Krystin Lobo

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Krystin Lobo is a character in Extinctioners. She first Appeared in Extinctioners issue 8.

  • Age: 18
  • Weight: 120 lbs.
  • Height: 5 ft. 7 in.

Krystin is the younger sister of Lucus Lobo. The youngest sibling of three, she is part of her pack's alpha family. As such she almost has somewhat of a 'princess' status and thus is a bit spoiled. She's very mischievous and annoys her older brothers as any little sister would. Like the warwolves that live in the Garden of Eden she has the ability of a shape shifter. She can go from her normal humanoid wolf form to a full four-legged wolf form.

Krystin is a young woman learning to be a Dragon Rider, with her partner and best friend Sundance. When her older brother, Jeran, attempted to take over the pack, she sided with her brother Lucus to stop him.

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