

Early Education


Between the age of 5 and 11 (1988-94), Richard attended Marshall Elementary School, where he also participated in the Gifted & Talented program, and in the Fall 1995, he went on to attend Marshall High School. During the summer of 1996, Richard attended Mission Mars, an enrichment program hosted by Harding University for middle school students interested in exploring topics in space exploration. He returned in the summer of 1997 to attend Math Modeling, a similar program that provided students the opportunity to explore practical mathematical applications.

In the summer of 1998, 1999, & 2000, Richard attended Upward Bound: Math & Science(UBMS) at Lyon College. UBMS was a 6-week residential program hosted by a private, liberal arts college, that gave Richard the opportunity to take classes in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, among many other topics.

At Marshall High School, Richard followed the traditional college prep curriculum and participated in the Regional and National Science Fair.

In the fall 1999, Richard enrolled at the Arkansas School for Mathematics & Sciences (ASMS), a two-year residential high-school located in downtown Hot Springs, AR. Here, he was able to take a variety of college preparatory and advanced placement math and science courses that may have not been offered in his hometown. During his junior and senior year, Richard again participated in Regional and National Science Fair Competitions as well as Junior Academy, representing ASMS.

Clubs & Honors Papers/Projects/Notes

(1990-1994) 4-H
(1995-1999) Jr./Sr. Basketball
(1998-2001) National Beta Club
(2000-2001) National Honors Society
(2000-2001) Humane Society (Hot Springs, Garland Co., AR)

(1998) 1st Place Science Fair (MHS, Marshall, AR)
(2000) 1st Place Regional Science Fair (ASMS; Hot Springs, AR)
(2001) 1st Place National Science Fair (ASMS; Hot Springs, AR)
(2001) Military Award: US Army; Science Fair (ASMS; Hot Springs, AR)

Drag Coefficients of Varying Wing Shapes (Science Fair, 1999)
Winglet Shape and Drag (Science Fair, 2000)
Mathematics of Acoustics and Wave Analysis of Resonance Frequencies(Fall Math Project, 2000)

3.8 GPA, Math Focus
AP AB Calculus

Higher Education


In the Fall 2001, Richard enrolled at Hendrix College, a small liberal arts school located in Conway, AR. Hendrix would be Richard's most influential educational institution as he was immediately enthralled by Western Intellectual Traditions and challenged by the rigorous Trimester system. The campus during this time was remarkably liberal compared to other schools in the area, and would be the place where many of Richard's life-long friends would be made.

During his first year, Richard was adamant about majoring mathematics until the end of the Spring Trimester when he chose to pursue a degree in the field of Psychology. He found the Calculus III load to be rather daunting and while taking General Psychology under Dr. Chris Spatz, Richard discovered a whole field of study unique from anything he had experienced in academia thus far. Due to his training in math & science reasoning, Richard found the quantitative research methodology of psychological research to be rather stimulating, but at the same time, the broader schools of theory within the discipline interested him even more. Psychology became one of Richard's greatest passions and jump-started a long life of study of the Philosophy of Mind. His favorite fields within psychology were Neurobiology, Cognition, and Developmental Psychology.

Papers/Projects Clubs & Honors (Other)

Competitive Anxiety in Video Games (2002)
Electronic Music & the Rave Culture (2002)
Nocturnal Enuresis (2003)
Competitive Sports (2003)
Opioids & Play Behavior (2004)
Vitamins B12 & B6 and Cognitive Functioning (2004)
Hypnosis & Memory (2003)

Acacia spp (2006)

60 credit hours within Psychology
150+hours of Practicum
100+hours classroom obs/student teaching
Behavioral Neuroscience and Cognitive Lab Work

Dean's Scholarship Recipient (2001)
3.0 GPA (within Major) (2.78 Cummulative GPA)
Multi-cultural Development Committee Representative (MDC)
Future Investors

In the spring of 2006, Richard sought opportunities in the North East and made plans to move to Boston, MA. Originally, he began the Counseling and Sport Psychology program at Boston University's School of Education (SED) that offered joint program for a potential license in Mental Health and Behavioral Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine. Given his degree and practicum experience, this seemed the most logical route.

In the spring of 2007, Richard withdrew from the Counseling program in favor of the Educational Media & Technology (EM&T) at the SED. Here, Richard took a number of courses in digital media creation, but would find Digital Video Editing to be one of the more valuable skills acquired from the EM&T program.

Projects/Presentations: Notes:

Sensation Seeking in Sport (2006)
Mental Skills WorkBook; Counseling (2006)

Counseling & Sport Psychology/Mental Health & Behavioral Medicine:
GPA: 3.43
Clinical Practicum

Video Series: Dating Tips, 7-part Series (2007)
Nutrition Facts (2007) www for education project
-- The Food Groups: Companion Site (2007)
Gender Bias in Technology (2007)

Educational Media & Technology: GPA: 3.86
Interactive Software Development
Digital Video Production

From 2007-2009, Richard was enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Studies Program at Lesley University where he hoped to explore a variety of topics within Information Studies such as Human-Computer Interaction, Cybernetics, and Informatics. Richard is primarily interested in the concept of Singularity as put forward by Ray Kurzweil, and was looking to investigate social implications of ubiquitous computing and the role of technology in the evolution of humankind.

Within the interdisc program, Richard had the opportunity to explore a variety of modes of conceptualization, primarily focusing on approaching phenomena from a Multidisciplinary, Holistic, or Systems Approach. Most of the coursework had been focused on exploring Technological Adaptation and Interdisciplinary Philosophy, and it was an ambition to further examine aspects of Neurobiology and its mechanisms. Richard presently gives lectures and holds seminars/workshops introducing Web 2.0 and theoretical Web 3.0 projections.

Projects/Presentations: Notes:

Web 3.0 & The Future of the Web (2008)
Beer: A Water Case Study (2008)

4.0 GPA

Richard is currently enrolled in the Technology in Education (TIE) Master's program at Lesley University.

See Richard's most current projects: Here