letters and nails surrounded by the sun's rays), sword, cross, biretta [a]
Imelda Lambertini Wearing first communion dress, chapel veil with attached to a chaplet of flowers on her head and rosary[citation needed]
Imerius of Immertal hermit's garb and bird of prey[a]
Indaletius miter, staff and a book in his hands[citation needed]
Inés de Benigánim Religious habit of a Discalced Augustinian nun[citation needed]
Innocent XI Papal attire, Papal tiara, camauro[citation needed]
Innocent of Alaska Vested as a bishop, with a moderately long black beard, holding a Gospel Book or scroll[citation needed]
Innocenzo da Berzo Capuchin habit[citation needed]
Inocencio of Mary Immaculate Passionist habit and Passionist Sign[citation needed]
Irene of Rome Tending to Saint Sebastian[citation needed]
Irene of Tomar martyr's palm[a]
Irene Stefani Religious habit of the Consolata Missionary Sisters[citation needed]
Irmã Dulce Religious habit[clarification needed][citation needed]
Irmgard of Chiemsee crozier of an abbess, flaming heart, Benedictine habit, crown[citation needed]
Irmina of Oeren a church in her hand, signifying her status as a church founder; with two angels above her head, carrying her soul to heaven[6]
Isaac of Dalmatia Clothed as an Eastern monk, sometimes holding a scroll with a quotation from his hagiography, sometimes carrying a paterissa[citation needed]
Isaac of Nineveh Scrolls and books, writing tools[citation needed]
Isabel Cristina Mrad Campos Martyr's palm, Lily flower, rosary[citation needed]
Isaiah With gray hair and beard holding a scroll with words from Isaiah 7:14, (in Latin) ecce virgo concipiet et pariet filium et vocabitur nomen eius Emmanuel (behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be Emmanuel)[b]
Isabel Sánchez Romero Dominican habit, crucifix[citation needed]
Isidore De Loor Passionist habit[citation needed]
Isidore of Seville bees; bishop holding a pen while surrounded by a swarm of bees; bishop standing near a beehive; old bishop with a prince at his feet; pen; priest or bishop with pen and book; with Saint Leander, Saint Fulgentius, and Saint Florentina; with his Etymologiae[a]
Isidore the Laborer peasant holding a sickle and a sheaf of corn, a sickle and staff, as an angel plows for him; or with an angel and white oxen near him. In Spanish art, his attributes are a spade or a plough.[7]
Isnardo da Chiampo Dominican habit[citation needed]
István Sándor (martyr) book, Martyr's palm[citation needed]
Ivo of Kermartin as a lawyer, holding a document, in legal dress[a]


Article title Attributes
Jadwiga of Poland Royal dress and shoes, apron full of roses[citation needed]
James the Less carpenter saw, fuller's club[citation needed]
James of the Marches Depicted holding in his right hand a chalice, out of which a snake is escaping[8]
James the Great Red Martyr, Scallop, Pilgrim's hat[citation needed]
James, brother of Jesus Red Martyr, fuller's club; man holding a book[citation needed]
James, son of Alphaeus Carpenter's saw; fuller's club[citation needed]
Jan Franciszek Macha Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Jan Sarkander Priest's attire[citation needed]
Jan Tyranowski Rosary[citation needed]
Jan Wojciech Balicki Cassock[citation needed]
Janina Szymkowiak Religious habit[citation needed]
János Brenner Cistercian habit[citation needed]
Januarius vials of blood, palms, Mount Vesuvius[citation needed]
Jean de Brébeuf Pyx[citation needed]
Jean-Baptiste de La Salle Book, Christian Brothers habit[citation needed]
Jean-Baptiste Fouque Priest's attire[citation needed]
Jeanne-Antide Thouret Religious habit[citation needed]
Jegudiel Crown, whip[citation needed]
Jerahmeel (archangel) Balance scales[citation needed]
Jeremiah of Wallachia Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Jerome hermitage, lion, hermit wearing a cardinal's galero, vestments of a cardinal, cross, skull, books and writing material, stone in hand[a]
Jerzy Popiełuszko Crucifix[citation needed]
Joachim Piccolomini Servite holding a book and flower[citation needed]
Joachim dressed in green, with book and scroll[9]
Joan of Arc shield, armament, Cross of Lorraine[a]
Joan of France, Duchess of Berry crowned Annonciade abbess, usually with cross and rosary, or holding the hand of the Christ Child, who is holding a basket; Annonciade abbess with basket of bread and cup of wine; with Father Gabriel Mary; having a ring placed on her finger by the Christ Child[citation needed]
Saint Joanna lamb[a]
Joaquina Vedruna de Mas Religious habit[citation needed]
Job of Pochayev Vested as a monk, holding an abbot's crozier[citation needed]
Joel (prophet) Prophet[citation needed]
Johann Philipp Jeningen Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Johannes Laurentius Weiss Franciscan habit, Palm of martyrdom[citation needed]
Johannes Ludovicus Paquay Franciscan habit[citation needed]
John Berchmans Rule of Saint Ignatius, cross, rosary[a]
John Berthier Priest's cassock[citation needed]
John Bosco Cassock, Biretta[citation needed]
John XXIII Papal Vestments, Papal Tiara, Camauro[citation needed]
John Paul I Papal attire, Pallium[citation needed]
John Paul II Papal ferula, Papal vestments[citation needed]
John Calybite Beggar with a Gospel in his hand[citation needed]
John Cantius in a professor's gown with his arm around shoulder of a young student whose gaze is directed towards Heaven; giving his garments to the poor[citation needed]
John Chrysostom Vested as a bishop, holding a Gospel Book or scroll, right hand raised in blessing. He is depicted as emaciated from fasting, with a high forehead, balding with dark hair and a small beard. Symbols: beehive, a white dove, a pan,[10] chalice on a bible, pen and inkhorn [a]
John Climacus Clothed as a monk, sometimes with an Abbot's paterissa (crozier), sometimes holding a copy of his Ladder[citation needed]
John Eudes Priest's attire, Sacred Heart[citation needed]
John Gualbert Benedictine habit[citation needed]
John Henry Newman Cardinal's attire, Oratorian Habit[citation needed]
John Joseph of the Cross Franciscan habit[citation needed]
John Leonardi Priest's cassock, Rule of the Order, quill, mortar and pestle[citation needed]
John of Damascus Severed hand, icon[citation needed]
John of God alms, heart, crown of thorns[a]
John of Matha purse, man in Trinitarian habit, with the white with blue and red cross on the breast, with chains in his hands or at his feet, captives near him, and his mitre at his feet[citation needed]
John of Nepomuk halo of five stars, palm, priestly dress, cross, bridge, angel indicating silence by a finger over the lips, Biretta[citation needed]
John of Sahagún holding a Chalice and host surrounded by rays of light[11]
John of the Cross Carmelite habit, cross, crucifix, book, and a quill[citation needed]
John Righi Franciscan habit[citation needed]
John Soreth Carmelite habit, ciborium[citation needed]
John the Apostle Book, a serpent in a chalice, cauldron, eagle[citation needed]
