Wikipedia:University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh Wikimedian in Residence Project.
University of Edinburgh, Wikimedia UK Partnership of the Year 2018
Following successful collaborations with Wikimedia in 2015, the University of Edinburgh hosted a Wikimedian in Residence from January 2016 to January 2017 as a part-time (0.5) year-long project to advocate and raise awareness of Open Knowledge, working with academic staff, students, library & archive staff and Wikimedians throughout Scotland. In January 2017, the residency was extended for a second year and increased to full-time. As of January 2019, the residency has now been made a full-time, open-ended position to continue & build on the successes of the first three years.

If you're interested in becoming involved in any way please contact Ewan McAndrew at
Please note: The main student-created website for the residency is now located, and more routinely updated, on the University of Edinburgh website.

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Are you a Wikimedian, or would you like to be? Do you live in or near Scotland? To keep up to date about Wikimedia events happening throughout Scotland, to learn more about ScotWiki projects, or to publicise your own ScotWiki event or project, join the ScotWiki Mailing List now!

Everybody is welcome!

External videos
video icon The Wikimedia Residency at the University of Edinburgh (3 minute video).
External videos
video icon "Stories of Student Empowerment – a compilation of student feedback on the Wikimedia residency – showcased at OER18 on 18 April 2018"
"What do we want the modern graduate to be?"
Feedback on the Wikimedia residency from staff and students to date.
External videos
video icon University of Edinburgh's Assistant Principal for Online Learning, Melissa Highton, discusses how Wikimedians in Residence can create value for educational institutions.



The University of Edinburgh Residency

The University of Edinburgh began a year-long Wikimedian-in-Residence project in January 2016. The success of the residency for the University has meant that it has been extended to three years, until January 2019. It has now been made open-ended. It is the third successive residency to be established in Scotland, following the National Library of Scotland Residency which began in July 2013 and the Museums and Galleries Scotland residency which began in January 2015.

The vision of the University of Edinburgh is: The creation, dissemination and curation of knowledge.

What the residency involves

Edinburgh University's Learning, Teaching and Web Information Services Team – From left to right: Stephanie (Charlie) Farley, Lorna Campbell, Ewan McAndrew, Anne-Marie Scott.
ScotWiki Partners Meeting – 10 July 2018
University of Edinburgh edit-a-thon

The University of Edinburgh residency is to facilitate a sustainable relationship between the University and Wikimedia UK to the mutual benefit of both communities through improving knowledge exchange. To do this, the WiR will be an advocate of open knowledge and deliver training events & workshops which will further both the quantity & quality of open knowledge and the university’s commitment to digital literacy. More practically, this will involve arranging & delivering skills-training sessions which will fit in with and, importantly enhance, the learning & teaching within the curriculum. The WiR will also stage events outside the curriculum which will draw on the university’s, and Edinburgh’s, rich history & knowledge.
The Resident is based in the Learning, Teaching & Web Services Division within Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh. For general information about the Wikimedian-in-Residence programme, the following articles may be of interest:

University wins Wikimedia UK's Partnership of the Year award 2018


On 14 July 2018, Wikimedia UK, the national chapter for the global Wikimedia movement, held its Annual General Meeting at the Natural History Museum in London. Each year the AGM recognises individuals of the Wikimedia UK community who have made a recognisable impact and this year it was announced at this year’s event that the University of Edinburgh had been nominated and won for UK Partnership of the Year, as the institution which had stood out in the past year as ‘the most effective Wikimedia and Open Knowledge Advocate’.
This is the second time the university has won this accolade following its win in 2016 for hosting the Open Educational Resources conference (OER16) and follows Wikimedian in Residence, Ewan McAndrew, being named UK Wikimedian of the Year in 2017.
Other ScotWiki award winners included Delphine Dallison, Wikimedian in Residence at the Scottish Library & Information Council, who won Up and Coming Wikimedian of the Year and Sara Thomas, Scotland Programme Co-ordinator for Wikimedia UK, who received an honourable mention for UK Wikimedian of the Year 2018.
Read more about the nominations on Wikimedia UK’s website.

Science is shaped by Wikipedia
"I sometimes think that general and popular treatises are almost as important for the progress of science as original work."
– Charles Darwin, 1865
External videos
  Don't cite Wikipedia, Write Wikipedia
3 students and 3 staff discuss Wikipedia in the Classroom at the University of Edinburgh.
Wikipedia, an introduction
Creating a Wikipedia article in 3 minutes – Isabella Skea, "The Lass o' pairts"

Wikipedia and Open Knowledge: a little light reading

  1. Reasons to use Wikipedia
  2. Wikipedia and Student Writing – Wiki Edu Blog 14/10/2014
  3. Wikipedia's ongoing search for the sum of all human knowledge – Oxford Internet Institute.
  4. Wikipedia amplifying impact of Open Access publications – The LSE Impact Blog
  5. Wikipedia: The Digital Gateway to Academic Research – Referencing Made Easy Blog site.
  6. Brits trust Wikipedia more than the news: survey (
  7. 97% of instructors would teach with Wikipedia again – blog 25/03/2016 and The Amazing Ways how Wikipedia uses AI
  8. "The Internet’s Favorite Website" – As web traffic shifts toward mobile, a new study finds Wikipedia remains the most popular informational site around.
  9. 'Shiver-inducing contacts with the past' – Bodleian Wikimedian, Martin Poulter, says that the digital world can play a crucial role in sharing those shiver-inducing moments of contact with the past, such as seeing Charles Darwin’s actual handwriting, and libraries can involve more people in that authentic experience.
  10. Ten basic rules of editing Wikipedia.
  11. Why we’re editing women scientists onto Wikipedia – and Using AI to Fix Wikipedia's Gender Problem.
  12. Science Is Shaped by Wikipedia: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial. Research paper about how Wikipedia actively influences science development, providing evidence of causality, instead of the usual correlation. (Video)
  13. Your Middle School Teacher was wrong about Wikipedia and Did Media Literacy Backfire?
  14. Student Learning Outcomes using Wikipedia-based Assignments Fall 2016 Research Report.
  15. Students' use of Wikipedia as an academic resource — Patterns of use and perceptions of usefulness.
  16. Updating Wikipedia should be part of all doctors’ jobs
  17. Wikipedia, the Last Bastion of Shared Reality and Wikipedia is fixing one of the Internet’s biggest flaws.
  18. Wikipedia in Higher Education… How students are shaping the open web.
  19. Vandalism on Collaborative Web Communities: An Exploration of Editorial Behaviour in Wikipedia – “Preliminary analysis reveals (∼90%) of the vandalism or foul edits are done by unregistered users… community reaction seemed to be immediate: most vandalisms were reverted within 5 mins on average” – University of Glasgow researchers Alkharashi, A. and Jose, J. (2018)
  20. Why Wiki Education’s work combats fake news — and how you can help.
Wikipedia and Information Literacy – Ruth Jenkins, Academic Support Librarian at the University of Edinburgh Medical School.
Teaching with Wikipedia – Dr. Chris Harlow

