My name is Labros S. Skartsis, from Greece, I am a Chemical Engineer (Ph.D.) and, among other publications, I have authored books covering aspects of the Greek Industrial history. Such material has been used as source for articles I have added in Wikipedia.

I personally started writing in Wikipedia since February 2006, covering areas that include automobiles/vehicles, motorcycles, aircraft, locomotives, military equipment, ships, Greek scientists, industrial history in general, flags, economy, history and architecture. Some of my articles reflect results of years of research, to be freely reproduced; I don't expect my name to be cited, however, Wikipedia should be mentioned as a source when material is reproduced. This way we all promote its influence for the spread of knowledge - in its most truly "democratic" sense.

The sad practice of other media copying FROM Wikipedia


From my own experience, it has become clear that Wikipedia has become a victim of the sad practice and culture of copying other people's work. After writing/uploading (since 2006) in Wikipedia hundreds of pages of my own research, including dozens of photographs (mostly of rare Greek vehicles) that I, personally, had taken, such articles were transferred through COPY-PASTE to endless websites, blogs, articles, books, videos etc., even in company websites (!), without the slightest mention of source. This trend has also expanded to social media and other forms of communication. The term "free Encyclopedia" has, unfortunately, been completely misunderstood...