John the Baptist lamb, head on a platter, animal skin (the camel-skin coat of the Gospels), pointing at Christ or a lamb, often portrayed carrying a long crudely made cross[a]
John the Dwarf Short Monk watering a stick[citation needed]
John the Evangelist Eagle[12]
John the Merciful Bishop's vestment, miter, crosier[citation needed]
John Twenge holding a fish[13]
John Vianney Cassock, surplice, preaching bands, stole, rosary, crucifix, and a Bible[citation needed]
Jón Ögmundsson bishop's staff, miter, book[citation needed]
Jonathan (1 Samuel) Bow and Arrow[citation needed]
Jophiel Flaming sword[citation needed]
Jordan of Bristol Youth, Roman, noble, the habit and tonsure of a monk, hand raised in blessing, bearing bread and wine,[14] companion of Augustine of Canterbury[15]
Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero Priest's cassock, Rosary[citation needed]
José Gálvez Ginachero Lab coat[citation needed]
José Gregorio Hernández Doctor's coat[citation needed]
José Maria de Yermo y Parres Priest's cassock[citation needed]
José Sánchez del Río Crucifix, Palm branch[citation needed]
Josefa Naval Girbés Carmelite habit[citation needed]
Josemaría Escrivá Priest attire, rosary[citation needed]
Josep Manyanet i Vives Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Josep Samsó Elías Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Josep Tous Soler Capuchin habit, Priest's cassock [citation needed]
Joseph of Anchieta Gospel book, crucifix and Walking stick[a]
Joseph, spouse of Mary Christ Child, white lily, rod, plane, carpentry square, often brown robe and/or mantle[a], holding a rod of spikenard[16]
Joseph Cafasso Priest's attire[citation needed]
Joseph Calasanz Cassock, biretta, and ferraiolo[citation needed]
Joseph Gérard Priest's attire[citation needed]
Joseph Kugler Religious habit[citation needed]
Joseph Oriol Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Joseph Vandor Priest's attire[citation needed]
Joseph Vaz Mitre placed to side, holding crucifix, sun icon, Oratorian habit[citation needed]
Joseph Vithayathil Religious habit[citation needed]
Joshua Often depicted with Caleb, carrying the grapes out of Canaan[citation needed]
Jovan Vladimir depicted with a mustache and short beard, wearing a cloak and a crown inscribed with lilies, holding a cross in his right hand, and his severed head in his left hand.[17]
Juan de Castillo (Jesuit) Palm of martyrdom[citation needed]
Juan de Prado Franciscan habit, Sword, Fire[citation needed]
Juan de Ribera Episcopal attire[citation needed]
Juan Diego Tilma with the impressed image of the Virgin Mary, roses[a]
Juan García López-Rico Trinitarian habit, Crucifix[citation needed]
Juan Manuel Martín del Campo Cassock, Stole[citation needed]
Juan Nepomuceno Zegrí Moreno Cassock[citation needed]
Juana de la Cruz Vázquez Gutiérrez Brown habit of the Franciscan Third Order Regular Sisters, holding a large cross[citation needed]
Juana María Condesa Lluch Religious habit[citation needed]
Jude the Apostle Axe, club, boat, oar, medallion[citation needed]
Judoc pilgrim's staff; a crown at his feet[citation needed]
Judicael Warrior king holding a book, crown at his feet, sometimes with the Breton shield of arms[citation needed]
Julia Greeley Rosary, Child, Tau cross[citation needed]
Julia of Corsica Palm of martyrdom, crucifix[citation needed]
Julia Teresa Tallon Religious habit[citation needed]
Julian and Basilissa Palm of martyrdom[citation needed]
Julian of Antioch portrayed as being cast into the sea in a sack full of serpents and scorpions. He may also be shown as his coffin floats with four angels seated on it, or being led bound on a dromedary.[citation needed]
Julian of Le Mans Sometimes pictured as a bishop raising a dead child to life, also shown vanquishing a dragon[citation needed]
Julian of Norwich holding a radiant cross, reading in her writing Revelations of Divine Love, wearing the attire of a anchoress[citation needed]
Julian the Hospitaller Carrying a leper through a river; ferryman; hart; holding an oar; man listening to a talking stag; oar; stag; with Jesus and Saint Martha as patrons of travelers; young hunter with a stag; young man killing his parents in bed; young man wearing a fur-lined cloak, sword, and gloves; young, well-dressed man holding a hawk on his finger[citation needed]
Juliana Falconieri represented in the habit of the Mantellates with a Eucharistic host upon her breast[citation needed]
Juliana of Liège holding a monstrance[citation needed]
Juliana of Nicomedia Represented in pictures with a winged devil whom she leads by a chain. She is also shown enduring various tortures or fighting a dragon.[citation needed]
Julian-Nicolas Rèche De La Sallian habit[citation needed]
Julius of Novara old priest with his staff, sailing on his cloak to Isola Giulio over a lake[citation needed]
Junia (New Testament person) Christian Martyrdom[citation needed]
Junípero Serra Franciscan habit, wearing a large crucifix, or holding a crucifix accompanied by a young Native American boy[citation needed]
Justa and Rufina A model of the Giralda; earthenware pots, bowls and platters; books on which are two lumps of potter's clay; palms of martyrdom; lion[18]
Justin Popović Shown holding a hagiography book[citation needed]
Justin Martyr axe, sword[a]
Justina of Padua martyr's palm, knife, unicorn[a]
Justina of Padua young woman setting a cross on the head of the devil while holding a lily in her hand; young woman with a crown, palm, and sword; young woman with a palm, book, and a sword in her breast; young woman with a unicorn, symbolizing virginity, and palm; young woman with Saint Prosdocimus[citation needed]
Justinian I Imperial Vestment[citation needed]
Justus of Beauvais palm of martyrdom; depicted as young boy[citation needed]
Justus of Trieste Spear, flowers across his chest and holding a palm and cathedral[citation needed]
Juthwara round soft cheese, sword; with Sidwell; as cephalophore[a]
Juvenal of Narni holding a sword in his mouth; holding a chalice[19]
Juvenaly of Alaska Monastic habit, Epitrachelion, Cross[citation needed]


Article title Attributes
Katharine Drexel habit of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament[a]
Kalliopi (martyr) hot iron pressed to her breast[citation needed]
Kamen Vitchev Assumptionist habit, cross, book[citation needed]
Karolina Gerhardinger Religious habit of the School Sisters[citation needed]
Karolina Kózka Lily flowers, martyr's palm, Rosary[citation needed]
Kaspar Stanggassinger Priest's habit[citation needed]
Kateri Tekakwitha turtle, white lily, cross, rosary [a][b]
Katherine of Ledbury ringing bells,[20][21] the footprints of her stolen horse, clairvoyance,[22] herbs and milk[23]
Kentigern bishop with a robin on his shoulder; holding a bell and a fish with a ring in its mouth[24]
Kea hermit with a stag[citation needed]
Kessog in a soldier's habit, holding a bow bent with an arrow in it[citation needed]
Kevin of Glendalough blackbird[a]
Khalīl al-Haddād Franciscan habit, rosary[citation needed]
Kilian wearing a bishop's mitre and wielding a sword[a]