Wikimedia UK and Universities


Wikimedia UK have set up a new website as a central reference point for university educators to find out about Wikipedia in Higher Education including details of past assignments, current assignments and courses planned for the future at universities the length and breadth of the United Kingdom. The page was created in August 2016 but has been populated with a number of examples already; including many from the University of Edinburgh. The intention is that educators can better communicate & co-ordinate their efforts both with Wikimedia UK and with other educators if information is available from a central point of reference.

  1. Click here to find out more about Teaching with Wikipedia in Higher Education with examples from the University of Edinburgh.
  2. Click here to visit Wikimedia UK's newly created Universities page.
  3. Click here to see the Wikimedia Education Dashboard where educators can plan courses and manage student assignments.
  1. Research session for Reproductive Biology Honours students. Blog article here. 4th iteration was in September 2018.
  2. World Christianity MSc course Blog article here. – 2nd iteration was in 2017–2018 (course leader on research leave in 2018–2019).
  3. Undergraduate English Literature Course: Global Modernisms: Inter/National Responses to Modernity (ENLI10369) – one iteration before the residency began in 2016.
  4. Translation Studies MSc. Blog article here. Being repeated – Now in its 6th iteration in 2018–2019.
  5. Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) – one iteration in 2016–2017.
  6. Introductory Wikipedia project on the Online History MSc – one iteration in Summer 2016.
  7. Global Health MSc – First iteration in 2018–2019.
  8. Introductory workshop in Digital Sociology MSc – Second iteration to take place this semester in 2018–2019.
  9. Introductory workshop with School of Law – first iteration took place in semester one in 2018–2019.
  10. Wikidata project in Data Science for Design MSc – Second iteration completed in semester one, 2018–2019.
  11. Intellectual Humility (MOOC) – Ongoing Wikipedia component since 2016–2017.
Further collaborations
  1. Wikimedia for Online Language Learning as part of MSc in Language Teaching / MSc in TESOL.
  2. Psychology in Action MSc – Citizen Science Wikipedia project.
  3. Digital Education MSc – Wikipedia workshop mooted for semester two, 2018–2019 session.
  4. Open Data project on the Management Science course at the University of Edinburgh Business School to be discussed this semester for 2018–2019 session.
  5. Public Health MSc – Wikipedia project mooted for 2019–2020 session.
Wikipedia in the Classroom around the United Kingdom

Contact Ewan McAndrew, the Wikimedian in Residence for Edinburgh University at if you would like to find out more.

'Changing the Ways the Stories are Told' – Melissa Highton speaking at the Wikipedia Science Conference – 3 September 2015
Melissa Highton – Changing the Ways the Stories are Told – Wikipedia Science Conference 2015

Background to the residency

The University of Edinburgh residency is a result of a long term engagement and also a credit to the quality of the UK Wikimedians and their ability to support, impress and influence senior managers, who in turn, shape institutional strategies and investment.

The lead for the partnership at University of Edinburgh is Melissa Highton. When she was Director of Academic IT at University of Oxford her teams attended the editathon organised by JISC (June 2012) to improve articles on World War One. Oxford holds the Great War Archive and they were keen to ensure, in advance of the centenary, that their collection of open educational resources (OER) could support public engagement and school teaching on the topic. Martin Poulter was the Wikimedian in Residence at JISC at the time.

In 2013 Oxford hosted an editathon for Ada Lovelace Day. Martin Poulter provided training for the event and brought several other Wikimedians to help. Liz McCarthy and Kate Lindsay worked with Martin to make the whole event a great success.

Oxford hosted another editathon for Ada Lovelace Day 2014, but by that time Melissa had moved job to become Director of Learning, Teaching and Web Services at University of Edinburgh. There had not yet been any Wikipedia editathons at Edinburgh so Melissa brought her teams to the EduWiki conference to find out more. Ally Crockford (Wikimedian in Residence at the National Library of Scotland) spoke at the event and she highlighted the WiR scheme. Melissa met with Gill Hamilton (Digital Access Manager at the NLS) to learn about the job descriptions, support and work plans which would be successful for a WiR partnership.

Edinburgh University runs an annual Innovative Learning Week designed to enable staff and students to attend day long, or week long events outside of normal timetabling patterns. The first Edinburgh editathon ran during ILW 2015. Ally Crockford and Sara Thomas (Wikimedian in Residence at Museums & Galleries Scotland) came to help deliver the: Women, Science and Scottish History editathon series. Ally was very bold and went for an event spanning the full 4 days.

