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Portal:Saints/Saint of the day/March

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March 1

Abdalong of Marseilles; Abundantius; Adrianus; Adrianus, Hermes, Felix, Januarius & Companions; Adrianus, Victurus & Secundilla; Aemilianus; Agapius; Agapius of Vatopedi; Albinus of Angers; Bonavita; Christopher of Milan; Saint David; Pope Felix III; George Herbert; Peter Rene Roque; Roger Le Fort; Rudesind; Swithbert;

March 2

Agatho; Agnes of Bohemia; Ailred of Rievaulx; Angela de la Cruz Guerrero Gonzalez; Chad of Mercia; Charles the Good; Fulco of Neuilly; Henry Suso; Joavan; Martyrs under the Lombards;

March 3

Ailred of Rievaulx; Anselm of Nonantola; Arthelais; Astyrius; Cunigunde of Luxembourg; Gervinus; Innocent of Berzo; Jacopino of Canepaci; Marinus the Soldier; Non; Serlo; Teresa Verzeri; Saint Winwaloe;

March 4

Achatius, Quadratus and Stratonicus; Adrianus; Adrianus, Stolbrand, Glodianus, Cajus & Companions; Saint Casimir; Christopher Bales; Humbert III of Savoy; Pope Lucius I; Peter of Cava; Placida Viel;

March 5

Adrianus; Adrianus; Adrianus, Evolus, Eusebius, Julianus, Octavianus & Companions; Ailred of Rievaulx; Ciarán Saighir; Eubulus; Eusebius of Cremona; Gerasimus of the Jordan; John Joseph of the Cross; Kieran of Saighir; Saint Phocas; Saint Piran; Virgil of Arles;

March 6

Abraamios; Abraham of Bulgaria; Aetius; Baldred; Cadroe; Chrodegang of Metz; Saint Colette; Cyneburga; Cyril of Constantinople; Fridolin; Jordan of Pisa; Ollegatius of Tarragona;

March 7

Aetherius of Crimea; Agathodorus of Crimea; Ardo; Drausius of Soissons; Esterwine; Paul the Simple; Perpetua and Felicity; Theophylact; Thomas Aquinas;

March 8

Aedhan McUa Duibhne; Agabus; Apollonius; Dontius; Saint Duthac; Edward King (English bishop); Felix of Burgundy; Geoffrey Anketell Studdert Kennedy; John of God; Julian of Toledo; Philemon the actor; Senan of Scattery; Stephen of Obazine; Veremund of Hyrache; Wincenty Kadłubek;

March 9

Bosa of York; Catherine of Bologna; Dominic Savio; Frances of Rome; Gregory of Nyssa; Pacian of Barcelona;

March 10

Abilandius; Aemilianus; Amba Batli; Anastasia the Patrician; Andrew of Strumi; Saint Attala; Eugenius, Eugander, and Abilandius; 40 Martyrs of Sebastea; Himelin; John of Vallombrosa; Saint John Ogilvie; Kessog; Macarius of Jerusalem; Peter Geremia; Robert Machray; Quadratus of Corinth; Pope Simplicius;

March 11

Aengus the Culdee; Agape; Agape; Aurea of San Millán; Benedict of Milan; Christopher Maccasoli; Constantine of Cornwall; Euthymius of Novgorod; Eulogius of Cordoba; Jermyn Gardiner; John Baptist of Fabriano; John Ireland; John Moschus; John Larke; Hieromartyrs Pionius and Limnus, the Holy Martyrs Sabina, Macedonia, and Asclepiades suffered during the persecution of Christians in the reign of Decius (249-251); Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem; Sophronius the Hermit of the Theodosiev Caves; Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart; Vindicianus;

March 12

Alphege the Bald; Bernard of Capua; Gorgonius, Peter, and Dorotheus; Maximilian of Tebessa; Saint Fina; Justina of Arezzo; Luigi Orione; Saint Mura; Paul Aurelian; Symeon the New Theologian; Theophanes the Confessor; Pope Urban II;

March 13

Abibus; Abraham of Nethpra; Africanus, Publius, and Terentius; Agnellus of Pisa; Saint Ansovinus; Boniface of Savoy, Archbishop of Canterbury; Euphrasia; Gerald of Mayo; Heldrad; Mochoemoc; Ecumenical Patriarch Nikephoros I of Constantinople; Roderic and Solomon; Sabinus of Hermopolis;

March 14

Benedict of Nursia; Eutychius; James of Naples; Lubin of Chartres; Matilda of Ringelheim;