Kinga of Poland Depicted as an abbess; crown[citation needed]
Kjeld of Viborg cassock, book[a]
Knut of Denmark royal insignia, dagger, lance or arrow.[a]
Koloman pilgrim's hat and dress, rope in his hand; hanging on a gibbet; tongs and rod; book and maniple[b]
Kristos Samra Woman with two-sided wings[citation needed]
Kuriakose Elias Chavara Catholic saint, founder and social reformer[citation needed]


Article title Attributes
Ladislaus I of Hungary defended by two angels[25]
Lambert of Maastricht martyr's palm[a], sword[b]
Laureana Franco Rosary, Catechism book[citation needed]
Lawrence of Rome Usually holding a gridiron and wearing a dalmatic[b], cross, evangelistary, martyr's palm, purse of money
Lawrence of Brindisi Leading soldiers against the Turks, With the Infant Jesus[citation needed]
Lazarus of Bethany Sailing to Marseilles[25]
Leander of Seville episcopal attire, pen[a]
Leo I (emperor) Imperial attire[citation needed]
Leobinus depicted on his death-bed receiving the last rites from his successor Saint Caletric[citation needed]
Leocadia Represented with a tower, to signify that she died in prison.[26]
Leodegar holding a hook with two prongs[25]
Leonard Melki Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Leonard of Noblac depicted as an abbot holding chains, fetters or locks, or manacles.[27]
Leonard of Port Maurice Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Leonardo Murialdo Priest's attire, book[citation needed]
Leonella Sgorbati Religious habit[citation needed]
Leonie Aviat Religious habit[citation needed]
Léonie Martin Nun's habit[citation needed]
Leopold III, Margrave of Austria Holding a model of a church[citation needed]
Leopold of Alpandeire Capuchin habit[citation needed]
Leopoldo da Gaiche Crown of thorns, Franciscan habit, Crucifix[citation needed]
Leucius of Brindisi Pastoral Staff[citation needed]
Leudwinus Eagle[citation needed]
Lev of Optina Clothed as a hieromonk, sometimes holding a scroll[citation needed]
Liberalis of Treviso depicted as a knight[citation needed]
Liborius of Le Mans pebbles on a book; peacocks; episcopal attire [28]
Liborius Wagner Cassock, sword, palm[citation needed]
Lindalva Justo de Oliveira Religious habit, Palm[citation needed]
Liphardus Hermit fighting a dragon with a stick[citation needed]
Lodovico Pavoni Cassock, Zucchetto[citation needed]
Lojze Grozde book, palm, snowdrop[citation needed]
Longinus Roman soldier's attire, lance [29]
Lorenzo da Ripafratta Dominican habit[citation needed]
Lorenzo Maria of Saint Francis Xavier Passionist habit, Image of the Child Jesus[citation needed]
Lorenzo Ruiz Rosary in clasped hands, gallows and pit, barong tagalog and black trousers, cross, martyr's palm[a]
Louis Bertrand A chalice containing a snake[30]
Louis Brisson Priest's attire[citation needed]
Louis IX of France royal attire of crown, sceptre, and blue mantle decorated with golden fleur-de-lis, and the other parts of the French regalia; crown of thorns, nails, 'globus cruciger[b]
Louis of Toulouse silk gloves and a richly embroidered cape with a jeweled clasp at the neck[b], boy bishop, often with a discarded crown by his feet; represented vested in pontifical garments and holding a book and a crosier[citation needed]
Louis Querbes Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Louis-Antoine-Rose Ormières Lacase Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Louise de Marillac Widow's clothing[citation needed]
Louise of France Carmelite habit, rosary[citation needed]
Louis-Édouard Cestac Priest's attire[citation needed]
Louis-Marie Baudouin Cassock, Zucchetto[citation needed]
Luca Antonio Falcone Franciscan habit, Rosary, Crucifix[citation needed]
Luca Passi Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Florida Cevoli Religious habit of the Capuchin Poor Clares, crucifix, white lilies[citation needed]
Lucy robe of a virgin, with her eyes on a plate, lamp, sword[a] (also: Cord; woman hitched to a yoke of oxen; woman in the company of Saint Agatha, Saint Agnes of Rome, Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Saint Thecla; woman kneeling before the tomb of Saint Agatha)[citation needed]
Lucy Brocadelli Dominican habit, rosary[citation needed]
Lucy Filippini Religious habit[citation needed]
Ludger Bishop holding a cathedral; reciting his Breviary; with a swan on either side[citation needed]
Ludmila of Bohemia veil[citation needed]
Ludovico Morbioli Crucifix[citation needed]
Ludovico of Casoria Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Ludwika Szczęsna Religious habit, Crucifix, Heart[citation needed]
Luigi Biraghi Cassock[citation needed]
Luigi Boccardo Stole, cassock[citation needed]
Luigi Bordino Sacred Heart[citation needed]
Luigi Caburlotto Priest's cassock, Zucchetto[citation needed]
Luigi Guanella Cassock[citation needed]
Luigi Lenzini Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Luigi Maria Palazzolo Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Luigi Monza Cassock[citation needed]
Luigi Rabatà Carmelite habit, arrow, martyr's palm[citation needed]
Luigi Scrosoppi Priest's cassock, Book, Zucchetto, [citation needed]Rosary
Luigi Talamoni Priest's attire[citation needed]
Luigi Tezza Cassock, Cross[citation needed]
Luigi Variara Cassock[citation needed]
Luigi Versiglia Episcopal attire, martyr's palm, chalice[citation needed]
Luigia Poloni Religious habit, Crucifix[citation needed]
Luka (Voyno-Yasenetsky) Wearing bishop's vestment, pectoral cross and engolpion worn about his neck, miter and crozier.[citation needed]
Lupus of Troyes depicted with a diamond falling from heaven as he celebrates Mass; shown holding a chalice with a diamond in it or at the altar, giving a diamond to a king[31]
Lutgardis as Christ shows her his wounded side; habit and attributes of a Cistercian abbess; being blinded by the Heart of Jesus; nun to whom Christ extends his hand from the cross; in attendance when Christ shows his Heart to the Father[citation needed]
Luxurious Palm branch[citation needed]


Article title Attributes
Máedóc of Ferns Honey bees [citation needed]
Mary Magdalene jar of ointment, long hair, washing Christ's feet, skull, crucifix, red egg[a]
Magdalene of Nagasaki Palm, Augustinian habit (without the typical nun hair net, since she was a lay sister), books[citation needed]
Magnus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney Viking clothing, axe[citation needed]
Magnus of Anagni episcopal attire, martyr's palm[citation needed]
Magnus of Cuneo depicted as a soldier bearing a banner and the martyr's palm[citation needed]
Małgorzata Szewczyk Religious habit, rosary [citation needed]
Malo (saint) Depicted as an abbot and a bishop[citation needed]
Mamertinus of Auxerre depicted lying in his cell before his death[25]
Mami Wata Snakes, pearls, gold, diamonds[citation needed]
Mamilian of Palermo episcopal attire[citation needed]
Mammes of Caesarea lion[citation needed]
Manuel Aparici Navarro Priest's cassock [citation needed]
Manuel Domingo y Sol Priest's cassock [citation needed]
Manuel Lozano Garrido Newspaper, Rosary, Pen[citation needed]