Images from the Women, Science & Scottish History editathon for Innovative Learning Week 2015

“We certainly couldn’t have done it without Ally and Sara but the striking thing for me was how quickly colleagues within the University took to the idea and began supporting each other in developing their skills and sharing knowledge amongst a multi-professional group. This inspired me to commission some academic research to look at the connections and networking amongst the participants and to explore whether editathons were a good investment in developing workplace digital skills. This is the research I presented at Martin’s Wikipedia Science Conference which underpinned my business case for establishing a WiR at University of Edinburgh with focus on skills development as part of the University’s commitment to open knowledge.“

“I have been repeatedly impressed by the quality of the Wikimedians and the generosity of their host organisations to help at events. It seems to me only fair that University of Edinburgh which has benefitted so much from our local WiRs should now host a WiR to continue a sustained involvement with the scheme and the Wikimedia UK community. Once Edinburgh has shown the way I hope the other Scottish universities will follow suit to ensure that there is always at least one WiR for the nation.”Melissa Highton – Director of Learning, Teaching & Web Services at University of Edinburgh.

Events and Workshops

EuroStemCell Wikipedia Editathon at the University of Edinburgh's MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine – July 2016

The Resident will be organising a variety of events, including edit-a-thons and training sessions, during the course of the residency.

If you're interested in running an event with the Wikimedian in Residence, please get in contact through Ewan McAndrew's talk page. Or alternatively, you can email: or follow/message me on Twitter: @emcandre

University of Edinburgh Spy Week Wikipedia edit-a-thon
University of Edinburgh Spy Week
Edinburgh Gothic – Wikipedia editathon for Robert Louis Stevenson Day

For details of past events such as our Spy Week:Women in Espionage editathon and our Eurostemcell editathon please visit the Events page

Upcoming Events

Event Name Date Location Organiser Event Details
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 5 April 2019 12:30pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 12:30pm and 5pm.
LILAC Information Literacy Conference in Nottingham 24–26 April 2019 University of Nottingham Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) Includes presentation on Embedding Wikimedia in the Curriculum from Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh.
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 3 May 2019 12:30pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 12:30pm and 5pm.
Remembering Scotland's Accused Witches, Dunfermline 19 May 2019 Glen Pavilion, Dunfermline Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) A one day conference looking at the history of accused witches in Scotland with presentation & workshop from Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh)
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 31 May 2019 12:30pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 12:30pm and 5pm.
Young Academy Scotland editathon 2019 5 June 2019 The Royal Society of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) Hosted by Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Young Academy Scotland.
Association of Commonwealth Universities editathon 8 June 2019 Training Room 1.02, 50 George Square, Edinburgh. Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) More details to be announced. Hosted by Anne-Marie Scott and Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh.
Learning and Teaching Conference 2019 19 June 2019 John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) A one day conference themed on evidencing the value of teaching and learning at the John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh. Including presentation from Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) on embedding Wikipedia in the Curriculum.
Conectando: Scottish Encounters with Spanish & Portuguese editathon 2019 20 June 2019 Teaching Room, Digital Scholarship Centre, 6th floor, University of Edinburgh Library, 30 George Square, Edinburgh. Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) Conectando: Scottish Encounters with Spanish & Portuguese is an exhibition and a Wikipedia editing event hosted at the University of Edinburgh Library.
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 28 June 2019 12:30pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 12:30pm and 5pm.
Portobello Wikipedia Editathon 29 June 2019 Portobello Library, Edinburgh Gavin Willshaw (Wikimedian for Portobello) An editathon focused on Portobello's rich local history; its people and places.
Celtic Knot 2019 4-5 July 2019 Exeter University, Penryn, Cornwall Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) Wikipedia Language Conference focused on supporting regional and minority language Wikipedias.
Feminist Writers editathon 10 July 2019 Venue to be decided, Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) Hosted by Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh with guest talk by Professor Liz Stanley on the Olive Schreiner Archive.
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 26 July 2019 12:30pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 12:30pm and 5pm.
Open Edinburgh – a Celebration of Open Source at Appleton Tower, University of Edinburgh 28 September 2019 10am – 2pm Room 2.14, Appleton Tower, University of Edinburgh's cental campus Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies celebrating the diversity of Edinburgh's alumni. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 10am and 2pm.
Ada Lovelace Day 2019 at Murchison House, Kings Buildings 8 October 2019 2:30pm – 5pm Room 3211, James Clerk Maxwell Building, University of Edinburgh's Science and Engineering campus Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women engineers. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 2:30pm and 5pm.
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 30 October 2019 1pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 1pm and 5pm.
Introduction to Wikidata and Histropedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 20 November 2019 12:30pm – 2pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning about Wikipedia's sister project, Wikidata, a hub of structured machine-readable linked open data where the possibilities are endless. All welcome.
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 27 November 2019 1pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 1pm and 5pm.
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 17 December 2019 1pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 1pm and 5pm.
Wikipedia Women in Red meetup – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University's David Hume Tower 5 February 2020 1pm – 5pm Room LG.06, lower ground floor, David Hume Tower, George Square, Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 1pm and 5pm and meet our new Women in Red student intern Laura Rose Wood.
Women of Climate Change a Women in Red meetup for International Women's Day 2020 – a project to add biographies of women to Wikipedia at Edinburgh University Main Library 6 March 2020 1pm – 5pm Room 1.08, Meeting Suite, first floor, Edinburgh University Main Library, 30 George Square Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women. We will be celebrating the Women on Climate Change, Women of Sustainable Development, Women of History, Women Making History, and Women of Edinburgh. No experience necessary. All welcome. Drop in and join us when you can anytime between 1pm and 5pm.
Women in STEM Connect
a Women in Red online Zoom meetup with the University of Edinburgh Women in STEM Student Society and Dr. Jess Wade
16 August 2020 12:45pm – 5pm Zoom (link to follow for registered attendees) Ewan McAndrew (Wikimedian in Residence at the University of Edinburgh) This is a workshop aimed primarily at anyone who is interested in learning how to edit and helping to create biographies of notable women in science, tecnhology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). No experience necessary. All welcome. Join us at 12.45pm – 1pm on 16 August to help improve Wikipedia's coverage of the lives and contributions of Women in STEM! Book on Eventbrite here!

Projects in Development


Discussions & preparations are under way to deliver the following projects. Any expressions of interest in helping with these events would be welcome along with any suggestions on individuals or groups, either within the university or outwith the university, who maybe interested in either attending these events or assisting in their preparation would also be welcome.

