A redirect from westen to Westen is desirable for German, but certainly not for Dutch. In Dutch westen has the same meaning as in German, but it is written with a small letter, except for some combinations like het Verre Westen (the Far West) or het wilde Westen (the Wild West). Compare with noorden (north), oosten (east) en zuiden (south).
- Thanks for spotting it. I'll fix it. — Vildricianus 17:59, 7 July 2006 (UTC)
editIn the Dutch of the eastern parts of the Netherlands, like de Achterhoek or Twente, 'Westen' is used for the Randstad in general. It has a slight negative connotation, I feel. Also, the quotation now given under Dutch is rather the standard westen. Capitalized, Westen is often simply the same as the English 'the West', so a different quotation should capture that meaning better. 09:20, 23 November 2020 (UTC)