Manuel Míguez González Priest's attire [citation needed]
Manuel Solórzano martyr's palm [citation needed]
Manuela de Jesús Arias Espinosa Religious habit[citation needed]
Marcantonio Durando Priest's cassock [citation needed]
Marcellinus and Peter Depicted as two tonsured men holding crowns; martyr's palm; depicted alongside St. Pollio[32]
Marcello Labor Priest's attire [citation needed]
Marcian of Tortona martyr's palm[citation needed]
Marciana of Mauretania represented with a leopard and bull near her[25]
Marco da Montegallo Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Marco d'Aviano Franciscan habit [citation needed]
Marco Passionei Franciscan habit, crucifix, book[citation needed]
Margaret of Castello a lily and a heart[25]
Margaret of Hungary (saint) A lily and a book[25]
Margaret of Scotland reading the bible[a]
Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury martyr's palm, rosary, tunic bearing the Five Wounds of Christ [citation needed]
Margaret the Virgin dragon, sometimes in chains, cross, hammer[a]
Margareta Ebner Dominican habit[citation needed]
Margaretha Flesch Religious habit[citation needed]
Margarito Flores García palm[citation needed]
Margherita Colonna Poor Clares habit[citation needed]
Marguerite Bays rosary, Stigmata [citation needed]
Marguerite Rutan Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Adeodata Pisani Benedictine habit, crucifix, bible[citation needed]
Maria Angela Astorch Crosier, monstrance, breviary, Baby Jesus [citation needed]
Maria Angela Picco Religious habit[citation needed]
María Angélica Pérez Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Anna Donati Religious habit, crucifix [citation needed]
Maria Anna Rosa Caiani Nun's habit[citation needed]
Maria Anna Sala Religious habit[citation needed]
María Antonia Bandrés Elósegui Religious habit[citation needed]
María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa Religious habit, crucifix [citation needed]
Maria Assunta Pallotta Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Bagnesi Dominican habit, crucifix, dagger[citation needed]
Maria Bernarda Bütler Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Candida of the Eucharist Carmelite habit[citation needed]
María Catalina Irigoyen Echegaray Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Caterina Troiani Nun's habit, crucifix [citation needed]
Maria Clara of the Child Jesus Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Costanza Panas Franciscan habit [citation needed]
Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception Brando Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Crocifissa Curcio Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Crocifissa di Rosa Religious habit[citation needed]
María de la Purísima Salvat Romero Religious habit, rosary, Book of Hours[citation needed]
María de las Maravillas de Jesús Discalced Carmelite habit, holding the rule of the order[citation needed]
Maria De Mattias Foundress[clarification needed][citation needed]
María del Carmen González-Ramos García-Prieto de Muñoz Religious habit[citation needed]
María del Tránsito Cabanillas Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Domenica Mantovani Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Dulce Rodrigues dos Santos Nun's habit[citation needed]
Maria Elisabetta Renzi Religious habit, crucifix [citation needed]
María Emilia Riquelme y Zayas Religious habit[citation needed]
María Francisca Ricart Olmos Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Gargani Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Giovanna Fasce Augustinian habit [citation needed]
Maria Giuseppa Rossello Religious habit, book, lily[citation needed]
Maria Goretti fourteen white lilies; humble clothing; (occasionally) a knife; martyr's palm[citation needed]
Maria Grazia Tarallo Nun's habit, Scapular [citation needed]
María Guadalupe García Zavala Religious habit[citation needed]
María Guggiari Echeverría Discalced Carmelite habit [citation needed]
Maria Hueber Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Josefa Alhama y Valera Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Josefa Karolina Brader Religious habit[citation needed]
María Josefa Sancho de Guerra Book|Religious habit, Sash, rosary [citation needed]
Maria Karłowska Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Katharina Kasper Religious habit, crucifix [citation needed]
Maria Katherina Scherer Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Laura Mainetti Martyr's palm, rosary [citation needed]
Maria Llorença Llong Religious habit[citation needed]
María López de Rivas Martínez Nun's habit, crucifix [citation needed]
Maria Maddalena Martinengo Nun's habit, crucifix, rosary, White flowers[citation needed]
Maria Magdalena Jahn Religious habit, rosary, crucifix [citation needed]
Blandine Merten Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Merkert Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Micaela Desmaisieres Religious habit[citation needed]
María Natividad Venegas de la Torre Nun's habit, heart [citation needed]
Maria Pia Mastena Religious habit[citation needed]
María Pilar Izquierdo Albero Religious habit[citation needed]
María Pilar López de Maturana Ortiz de Zárate Religious habit[citation needed]
María Rafols Bruna Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Repetto Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Ripamonti Religious habit[citation needed]
María Romero Meneses Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Schininà Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Scrilli crucifix, Carmelite habit [citation needed]
Maria Soledad Torres y Acosta Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Teresa Casini Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Teresa Merlo Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Teresa of St. Joseph Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Therese von Wüllenweber Nun's habit[citation needed]
Maria Theresia Bonzel Nun's habit[citation needed]
Maria Troncatti Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Velotti Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Vicenta Rosal Religious habit[citation needed]
Maria Vittoria De Fornari Strata Religious habit[citation needed]
Mariam Baouardy Carmelite Nun's habit [citation needed]
Mariam Thresia Chiramel Religious habit[citation needed]
Mariam Vattalil Religious habit[citation needed]
Mariana de Jesús de Paredes Lily, black cassock embroidered with the Christogram of IHS[citation needed]
Mariana Navarro de Guevarra Romero Religious habit, Cross, Lily, Heart [citation needed]
Marianna Fontanella Carmelite habit, crucifix, White flower[citation needed]
Mariano Arciero Priest's attire, crucifix [citation needed]
Mariano da Roccacasale Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Mariano de Jesús Euse Hoyos Priest's cassock [citation needed]
Mariano de la Mata Priest's attire[citation needed]
Marie Anne Blondin Religious habit[citation needed]