Project Ideas

  1. The Kelvin Hall relaunch (in Glasgow)
  2. International Alumni project – Celebrating the international students who studied at Edinburgh University and gone on to have a huge impact abroad.
  3. International Development editathon for students.
  4. Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program – editathon and Swahili translate-a-thon
  5. World Music Day editathon
  6. International Nurses Day
  7. Vet School Wikipedia research session – Edit-a-thon event for Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies students to research & create new Wikipedia articles on Veterinary Medicine.
  8. Engineering – 150th Anniversary editathon
External videos
  "Why we still need to talk about diversity in Physics" – Dr. Jess Wade
One of Nature's '10 people who matter in Science' 2018, Dr. Jess Wade is a physicist who made the resolution to make a Wikipedia page every day of 2018 to highlight the often underacknowledged work of women, LGBT+ and scientists of colour. Jess was invited to speak at the University of Edinburgh's Science and Engineering campus by the Women in STEM Society. In this talk, held at the University of Edinburgh's Swann Lecture Theatre on 30 January 2019, Jess addressed why talking about diversity in physics is still so essential and what we need to do about it. You can also watch Jess's TEDx talk here.

Changing the way stories are told


Wikipedia has a problem with systemic bias. A 2011 survey suggests that on English Wikipedia around 90% of editors are male, and are typically formally educated, in white-collar jobs (or students) and living in the Global North.

"if there is a typical Wikipedia editor, he has a college degree, is 30- years-old, is computer savvy but not necessarily a programmer, doesn’t actually spend much time playing games, and lives in US or Europe."

Students and staff creating new Wikipedia pages about Scottish suffragettes at Processions 2018
Edinburgh Residency infographic – Year one (cropped)

This means that the articles within Wikipedia typically reflect this bias. For example only 17.8% of biographies in English Wikipedia are of women. Many articles reflect the perspective of English speakers in the northern hemisphere, and many of the topics covered reflect the interests of this relatively small group of editors. Wikipedia needs a diverse community of editors to bring diverse perspectives and interests.

Women in Science and Scottish history – the Edinburgh Seven


The very first Wikipedia editathon hosted at the University of Edinburgh was Women in Science and Scottish History in February 2015 and was focused on the Edinburgh Seven, the first group of matriculated undergraduate female students at any British university.
As a research-based institution, Professor Allison Littlejohn from the Open University was invited to come along to the event to help us make sure there was value in a collaboration with Wikimedia UK and to analyse what was going on in these editing events and what their impact actually was. And what she discovered was that there was indeed genuine formal and informal learning going on at these events and she’s produced two research papers arising from that 1 event.

  1. Does a formal wiki event contribute to the formation of a network of practice? A social capital perspective on the potential for informal learning. This paper looked at the formation of networks of practice and social capital through participation in an editathon. Through Allison’s work we learned that activity did not stop after the editathon event and participants did see it as an important part of their professional development.
  2. Becoming an online editor: perceived roles and responsibilities of Wikipedia editors. The second paper looked at the process of becoming a Wikipedia editor – and how participants felt editing was a form of knowledge activism and helped generate important discussions about how knowledge is created, curated and contested online and how Wikipedia editors can positively impact on the knowledge available to people all around the world and addressing those knowledge gaps.

Wikipedia's women problem – Melissa Highton writes for the Dangerous Women project
At the University of Edinburgh, the Wikimedia residency's focus on redressing this imbalance has proved to be a successful approach with women editors accounting for 65% of our attendees this year and 69% in year two.
Another problem of coverage on Wikipedia has been the representation of different language Wikipedias with English Wikipedia the largest of all the 295 different language Wikipedias by a considerable margin. Hence, it has been especially pleasing that Translation Studies MSc students and Edinburgh University Translation Society have embraced the need to redress the imbalance by translating content from one language Wikipedia to another.

Addressing the Gender Gap on Wikipedia

Wiki Women in Red editathon at the University of Edinburgh
Chemistry staff and students at Royal Holloway College c.1899 – Pictured in the centre is Elizabeth Eleanor Field, a British chemist and the Head of Chemistry at Royal Holloway College for over nineteen years. She is also noted as one of the nineteen signatories of the 1904 petition to the Chemical Society.
  • We held events for International Women's Day in 2017 (Women writers); International Women's day 2018 (Suffragettes); Black History Month 2017, Ada Lovelace Day 2017 (Women in STEM with a special focus on Women in Chemistry and the nineteen Women Chemists who petitioned the Chemistry Society in 1904; Women in Medicine; Women in Anthropology; Women Human Rights Defenders, Lost Literary Women; Women Artists; and International Nurses Day. All these events had a strong focus to address the gender gap on Wikipedia and create new role models for young and old alike.
  • Wikipedia Women in Red editathons are held every month at the university to allow Wikipedia editors a place to come and gain further practice and advice in a supportive environment but also to focus on the creation of pages about notable women missing from Wikipedia to help address the content gender gap where only 17.7% of biography articles are about women.
  • Wikipedia Women in Red editing is part of the new 4 year Athena SWAN action plan at the university with a focus on improving the visibility of female role models in ten academic disciplines.
  • To celebrate 100 years since the Representation of the People Act (1918) gave some women the vote, we held three #Vote100 Wikipedia editing events. 34 brand new biography articles have now surfaced on Wikipedia about Scotland’s suffragettes and the Eagle House suffragettes, along with 220 improved pages and items of data so people can discover all about their lives and contributions.
  • New pages created for the suffragettes who visited Eagle House (suffragette's rest). Eagle House became an important refuge for suffragettes who had been released from Holloway prison after hunger strikes. Many major people from the suffragette movement were invited to stay at Eagle house and to plant a tree to celebrate a prison sentence — at least 47 trees were planted between April 1909 and July 1911, including Emmeline Pankhurst, Christabel Pankhurst, Annie Kenney, Charlotte Despard, Millicent Fawcett and Lady Constance Bulwer-Lytton. Read more in the Histropedia timeline.
  • New Wikipedia pages telling the stories of the Scottish suffragettes have been created including: Maude Edwards slashing the portrait of King George V at the Royal Scottish Academy and her defiance at trial; the force-feeding of Frances Gordon and Arabella Scott at Perth Prison by the doctor who was “emotionally hooked” to Arabella Scott and offered to escort her to Canada. The attempted arson conducted by pioneer doctor Dorothea Chalmers Smith, the Aberdonian suffragette & organiser, Caroline Phillips, being sacked by telegram by Christabel Pankhurst, and the “energetic little woman from Stranraer” Jane Taylour who was a firebrand lecturer on Women’s Suffrage touring up and down Scotland and England. Read more in the Histropedia timeline (external website).
Women's suffrage in Scotland – a Histropedia timeline built from Wikipedia articles and data in Wikidata. Shown off to good effect by University of Edinburgh Archives Manager (and Wikipedia editor), Rachel Hosker, and Wikimedian in Residence, Ewan McAndrew.
  • Mary Susan McIntosh (1936–2013) sociologist, feminist, political activist and campaigner for lesbian and gay rights in the UK featured as a ‘Did You Know‘ fact was on Wikipedia’s front page on 11 May 2017. The front page is viewed, on average, 25 million times a day. Mary’s page was only written on 8 March 2017 during our International Women’s Day event here at the University of Edinburgh by one of our attendees, Lorna Campbell. Mary’s page has now been viewed in excess of 10,500 times because a) editors were motivated to address Wikipedia’s gender gap problem where less than 15% of editors are female and less than 18% of biographies are of notable women and b) we felt Mary’s story was important enough that it should be shared on Wikipedia’s front page and introduced to an audience of up to 25 million.