March 15

Agapius, Paisus, Romulus, Timolaus, Alexander, Alexander, Dionysius, and Dionysius; Clemens Maria Hofbauer; Leocritia; Longinus (hagiography); Louise de Marillac; Matrona; Placid Riccardi; William Hart (martyr); Pope Zachary;

March 16

Abban of Kill-Abban; Abban of Magheranoidhe; Abban of New Ross; Abraham the Great of Kidunja; Aedhan of Lismore; Agapitus of Ravenna; Agapius; Agilbod of Bobbio; Canadian Martyrs; Eusebia; Ewin; Finnian Lobhar; Gregory Makar; Heribert of Cologne; John Amias (Blessed); John of Vicenza; Julian of Antioch; Robert Dalby (martyr); Sabinus of Hermopolis; Torello (hermit);

March 17

Aedhan McGarbain; Agrele of Chalons; Agricols of Chalons; Aregle of Chalons; Gertrude of Nivelles; John Sarkander; Joseph of Arimathea; Martyrs of the Serapium; Saint Patrick; Saint Patrick's Day; Paul of Cyprus;

March 18

Alexander of Jerusalem; Anselm of Lucca; Christian O'Conarchy; Cyril of Jerusalem; Edward the Martyr; Finan of Aberdeen; Frediano; Frigidian of Lucca; Salvator of Horta;

March 19

Adrianus; Alcmund of Derby; Andrew of Siena; John of Panaca; Saint Joseph; Saint Joseph's Day; Landoald;

March 20

Abdon and Sennen; Adeloja; Aedhan of Clonmellon; Ambrose of Siena; Baptist of Mantua; Cuthbert of Lindisfarne; Evangelist and Peregrine; Herbert of Derwentwater; Hippolytus Galantini; Joachim; John of Parma; Mark of Montegallo; Martin of Braga; Martyrs of Mar Saba; Maurice of Hungary; Photina; Wulfram of Sens;

March 21

Adrianus; Enda of Aran; Nicholas of Flue; Saint Fanchea; Santuccia; Serapion, Bishop of Thmuis; Thomas Cranmer;

March 22

Absalon of Caesarea; Abundantius of Putignano; Basil of Ancyra; Benvenuto of Osimo; Deogratias of Carthage; Hugolino of Cortona; Isnardo of Chiampo; Nicholas of Flüe; Paul of Narbonne; Thomas Ken; Pope Zachary;

March 23

Benedict the Hermit; Ethelwald the Hermit; Gregory the Illuminator; Saint Gwinear; Joseph Oriol; Peter of Gubbio; Sibyllina of Pavia; Turibius of Mongrovejo; Victorian, Frumentius, and Companions; Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès, of Lebanon.

March 24

Adelmar; Agapitus of Synnada; Aldemar; Catherine of Vadstena; Didacus Joseph of Cadiz; Dúnchad mac Cinn Fáelad; Gabriel; Irenaeus of Sirmium; Simon of Trent; Timolaus; Walter Hilton; Óscar Romero;

March 25

Alfwold; Annunciation of Our Lord; Barontius; Saint Dismas; Ermelandus; Hermenland; James Bird; Lucy Filippini; Thomasius;

March 26

Abepes; Abibus; Abippus; Adippus; Agnus; Basil the Younger; Braulio of Zaragoza; Castulus; Felix of Trier; Govan; Habib; Hagnus; Harriet Monsell; Ludger; Saint Macartan; William of Norwich;

March 27

Abibus; Achatius the Centurion; Acutus; Adelpret; Agathius the Centurion; Charles Henry Brent; John of Damascus; John of Egypt; John the Egyptian; Rupert of Salzburg; William Tempier; Zanitas and Lazarus of Persia;

March 28

Giovanni da Capistrano; Guntramnus; Tuotilo;

March 29

Achard; Achatia; Aedhan of Armagh; Armogastes and Companions; Avilius of Alexandria; Saint Berthold; Cyril of Arethusa; Diemoda; Gundleus; Gwladys; John Keble; Jonas and Barachius; Ludolf of Ratzeburg; Mark of Arethusa; Rupert of Salzburg;

March 30

Achaicus; Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy; Blessed Dodo; John Climacus; Osburga of Coventry; Saint Regulus; Zosimus of Syracuse;

March 31

Abda; Abdas of Susa; Abidas; Achatius of Melitene; Agnes; Anesius, Theodulus, Cornelia, Felix, Portus, Abdas, and Valeria; Balbina; Saint Benjamin; Bonaventure of Forli; Clodia; Guy of Pomposa; John Donne;