Marie Deluil-Martiny Religious habit of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus, Sacred Heart
Marie-Léonie Paradis religious habit of a Sister of the Holy Family, rosary, crucifix
Marie of Oignies protected from rain by the Virgin Mary sheltering her with her mantle[citation needed]
Marie of the Incarnation (Carmelite) Religious habit[citation needed]
Marie of the Incarnation (Ursuline) Religious habit[citation needed]
Marie-Alphonsine Danil Ghattas Religious habit, rosary [citation needed]
Marie-Anne-Marcelle Mallet Religious habit[citation needed]
Marie-Clémentine Anuarite Nengapeta Religious habit[citation needed]
Marie-Élisabeth Turgeon Nun's habit, crucifix [citation needed]
Marie-Eugène de l'Enfant-Jésus Carmelite habit[citation needed]
Marie-Eugénie de Jésus Religious habit[citation needed]
Marie-Geneviève Meunier Religious habit[citation needed]
Marie-Madeleine Postel Religious habit, crucifix [citation needed]
Marie-Marguerite d'Youville Religious habit[citation needed]
Marie-Rosalie Cadron-Jetté Religious habit[citation needed]
Marinus Depicted with a stonemason's hammer and tools; two oxen near him.[25]
Mario Ciceri Priest's cassock [citation needed]
Mark of Ephesus Long white beard, vested as a bishop, holding a scroll in one hand and Cross in the other[citation needed]
Markella Martyr's palm, cross, scroll, (occasionally) being beheaded by her father.[citation needed]
Marko Krizin Martyr's palm [citation needed]
Marta Anna Wiecka Religious habit[citation needed]
Martha broom, keys, tarasque,[33] aspergillum, dragon[a]
Martial bishop raising the dead to life[25]
Martin de Porres broom, a cat, dog and a mouse eating from the same plate[b]
Martin of Tours geese; armament of a Roman soldier, sharing his cloak with a beggar[a]
Martina of Rome palm of martyrdom[citation needed]
Martyrs of Libya crown of martyrdom, orange jumpsuits, martyr's palm, crucifix[citation needed]
Martyrs of Albania Palm [citation needed]
Martyrs of Algeria Palm of martyrdom, Trappist habit [citation needed]
Martyrs of Jasenovac Profession of faith, dove, martyr's palm, religious habit[citation needed]
Martyrs of Laos Palm, Priest's cassock [citation needed]
Martyrs of Natal Priest's attire, Palm branch [citation needed]
Martyrs of Prague Franciscan habit, Palm branch [citation needed]
Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War Crown of martyrdom, Martyr's palm, rosary [citation needed]
Martyrs of Zenta Priest's cassock, Palm branch [citation needed]
Mary de Cervellione Lily, boat, stormy sea[citation needed]
Mary Elizabeth Lange Religious habit, rosary [citation needed]
Mary Frances Schervier Religious habit[citation needed]
Mary Magdalene Western: alabaster box of ointment; a skull on top of a book. Eastern: container of ointment (as a myrrhbearer), or holding a red egg (symbol of the resurrection); embracing the feet of Christ after the Resurrection [citation needed]
Mary of Bethany Woman holding an alabaster jar of perfume (myrrh) and holding her hair[citation needed]
Mary of Jesus de León y Delgado Dominican Religious habit, a rosary, the image of the Baby Jesus with laurel [citation needed]
Massacre of the Innocents Martyr's palm, Crown of martyrdom [citation needed]
Materiana crown; widow's robe.[citation needed]
Maurus scales, spade, crutch[a]
Menas of Crete two camels[a]
Mercurius Martyr's palm[citation needed]
Mateo Elías Nieves Castillo Cassock [citation needed]
Matilda purse, alms[a]
Matilde Salem brooch with the image of the Immaculate Conception [citation needed]
Matteo Ricci Chinese Confucian scholar robes holding a crucifix and book [citation needed]
Matthias the Apostle axe, Christian martyrdom [citation needed]
Mattia Ciccarelli Augustinian habit, Eucharist [citation needed]
Mattia de Nazarei Religious habit, book[citation needed]
Maurice soldier in armour, soldier being executed with other soldiers, sub-saharan African in full armour, banner with red cross (the badge of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus)[a]
Maurice Tornay Augustinian habit [citation needed]
Maurice-Marie-Matthieu Garrigou Cassock, Zucchetto [citation needed]
Maurus of Parentium bishop holding the crown of martyrdom in his hand
Maurus, Pantalemon and Sergius Mauro is represented in robes of a bishop with a book. Sergio and Pantaleone, in military attire, on a horse, while raising a flag with red cross on a white background[citation needed]
Maximilian Kolbe Franciscan habit, the Rycerz Niepokalanej, Nazi concentration prison uniform, Nazi concentration camp badge, crucifix, rosary, and a palm of martyrdom [citation needed]
Maximin of Trier depicted receiving Saint Athanasius at Trier; book; model of a church; bear at his side; commanding a bear to carry his things. [citation needed]
Maximus of Turin depicted as a bishop pointing at a roe [citation needed]
Mechtilde Scales and a sword, heart, book and dove[citation needed]
Medardus Episcopal garments[citation needed]
Meinrad of Einsiedeln two ravens[citation needed]
Melchor Chyliński Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Menas of Egypt Christian Martyrdom, man with his hands cut off and his eyes torn out; man with two camels; young knight with a halberd, an anachronistic depiction of his time in the Roman army [citation needed]
Menina Izildinha Flowers[citation needed]
Mercè Prat i Prat Teresian habit, Palm[citation needed]
Michael (archangel) Archangel; treading on a dragon, carrying a banner, scales, sword, and weighing souls[a]
Michael de Sanctis depicted kneeling before an altar where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed[citation needed]
Michael Hồ Đình Hy Hanfu, Song official headwear, Martyr's palm, Dadao [citation needed]
Michael J. McGivney Priest attire, Books, Rosary[citation needed]
Michał Giedroyć crucifix [citation needed]
Michał Sopoćko Cassock [citation needed]
Michel Garicoïts Priest's attire [citation needed]
Michele Carcano cross, skull [citation needed]
Michelina of Pesaro Widow, pilgrim, and Franciscan tertiaries [citation needed]
Miguel Febres Cordero Priest's cassock [citation needed]
Miguel Pro Execution in a cruciform posture, Crown of martyrdom, Martyr's palm, rosary [citation needed]
Mildrith Princess's crown, Abbess' crozier, hind [citation needed]
Miliau depicted afs a cephalophore; in royal garb[citation needed]
Minias of Florence Depicted as a young prince holding a crown; crowned with a rod and palm; crowned with a lily, rod and palm; carrying his severed head[c]
Miroslav Bulešić Book, Palm, Priest's attire [citation needed]
Modomnoc bees[citation needed]
Monica girdle, tears[a]
Monon Standing with a cow.[citation needed]
Moses Tablets of the Law [citation needed]
Mother Teresa Missionaries of Charity habit, rosary [citation needed]
Moura Martyr's palm[citation needed]


Saint Symbol
Nano Nagle holding a lantern[34]
Narcissus of Jerusalem Depicted as a bishop holding a thistle in blossom; pitcher of water near him, an angel depicted carrying his soul to Heaven[25]
Nazarius and Celsus depicted as a man and boy walking on the sea[35]