Read Mary Susan McIntosh and the Women in Red – Lorna Campbell.
Further reading:

  1. 'Wikipedia, research and representation- – Dr Amy Burge, Academic Developer at the Institute for Academic Development, University of Edinburgh.
  2. What do you do with a dead chemist? – Anne-Marie Scott.
  3. Why we’re editing women scientists onto Wikipedia – and why you should, too, say Jess Wade and Maryam Zaringhalam.
  4. You can’t be what you can’t see.- Creating new role models on Wikipedia to encourage the next generation of Immodest Women by Siobhan O’Connor, Dr. Alice White, Dr. Sara Thomas and Ewan McAndrew.
  5. Women scientists being whitewashed from Wikipedia.
  6. From Chinese spies to award-winning geologists, we’re making women visible on Wikipedia

Press about the residency

  1. Edinburgh University searches for 'Wikimedians' – Edinburgh Evening News, 8 October 2015.
  2. University of Edinburgh to employ ‘Wikimedian in Residence’ web editor – The Student, 13 October 2015.
  3. The History of Medicine gets mentioned in the ILW Awards 2016
  4. The OER16 Conference, co-chaired by Melissa Highton and Lorna M. Campbell, won Wikimedia UK’s Partnership of the Year Award
  5. 'Wikidata and Wikisource Showcase' mentioned on IS News site.
  6. The Wikimedia Residency, as part of the University Of Edinburgh's Open Education team, won 3rd place in ALT's Learning Technologist of the Year awards.
  7. Open Education team (including Wikimedia residency) come third in ALT Learning Technologist of the Year awards – story on the IS News site.
  8. Wikipedia's women problem – Melissa Highton writes for the Dangerous Women project 10 October 2016
  9. STV News 'Live at Five' covers the Ada Lovelace Day – Women in STEM Wikipedia editathon.
  10. New College take on Wikipedia edit-a-thon – Women and Religion 2 November 2016.
  11. Brenda Moon remembered in Wikipedia editathon – article in IS News
  12. Wikipedia editathon and Mary Stewart – Edinburgh Gothic Sat 12 November.
  13. Wikipedia editathon at the University of Sheffield's Centre for the History of the Gothic
  14. Collaborating to built a city of information literacy, a city of Wikipedia – Interview by OEPS Scotland
  15. #1Lib1Ref at the University of Edinburgh – Blog article by Gavin Willshaw, Digital Curator – 2 February 2017
  16. Fake News and Wikidata – a roundup of the Wikimedia UK Education Summit
  17. Host a Wikimedian – You can't afford not to (blog article)
  18. 'Wikipedia, research and representation- – Dr Amy Burge, Academic Developer at the Institute for Academic Development, University of Edinburgh.
  19. Mary Susan McIntosh and the Women in Red – Lorna Campbell.
  20. What do you do with a dead chemist? – Anne-Marie Scott.
  21. Wikipedia and Writing – Michael Seery, Reader in Education, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh.
  22. Language and Politics – my takeaways by Mina Theofilatou.
  23. How is it almost August? – Lorna Campbell.
  24. While in Scotland – Käbi Suvi, Wikimedia Estonia.
  25. Celtic Knot Conference 2017 in Edinburgh – Astrid Carlsen, Wikimedia Norge.
  26. Wikipedia in the Classroom: developing information literacy, online citizenship and digital research skills – Teaching Matters blog 13 June 2017.
  27. Congratulations to our Wikimedian of the Year – Wikimedia UK blog 1 August 2017.
  28. University of Edinburgh journal vol.48 no.1 – Article about the Edinburgh residency on p.25
  29. Ada Lovelace Day 2017 – celebrating Women in STEM – article on the WiR blog on 1 September 2017.
  30. Scotland loves monuments – article for Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 on the Wir Blog – Friday 8 September 2017.
  31. Wanderings with a Wikimedian – Blog article by Anne-Marie Scott for Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 – Monday 11 September 2017.
  32. Mortuary Chapel, Revisited – Anne-Marie Scott's blog 30 September 2017.
  33. Ada Lovelace Day – Professor Elizabeth Slater – Lorna Campbell's blog on 10 October 2017.
  34. Ada Lovelace Day – knitting resources
  35. Ada Lovelace Day 2017 photos.
  36. Wikipedia is a very lovely place to be – Anne-Marie Scott's blog.
  37. The 17th century map of Iceland released by the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Research Collections gets a mention in Creative Commons' influential 'State of the Commons report'.
  38. Wikipedia has always depended on the kindness of strangers – Outcomes of Ada Lovelace 2017 on the Wikimedian in Residence blog 19 October 2017.
  39. Wikipedia assignments – getting past the ‘Penguin effect’ and down to the brass tacks of sharing open knowledge – Teaching Matters blog.
  40. Ada Lovelace Day 2017 – Celebrating women in STEM – Edinburgh University Science Magazine.
  41. Another Story about Maps – Blogpost by Anne-Marie Scott 27 October 2017.
  42. Open Tumshies for Halloween – blogpost by Lorna Campbell 31 October 2017.
  43. Internet Transmitted Infections – I’ve got the SPLOTS – Anne-Marie Scott, 16 November 2017.
  44. Wikidata in the Classroom on the Wikimedian in Residence blog 22 November 2017.
  45. Open for all – Mansfield Traquair images hosted on Wikimedia Commons. Blog by Anne-Marie Scott 23 November 2017.
  46. Take an Equal Bite – Blogpost by Melissa Highton about EqualBITE: Gender equality in higher education and the the positive power of wikipedia editathons. 2 December 2017.
  47. Wikipedia Games / SPLOTPoint – Anne-Marie Scott blog, 1 January 2018.
