Fetherstone, Richard 94
Filbie, William 86
Fitzgerald, Thomas, prisoner in the Tower of London 98
Foord, Thomas 86
Fortescue, Anthony 74, 76, 77
Fowler, a species of ordnance 28
Fox, John 92
Franciscan Recollects, English convent of, in Douay 266
Frere, Mr. his account of flint weapons discovered at Hoxne in Suffolk 204, 205
Friars Austins, at Norwich 401
Gare, explanation of 101
Gentlemen of the Horse, office of 325 327
Usher, office of 32 1 325
Gerard, Thomas 94
Ghent, college of English Benedictine nuns there 268
college of English Jesuits there 267
Gibson, Richard 92
Godwite 385
Goldwell, Bifshop of St. Asaph 76
Gravelines, English convent of Poor Clares there 262
Gray, Dionis, his book on arithmetic 162
Lady Jane, her signature in the Tower 70; account of her behaviour at her execution 70, 71, 406–408
Green, Thomas 92
Grey, Lord 81
Griggirrys of the Mandingos, observations on 227
men 228
Grossetete, Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, an Anglo Norman poet, dissertation on his life and writings 46 248
Gyfford, G. a prisoner in the Tower of London 82
Habberdine, what 387
Hardreshall, Sir John 108, 109
Hart, John 86
Helmdon, ancient mantle-tree in the rectory house there, remarks on 114–121; farther remarks on it 141–147; Dr. Wallis's account of it 115–117; Dr. Ward's account 116; Mr. Gough's account 143, 144
Helmdon, rectors of 120, 147
Helmet of bronze, found at Ribchester in Lancashire, account of 223–226
Heralds, record relating to their visitations in Wales 396, 397
Heron, how drafted 384
Hertford, John, his book of arithmetic, or awgrym 160
Hoblers 102, 184
Hoogstrate, English convent of Carmelites, or Franciscan Nuns, at 273
How, C. C. prisoner at the Tower 81
Howard, Mr. his inquiries concerning the tomb of king Alfred at Hyde Abbey 309–312
Hulme, Dr, exhibits an ancient seal 400
Huntingdon house 277
Jack of Hilton, account of 212, 410
Jerome, William 94
Jesuits, college of English, at Watten 263; in Liege 265; at Ghent 267
Jesuitesses, college of English, at Munich 263, 264
Indecoke 385
Instrument concerning the Church-yard of St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, London 199, 200
Invasion, two papers on desence against 169 184
MSS. on the subject of, in the British Museum 170
Jongleurs, what 238, 239
Iselbones, of beef 389
Kingston, John, his work on arithmetic 162
Lamspring, English convent of Benedicine monks at 272