Neagoe Basarab Crown, Cross, Sword, Scroll, Hesychast[citation needed]
Nectarios of Aegina Wearing a sakkos, omophorion worn about his shoulder, holding a book and epanokalimavkion[citation needed]
Neot fish[a]
Nestor of Magydos Vested as a bishop holding a cross[25]
Nicasius, Quirinus, Scubiculus, and Pientia Dragon (Quirinus)[36]
Nicolás Factor Franciscan habit, skull, fire [b]
Nicholas I rooster[37]
Nicholas of Myra Vested as a Bishop. In Eastern Christianity, wearing an omophorion and holding a Gospel Book. Sometimes shown with Jesus Christ over one shoulder, holding a Gospel Book, and with the Theotokos over the other shoulder, holding an omophorion, holding three golden balls or coins, crozier, anchor, boat, children, wheat sheaves[a]
Nicholas of Tolentino Augustinian holding a bird on a plate in the right hand and a crucifix on the other hand; holding a basket of bread, giving bread to a sick person; holding a lily or a crucifix garlanded with lilies; with a star above him or on his breast[38]
Nicodemus the Hagiorite Long white beard, monastic garb, often writing on a scroll, or in a book[citation needed]
Nicola da Forca Palena Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Nicola da Gesturi Capuchin habit[citation needed]
Nicola Mazza Priest's attire, Children at his side[citation needed]
Nicola Paglia Dominican habit[citation needed]
Nicola Saggio Crucifix, habit of the Minims[citation needed]
Nicolás Factor Franciscan habit, Skull, Fire[39]
Nicolò Cortese Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Nicolò Politi Staff[citation needed]
Nicolò Rusca Crucifix[citation needed]
Nicomedes club set with spikes[25]
Nikolaj Velimirović Vested as a bishop[citation needed]
Nikolaus Gross Palm branch
Nilus the Younger holding an oil lamp[25]
Nimatullah Kassab Religious habit, prayer rope[citation needed]
Ninian Episcopal, clogrinny, or the Bell of St. Ninian[40][a]
Nino Grapevine cross[citation needed]
Ninnoc stag at her feet[41]
Nonnosus oil lamp or hanging lamp, rock,[42] depicted sometimes as a Benedictine monk (in black habit) or as an abbot with a staff or as a deacon wearing a dalmatic[43]
Norbert of Xanten monstrance, cross with two beams[a][44]
Notburga Ear of corn, or flowers and a sickle or a scythe in her hand[25]
Notker the Stammerer A rod; Benedictine habit; book in one hand and a broken rod in the other with which he strikes the Devil[citation needed]
Nuno Álvares Pereira Knight, sword, fleur-de-lis, Carmelite Habit,
Nunzio Sulprizio Rosary, Anvil[citation needed]


Saint Symbol
Obitius depicted as a warrior on horseback[citation needed]
Oda of Scotland wearing a long blue gown with one shoulder bare, carrying a staff or a book; magpie on her hand and a crown under her feet[a]
Odile of Alsace Abbess praying before an altar; woman with a book on which lie two eyes[45]
Odo of Novara Carthusian habit, Staff[citation needed]
Olaf of Norway crown, axe, standing in a Viking boat[a]
Olinto Marella Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Onesiphorus Martyr's palm[citation needed]
Onuphrius old hermit dressed only in long hair and a loincloth of leaves; hermit with an angel bringing him the Eucharist or bread; hermit with a crown at his feet[46][47]
Opportuna of Montreuil carrying an abbess's crozier and a casket of relics. She may also be shown with the Virgin appearing at her deathbed or as a princess with a basket of cherries and a fleur-de-lys[48]
Origen self-castration, monastic habit[citation needed]
Orontius of Lecce Episcopal attire; smashes pagan idols at his feet[49]
Osanna of Mantua Dominican tertiary wearing a crown of thorns and surrounded by rays of light; Dominican with the devil under her feet; a broken heart with a crucifix springing from it; a lily; two angels, one with a lily, one with a cross[citation needed]
Osgyth Depicted carrying her own head, represented in art with a stag behind her and a long key hanging from her girdle, or otherwise carrying a key and a sword crossed, a device which commemorates St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Andrew[50]
Oswald of Northumbria king in crown, carrying sceptre and orb, ciborium, sword, palm-branch, and/or with his raven[citation needed]
Othmar Crozier and wine barrel[citation needed]


Article title Attributes
Pachomius the Great Hermit in a garb, Hermit crossing the Nile on the back of a crocodile[citation needed]
Pacificus of Ceredano Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Pacificus of San Severino Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Padre Pio Stigmata, Franciscan habit, miracles, and sacerdotal vestments[citation needed]
Palladius of Embrun episcopal attire[citation needed]
Pancras of Rome Roman legion armour, martyr's palm branch, book, quill, sword[citation needed]
Pancras of Taormina depicted as an old man with yellowing grey hair, vested as a bishop, holding a cross in his right hand, and a Gospel book in his left[citation needed]
Pancras sword, martyr's palm[a]
Pantaenus lecturing from a pulpit[citation needed]
Pantaleon nailed hands[a]
Paola Gambara Costa Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Paolo Manna Priest's attire[citation needed]
Paraskevi of Iconium Robe of martyrdom, vessel of perfume, Eastern cross, scroll[citation needed]
Pardus the Hermit lion[citation needed]
Paschal Baylón Monstrance, Franciscan habit, standing before the Eucharist[citation needed]
Patrick cross, harp, serpent, baptismal font, demons, shamrock[a]
Patroclus of Troyes depicted as a warrior pointing to a fish with a pearl in its mouth[citation needed]
Paul the Apostle sword, book or scroll, horse, long, pointed beard, and balding backwards from forehead.[a]
Paul VI Papal vestments, Papal tiara, Pallium[citation needed]
Paul Chong Hasang Hanbok and gat, crucifix, palm of martyrdom[citation needed]
Paul Miki palm, cross, spear[citation needed]
Paul of Taganrog Monastic habit, Prosphora[citation needed]
Paul of the Cross Passionist habit, crucifix[citation needed]
Paul of Thebes Two lions, palm tree, raven[citation needed]
Paula Montal Fornés Religious habit[citation needed]
Paula of Rome Depicted as a Hieronymite abbess with a book, depicted as a pilgrim, often with Jerome and Eustochium, depicted prostrate before the cave at Bethlehem, depicted embarking in a ship, while a child calls from the shore, weeping over her children, with the instruments of the Passion, holding a scroll with Saint Jerome's epistle Cogite me Paula, with a book and a black veil fringed with gold, or with a sponge in her hand.[51]
Pauline Mallinckrodt Religious habit[citation needed]
Pausicacus of Synada Vested as a bishop[citation needed]
Pedro Armengol Mercedarian habit, Rope|Palm of martyrdom[citation needed]
Pedro Calungsod martyr's palm, spear, bolo, doctrina christiana book, rosary, christogram, crucifix[a]
Pedro de Arbués Religious habit, Palm, Sword[citation needed]
Pelágio Sauter Priest's attire[citation needed]
Penitent thief Wearing a loincloth and either holding his cross or being crucified, sometimes depicted in Paradise[citation needed]