  48. 2017 Highs, Lows and Losses – Lorna Campbell blog, 3 January 2018
  49. Wikipedia at 17 – Facts matter. – 16 January 2018.
  50. Reflections on International Women’s Day 2018 and Wikipedia – A Gude Cause – 8 March 2018.
  51. New SPLOT Wikidata tutorial – Wikidata Basics.
  52. Collaborated with John Lubbock at Wikimedia UK to produce Wikimedia UK blogpost: Data on the history of Scottish witch trials added to Wikidata on 9 March 2018.
  53. Libraries, Literacies & Learning – presentation at SCURL event 23 March 2018
  54. Digital Transformation and Data — The Wikimedia Residency at the University of Edinburgh on
  55. Wikimedia resources – how to get started.
  56. The OER 18 EdTech editathon 'SPLOT' resource.
  57. Wikimedia at the Open Educational Resources Conference 2018
  58. Whit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye – reflection on 12 months by Ruth Jenkins, Academic Support Librarian at the University of Edinburgh Medical School.
  59. Wikipedia in Higher Education (co-authored with Jemima John, 4th year Law undergraduate student.
  60. Wikipedia in Higher Education… How students are shaping the open web.
  61. Tracings (don’t look too closely)
  62. NEW SPLOT resource created for the Wikidata Workshop at the Digital Day of Ideas.
  63. NEW 'SPLOT' resource for running a Wikipedia translation workshop created for the Celtic Knot 2018 conference at the National Library of Wales on 5-6 July.
  64. NEW 'SPLOT' resource for running a Wikipedia 'micro' editathon workshop initially created by the resident and then Academic Support Librarian colleagues tailored & populated the resource for use at the EAHIL conference in Cardiff on 13 July.
  65. Wikipedia in the Classroom – how students are shaping the open web – Teaching Matters blog
  66. Case study about the Wikidata in the Classroom project on the Data Science for Design MSc course. Uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and shared in Wikidata Status Updates.
  67. Towards Open-ish? – a hybrid conversation organised as part of the Wikimania conference in Cape Town.
  68. Languages – blog about whether other language Wikipedias should refer to all places in Scotland by their Gaelic names.
  69. Newspapers – created a Wikipedia page as part of Mike Caulfield’s Newspapers on Wikipedia project.
  70. Reflections on CELT Symposium 2018 – includes mention of our Open Content Curation Student Interns and the Wikimedia in the Classroom initiatives.
  71. The Soul of Liberty: Openness, Equality and Co-creation – transcript of Lorna Campbell's keynote at CELT 2018 – includes Wikipedia in the classroom initiatives and Wikidata projects at the University of Edinburgh.
  72. Circular Records Hall on Atlas Obscura – one of Lorna's photographs was featured in Atlas Obscura. It was one that she uploaded to Wikimedia Commons as part of the Wiki Loves Monuments competition last year.
  73. What I did on my holidays – taking pictures for Wiki Loves Monuments.
  74. Academia and Wikipedia – a presentation at Maynooth University on 18 June 2018.
  75. Celebrating 100 years of Votes for Women
  76. Ada Lovelace Day 2018 – nominate Women in STEM heroines.
  77. Open.Ed – OER and Open Knowledge at the University of Edinburgh.
  78. Wikidata in the Classroom and the WikiCite project – presentation at Repository Fringe 2018.
  79. University wins Wikimedia UK’s Partnership of the Year award
  80. University of Edinburgh wins Wikimedia UK Partnership of the Year Award.
  81. Open.Ed at RepoFringe18
  82. Scotland loves Monuments 2018
  83. Wiki Loves Monuments 2018
  84. The internet’s favourite website for information.
  85. How to run a Wikipedia editathon – a workshop for health information professionals at the EAHIL conference – This post was authored by Ruth Jenkins, Academic Support Librarian at the University of Edinburgh.
  86. Ada Lovelace Day – 1 month to go!
  87. Facts and Fallacies: Cultural Representations of Mental Health
  88. Edinburgh Gothic for Robert Louis Stevenson Day 2018
  89. Witchy Wikidata – a 6th birthday celebration event for Halloween
  90. Editing Wikipedia as part of teaching public health? by Felix Stein, by Global Health MSc course leader at the University of Edinburgh.
  91. JISC Case study:Wikimedia in the curriculum – addressing the challenges of digital and information literacy, digital scholarship and open knowledge at the University of Edinburgh.
  92. The New Statesman:From Chinese spies to award-winning geologists, we’re making women visible on Wikipedia – co-authored with Siobhan O'Connor, Sara Thomas and Alice White.
  93. Wikimedian in Residence blog:You can’t be what you can’t see – creating new role models on Wikipedia to encourage the next generation of #ImmodestWomen.
  94. Women scientists being whitewashed from Wikipedia – Ewan McAndrew, Siobhan O’Connor, Dr Sara Thomas and Dr Alice White
  95. International Women’s Day 2019
  96. Recruiting a Witchfinder General
  97. Women and Wikipedia….Open Learning and a hobby for life!
  98. Translation and Open Education – An Experiment using Wikipedia
  99. Wikipedia in Higher Education: How students are shaping the open web
  100. Diversifying Wikipedia for the Festival of Creative Learning 2019
  101. JISC case study – Wikimedia in the curriculum: Addressing the challenges of digital and information literacy, digital scholarship and open knowledge at the University of Edinburgh


Institution Resident's name Period Covered Date of Report Full Report
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 11 Jan – 11 Feb 2016 (first month of residency) 24 Feb 2016 1st Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 Feb – 11 Mar 2016 (second month of residency) 15 Mar 2016 2nd Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 Mar – 11 Apr 2016 (third month of residency) 11 Apr 2016 3rd Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 Apr – 11 May 2016 (fourth month of residency) 17 May 2016 4th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 May – 11 June 2016 (fifth month of residency) 15 June 2016 5th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 June – 11 July 2016 (sixth month of residency) 17 July 2016 6th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 July – 11 August 2016 (seventh month of residency) 26 August 2016 7th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 August – 11 September 2016 (eighth month of residency) 15 September 2016 8th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 September – 11 October 2016 (ninth month of residency) 17 October 2016 9th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 October – 11 November 2016 (tenth month of residency) 17 November 2016 10th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 November – 11 December 2016 (Eleventh month of residency) 21 December 2016 11th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 December – 11 January 2017 (Twelfth month of residency) 16 January 2017 12th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 11 January 2016 to 11 January 2017 (Review of last 12 months) 12 February 2017 12 Month Review – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 January – 11 February 2017 (Thirteenth month of residency) 13 February 2017 13th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 February – 11 March 2017 (Fourteenth month of residency) 17 February 2017 14th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 March – 11 April 2017 (Fifteenth month of residency) 14 March 2017 15th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 April – 11 May 2017 (Sixteenth month of residency) 16 May 2017 16th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 May – 11 June 2017 (Seventeenth month of residency) 12 June 2017 17th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 June – 11 July 2017 (Eighteenth month of residency) 25 July 2017 18th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 July – 11 August 2017 (Nineteenth month of residency) 30 August 2017 19th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 August – 11 September 2017 (Twentieth month of residency) 14 September 2017 20th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 September – 11 October 2017 (Twenty-first month of residency) 23 October 2017 21st Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 October – 11 November 2017 (Twenty-second month of residency) 24 January 2018 22nd Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 November – 11 December 2017 (Twenty-third month of residency) 24 January 2018 23rd Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 December – 11 January 2018 (Twenty-fourth month of residency) 24 January 2018 24th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 January – 11 February 2018 (Twenty-fifth month of residency) 7 March 2018 25th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 February – 11 March 2018 (Twenty-sixth month of residency) 7 March 2018 26th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 11 January 2016 to 16 April 2018 (Review of last 2 years) 16 April 2018 Two year review – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 March – 11 April 2018 (Twenty-seventh month of residency) 10 May 2018 27th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 April – 11 May 2018 (Twenty-eighth month of residency) 10 May 2018 28th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 May – 11 June 2018 (Twenty-ninth month of residency) 12 June 2018 29th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 June – 11 July 2018 (Thirtieth month of residency) 1 August 2018 30th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 July – 11 August 2018 (Thirty-first month of residency) 28 August 2018 31st Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 August – 11 September 2018 (Thirty-second month of residency) 18 September 2018 32nd Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 September – 11 November 2018 (Thirty-third month and Thirty-fourth month of residency) 19 November 2018 33rd and 34th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 November 2018 – 11 January 2019 (Thirty-fifth month and Thirty-sixth month of residency) 4 February 2019 35th and 36th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 January 2019 – 11 March 2019 (Thirty-seventh month and Thirty-eighth month of residency) 25 March 2019 37th and 38th Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 March 2019 – 11 June 2019 (Thirty-ninth month, Fourtieth and Forty-first month of residency) 26 June 2019 39th, 40th and 41st Month Report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 January 2019 – 11 January 2020 (Year Four Report) 13 November 2019 Year Four report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 12 January 2020 – 1 May 2020 (49th to 52nd month of residency) 1 May 2020 49th to 52nd month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 May 2020 – 1 July 2020 (53rd and 54th month of residency) 8 July 2020 53rd to 54th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 July 2020 – 31 July 2020 (55th month of residency) 31 July 2020 55th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 August 2020 – 31 October 2020 (58th month of residency) 6 November 2020 58th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 November 2020 – 31 December 2020 (60th month of residency) 5 January 2021 60th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 January 2021 – 31 January 2021 (61st month of residency) 2 February 2021 61st month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 February 2021 – 28 February 2021 (62nd month of residency) 2 March 2021 62nd month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 March 2021 – 30 April 2021 (63rd and 64th month of residency) 12 May 2021 63rd and 64th month – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 May 2021 – 30 June 2021 (65th and 66th month of residency) 2 July 2021 65th and 66th month – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 July 2021 – 31 July 2021 (67th month of residency) 3 August 2021 67th month – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 August 2021 – 31 August 2021 (68th month of residency) 20 September 2021 68th month – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 September 2021 – 30 September 2021 (69th month of residency) 5 October 2021 69th month – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 November 2021 – 31 December 2021 (71st and 72nd month of residency) 6 January 2022 71st and 72nd month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 January 2022 – 31 January 2022 (73rd month of residency) 11 February 2022 73rd month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 February 2022 – 28 February 2022 (74th month of residency) 10 March 2022 74th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 March 2022 – 31 March 2022 (75th month of residency) 22 April 2022 75th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 April 2022 – 30 April 2022 (76th month of residency) 5 May 2022 76th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 May 2022 – 31 May 2022 (77th month of residency) 3 June 2022 77th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 June 2022 – 30 June 2022 (78th month of residency) 14 July 2022 78th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 July 2022 – 31 July 2022 (79th month of residency) 11 August 2022 79th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 August 2022 – 31 August 2022 (80th month of residency) 22 September 2022 80th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 September 2022 – 30 September 2022 (81st month of residency) 8 October 2022 81st month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 October 2022 – 31 October 2022 (82nd month of residency) 7 November 2022 82nd month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 November 2022 – 31 December 2022 (83rd and 84th month of residency) 20 January 2023 83rd and 84th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 January 2023 – 31 January 2023 (85th month of residency) 7 February 2023 85th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 February 2023 – 28 February 2023 (86th month of residency) 9 March 2023 86th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 March 2023 – 31 March 2023 (87th month of residency) 12 April 2023 87th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 April 2023 – 30 April 2023 (88th month of residency) 9 May 2023 88th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 May 2023 – 31 May 2023 (89th month of residency) 15 June 2023 89th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 June 2023 – 31 July 2023 (90th and 91st months of residency) 15 August 2023 90th and 91st months report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 August 2023 – 31 August 2023 (92nd month of residency) 14 September 2023 92nd month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 September 2023 – 31 October 2023 (93rd and 94th months of residency) 14 November 2023 93rd and 94th months report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 November 2023 – 31 December 2023 (95th and 96th months of residency) 10 January 2024 95th and 96th months report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 January 2024 – 31 January 2024 (97th month of residency) 12 February 2024 97th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 February 2024 – 29 February 2024 (98th month of residency) 12 March 2024 98th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 March 2024 – 31 March 2024 (99th month of residency) 17 April 2024 99th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 April 2024 – 30 April 2024 (100th month of residency) 20 May 2024 100th month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 May 2024 – 31 May 2024 (101st month of residency) 13 June 2024 101st month report ��� read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 June 2024 – 30 June 2024 (102nd month of residency) 8 July 2024 102nd month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 July 2024 – 31 July 2024 (103rd month of residency) 21 August 2024 103rd month report – read in full
University of Edinburgh Ewan McAndrew 1 August 2024 – 31 August 2024 (104th month of residency) 16 September 2024 104th month report – read in full