Pere Tarrés i Claret Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Peregrina Mogas Fontcuberta Religious habit[citation needed]
Peregrine (martyr) Chi Rho on his chest, in a dungeon with the rack, the scourge, clubs or fire's flames[citation needed]
Peregrine Laziosi one leg covered in a cancerous sore, a staff[citation needed]
Peregrine of Auxerre converting pagans, overturning idols, founding Auxerre cathedral,[52] sometimes in the dress of a pilgrim in reference to his name (peregrinus means pilgrim in Latin), snake[53]
Perpetuus Depicted as a bishop directing the building of a church. Sometimes the sick may be shown being healed at his tomb or as his relics are carried in procession[citation needed]
Petroc Wolf, stag, church[citation needed]
Peter of Saint Joseph de Betancur bell, Franciscan habit and the lance from the Shepherd's leap.[a]
Petar Zimonjić Vested as a bishop[citation needed]
Peter and Fevronia of Murom crown, sword, dove, scroll, white daisy, monastic habit[citation needed]
Peter Chanel Gentle, kind, encouraging[citation needed]
Peter Damian represented as a cardinal bearing a knotted rope in his hand, also as a pilgrim holding a papal Bull, Cardinal's hat, Benedictine habit[citation needed]
Peter de Regalado Flames bursting from his heart[citation needed]
Peter Donders Priest's attire[citation needed]
Peter Fourier Chaplet, pictures of the Virgin Mary[citation needed]
Peter Friedhofen Priest's attire[citation needed]
Peter González Dominican holding a blue candle or a candle with a blue flame, Dominican lying on his cloak which is spread over hot coals, Dominican holding fire in his bare hands, Dominican catching fish with his bare hands, Dominican beside the ocean, often holding or otherwise protecting a ship[citation needed]
Peter Julian Eymard Eucharist, Monstrance, Eucharistic Adoration, Eucharistic Congress, Cope, Humeral Veil, Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, Real Presence[citation needed]
Peter of Alcántara Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Peter of Jesus Maldonado priestly vestments, stole, palm, monstrance, Eucharist, Nocturnal Adoration pendant, Knight of Columbus pendant[citation needed]
Peter of Krutitsy Vested as a bishop, right hand raised in blessing[citation needed]
Peter of Saint Joseph de Betancur Holds a walking stick and bell. Occasionally it also represents a spear canary pastor.[54]
Peter of Verona Dominican with a hatchet in his head or a severe head wound, or writing the words "Credo in Deum" as he dies[citation needed]
Peter the Aleut portrayed as an Aleut youth, wearing a traditional gut parka[55]
Peter the Wonderworker Vested as a bishop, holding a Gospel Book, right hand raised in blessing, making the Christogram ICXC[citation needed]
Peter To Rot Martyr's palm, crucifix worn as a necklace, sometimes holding a globus cruciger[citation needed]
Petronius of Bologna Depicted as a bishop holding a model of Bologna in his hand[citation needed]
Petronilla broom and/or a set of keys, dolphin[a]
Pharaildis shown with a goose at her feet[56]
Philip Benizi de Damiani Habit of the Servite Order, Lily, book, papal tiara[citation needed]
Philip II, Metropolitan of Moscow Vested as a hierarch with omophorion, holding a Gospel Book, with his right hand raised in blessing. Iconographically, he is depicted with a medium-sized dark beard with flecks of grey[citation needed]
Philip of Jesus spear, palm branch, cross[citation needed]
Philip the Apostle Red Martyr, Elderly, bearded man, holding a basket of loaves and a Tau cross[citation needed]
Philomena Youth, palm of martyrdom, flower crown, orange or white robes, palm, arrows, anchor, sometimes a partially slit throat[citation needed]
Philip Neri white lily[a]
Philomena anchor, martyr's palm, crown of roses, arrows[a], holding white lilies[citation needed]
Piatus of Tournai holding top part of his skull[citation needed]
Pierina Morosini Martyr's palm, Lily flower, Rosary[citation needed]
Pierre Bonhomme Cassock[citation needed]
Pierre Vigne Crucifix, Staff[citation needed]
Pierre-Adrien Toulorge White habit, palm[citation needed]
Pierre-François Jamet Cassock, Legion of Honor[citation needed]
Pierre-Joseph Cassant Cassock, Trappist habit[citation needed]
Pierre-René Rogue Palm[citation needed]
Pietro Bonilli Cassock[citation needed]
Pietro Casani Priest's cassock, Crucifix[citation needed]
Pietro Corradini Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Pietro Gambacorta Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Pietro Geremia Dominican habit[citation needed]
Pietro Pettinaio Comb, finger on the lips for silence, Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Pino Puglisi Priest's cassock[citation needed]
Piotr Kosiba Franciscan habit[citation needed]
Pishoy Monk carrying Jesus, Monk washing the feet of Jesus[citation needed]
Pius V Papal vestments, Papal tiara, Dominican habit[citation needed]
Pius VII Papal attire, Papal tiara, Benedictine habit[citation needed]
Pius IX Papal attire, Papal tiara[citation needed]
Pius XII Papal vestments, Papal tiara, Pectoral cross[citation needed]
Pius of Saint Aloysius Passionist habit[citation needed]
Placide Viel Religious habit[citation needed]
Placidus being rescued from drowning[citation needed]
Poemen hermit, ascetic[citation needed]
Polycarp Wearing the pallium, holding a book representing his Epistle to the Philippians[citation needed]
Pompeia of Langoat Queen holding a distaff, book at her feet[citation needed]
Pompilio Maria Pirrotti Priest's cassock, Crucifix[citation needed]
Pontianus of Spoleto young man holding a sword[citation needed]
Porphyry of Gaza vested as a bishop with omophorion, often holding a Gospel Book, with his right hand raised in blessing[citation needed]
Potitus martyr's palm[citation needed]
Primus and Felician As portrayed at their martyrdom: St Felician is nailed to a tree and St Primus is forced to swallow molten lead[citation needed]
Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (1864–1918) Religious habit[citation needed]
Priscilla and Aquila Crown of martyrdom, Martyr's palm, cross[citation needed]
Procopius of Sázava devil ploughing before him, depicted as an abbot with a book and whip, devil at his feet, with a stag (or hind) near him, with Saints Adelbert, Ludmila, and Vitus, hermit with a skull and a girdle of leaves[citation needed]
Prosdocimus Depicted as a bishop holding a jar. Sometimes he is shown with Saint Justina of Padua to whom he was a spiritual father according to a medieval source. He may be depicted wearing a Benedictine habit.[citation needed]
Prosper of Reggio Book, model of Reggio Emilia, episcopal dress[citation needed]
Protus and Hyacinth Depicted as two young men, holding the crowns of martyrdom[citation needed]
Publius Shown with a lion next to him[citation needed]
Pudentiana Oil lamp, laurel wreath (for Christ)[citation needed]

See also



  1. "List of saints". Catholic Online. Your Catholic Voice Foundation.