Wikipedia in the Classroom case studies


Lesson plan


Wikidata in the Classroom case studies



  1. A tool which 'scores' a Wikipedia page. (tick the checkbox for WP10 once you've selected enwiki from the dropdown menu)
  2. Citation Hunt tool
  3. Google Books citation tool
  4. Plagiarism detector

More tools and Wikidata queries can be found on User:Stinglehammer.


  • The Wikimedian in Residence channel on Youtube now has accrued over 59,000 views of its 69 videos from 168 countries around the world with 258 subscribers.

"I use Wikipedia a lot, so it was good to be able to understand exactly what goes into editing it. The assignment also helped me understand where to find valuable references in places I would not have known to look.

Reproductive Biology Hons. student

"I had the opportunity to translate a small part of Milton's poems, and it was a great translation practice. I became more informed about how Wikipedia works and how to create and edit an entry."

Translation Studies MSc student

"It is nice to see my work published and online, and the content translation tool meant that I didn't have to spend much time worrying about formatting"

Translation Studies MSc student

"It demystified creation of online resources especially in this context, Wikipedia. I believe we had all the help and resources necessary for a successful article. Thank you for this wonderful exposure, enabling in us the "I can" spirit."

World Christianity MSc student

"It surprised me that editing a Wiki article would be such fun."

World Christianity MSc student

External videos
  The global knowledge base: open data about everything – Dr. Martin Poulter's TEDx Talk on Wikidata
External videos
  "Wikipedia in Teaching and Learning – a webinar by Ewan McAndrew for Queen's University Belfast"

Getting started with Wikipedia


Getting started as a Wikipedia Trainer/Course leader


Getting started with Wikimedia Commons – the free & open media repository


Getting started with Wikidata – the free & open knowledgebase of structured linked open data


Getting started with Wikisource – the free digital


Wikipedia Games


Lots more resources can be found on the Resources page.

About the Wikimedia projects

Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. Wikimedia is the collective name for the Wikimedia movement, revolving around a group of inter-related projects, including Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and others, which aim to use the collaborative power of the Internet, and the wiki concept, to create and share free knowledge of all kinds.


Wikipedia is a project to build free encyclopedias in all languages of the world. Virtually anyone with Internet access is free to contribute by contributing neutral, cited information.


Wikidata aims to create a free knowledge base about the world that can be read and edited by humans and machines alike. It provides data in all the languages of the Wikimedia projects, and allows for the central access to data in a similar vein as Wikimedia Commons does for multimedia files.

  • Wikidata: The New Rosetta Stone – 25-11-2015 | Alex Hinojo CCCBLAB Research and Innovation in the Cultural Sphere. "With more than fifteen million items compiled in the space of just three years, Wikidata is set to become the main open data repository worldwide. The eagerly awaited promise of linked open data seems to have finally arrived: a multilingual, totally open database in the public domain, which can be read and edited by both humans and machines."

Wikimedia Commons aims to provide a central repository for free photographs, diagrams, maps, videos, animations, music, sounds, spoken texts, and other free media. It is a multilingual project with contributors speaking dozens of languages, that serves as a central repository for all Wikimedia projects.


Wikivoyage aims to create the world's largest free, complete and up-to-date worldwide travel guide. Wikivoyage was launched in January 2013 and is written by volunteers in the same spirit of sharing knowledge that makes travel so enjoyable.


Wikisource is a multilingual project to archive a collection of free and open content texts. It is not only a superior format for storing classics, laws, and other free works as hypertext, but it also serves as a base for translating these texts. Wikisource has several editions in many individual languages.

  • e.g.Gavin Willshaw, Digital Curator at the University of Edinburgh, has uploaded a PhD thesis by Thomas Jehu to Wikisource here.