  2. Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Iconography". Christian Iconography.
  3. Rabenstein, Katherine (April 1999). "Saint of the Day Master Index". St. Patrick Catholic Church. Archived from the original on April 20, 2018.


  1. ^  This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainHerbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). "Symbolism". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  2. ^ a b Mayernik, David T. (2018). "A Vast, Immeasurable Sanctuary: Iconography for Churches". Sacred Architecture Journal. 5: 22.
  3. ^ "Eastern Orthodox and Catholic teaching about Icons".
  4. ^ Hassett, M. (1911). "Palm in Christian Symbolism". The Catholic Encyclopedia.
  5. ^ Schäfer, Joachim. "Biographien: Idda von Toggenburg" (in German). Heiligen Lexikon. Retrieved May 27, 2021.
  6. ^ Dunbar, Agnes B.C. (1901). A Dictionary of Saintly Women. London: George Bell & Sons. pp. 413–414
  7. ^ d, d. "Isidore and Maria, Patron Saints of Farmers". d. National Catholic Rural Life Conference. Archived from the original on April 6, 2013. Retrieved April 6, 2013.
  8. ^ Santi e Beati "San Giacomo della Marca" [1](in Italian)
  9. ^ "St. Joachim, Father of the Most Blessed Virgin: Feast July 26th". St. Joachim Parish, Bellmawr, New Jersey. Retrieved July 11, 2020.
  10. ^ "Catholic-forum.com". Archived from the original on January 17, 2008.
  11. ^ Mershman, Francis. "St. John of Sahagun." The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 8. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 23 October 2021Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  12. ^ Fonck, L. (1910). St. John the Evangelist. In The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York: Robert Appleton Company). Retrieved 14 August 2017 from New Advent.
  13. ^ St Andrew, Hempstead, The Norfolk Churches
  14. ^ McIldowie-Jenkins, Helen. "St Jordan of Bristol". Elenis Icons. Retrieved October 13, 2018.
  15. ^ James, M.R. (1895). Descriptive Catalogue of the MSS in the Library of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 62–5.
  16. ^ "Lo Stemma di Papa Francesco". L'Osservatore Romano (Vatican website). Retrieved March 18, 2013. il fiore di nardo indica San Giuseppe...Nella tradizione iconografica ispanica, infatti, San Giuseppe è raffigurato con un ramo di nardo in mano, translates as "the spikenard represents Saint Joseph...In the Hispanic iconographic tradition, in fact, St Joseph is depicted with a branch of spikenard in his hand"
  17. ^ Novaković, Stojan (1893). Први основи словенске књижевности међу балканским Словенима: Легенда о Владимиру и Косари (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Royal Academy. p. 136.
  18. ^ Stracke, Richard. "Rufina and Justa". Christian Iconography.
  19. ^ "Juvenal of Narni". Saint of the Day, May 3. SaintPatrickDC.org.
  20. ^ Clay, Rotha Mary (1914). The Hermits and Anchorites of England. London: Methuen. p. 74–75.
  21. ^ Wordsworth, William. "St. Catherine of Ledbury". Bartleby. Retrieved December 1, 2018.
  22. ^ "CATHERINE, SAINT," in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 5, "Cat" to "Celt". July 23, 2010. Retrieved December 1, 2018 – via Project Gutenberg.
  23. ^ Parr, Frank (1881). "Katherine Audley, of Ledbury". The Antiquary. Vol. 3. London: E. Stock. p. 186.
  24. ^ "Saint Kentigern". Patron Saints Index. Archived from the original on 6 March 2012. Retrieved 14 November 2012.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Husenbeth, Frederick Charles. Emblems of Saints: By which They are Distinguished in Works of Art, Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1860
  26. ^ Kirsch, Johann Peter (1910). "St. Leocadia". The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  27. ^ Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Saint Leonard". Christian Iconography.
  28. ^ Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Saint Liborius". Christian Iconography.
  29. ^ Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Saint Longinus". Christian Iconography.
  30. ^ Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Saint Louis Bertrand". Christian Iconography.
  31. ^ "July 29". Saint of the Day.
  32. ^ Amore, Agostino (November 5, 2008). "Santi Marcellino e Pietro". Santi e Beati. Retrieved January 9, 2009.
  33. ^ "Saint Martha". Saints.sqpn.com.
  34. ^ Antoine, Pádraig (June 20, 2013). "Nano Nagle Sculpture at Ballygriffin" (PDF). Presentation Sisters. Retrieved April 28, 2022.
  35. ^ "Saints Nazarius and Celsus". Saint of the Day. St. Patrick Catholic Church. Archived from the original on May 2, 2014.
  36. ^ Baring-Gould, Sabine (1898). "The Lives of the Saints". The Lives of the Saints.
  37. ^ Adler, Jerry; Lawler, Andrew. "How the Chicken Conquered the World". Smithsonian. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved June 1, 2012.
  38. ^ Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Nicholas of Tolentino". Christian Iconography.
  39. ^ Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Nicholas Factor". Christian Iconography.
  40. ^ Huddleston, G (1911). "St. Ninian". The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  41. ^ Dunbar, Agnes Baillie Cunninghame (1904). A Dictionary Of Saintly Women, Volume 2. London : Bell. p. 106.
  42. ^ "Nonnosus". Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon. Retrieved August 23, 2008.
  43. ^ Götz, Roland. "Nonnosus" (in German). Erzbistum München and Freising. Retrieved August 23, 2008.
  44. ^ "Norbert von Xanten" (in German). Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon.
  45. ^ Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Saint Odile of Alsace: The Iconography". Christian Iconography.
  46. ^ "Saint Onuphrius". Patron Saints Index. August 4, 2008. Archived from the original on August 4, 2008.
  47. ^ Stracke, Richard (October 20, 2015). "Saint Onuphrius: The Iconography". Christian Iconography.
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