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Tertiary education courses record


119xxx Agriculture and Horticulture:

  • 155 Communication in the Sciences

123xxx Chemistry:

  • 101 Chemistry and Living Systems
  • 102 Chemistry and the Material World
  • 203 Inorganic Chemistry and Modeling
  • 204 Chemical and Biochemical Analysis
  • 313 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

124xxx Physics:

  • 101 Physics I (a)
  • 102 Physics I (b)
  • 226 Quantum & Statistical Physics
  • 229 Special Relativity & Cosmology
  • 230 Biophysics
  • 327 Modern Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics

134xxx Philosophy:

  • 103 Critical Thinking

159xxx Computer Science:

  • 101 Programming Fundamentals

160xxx Mathematics:

  • 101 Calculus I
  • 112 Mathematics 1B
  • 203 Calculus II
  • 204 Differential Equations I
  • 318 Differential Equations II

201xxx Classical Studies:

  • 112 Greek History

233xxx Earth Science:

  • 101 Introductory Earth Science

236xxx Nanoscience:

  • 201 Nanoscience
  • 301 Advanced Nanoscience
  • 302 Research Project

Known friend list:




I detest bigoted steamrolling edits, which I encounter much too often by established users. 'Bigoted steamrolling': an adjectivised present participle, meaning, to ruthlessly crush or overwhelm, as a way of being a bigot; biased; strongly prejudiced; forming opinions without just cause. Plasmic Physics (talk) 01:07, 20 June 2013 (UTC)

I believe in some of the philisophical razors or variations thereof:

Hanlon's razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance. Occam's razor: never attribute to neccesity that which is adequately explained by coincidence. Hitchen's razor: never attribute to verity that which is adequately explained by posturing.

Chemistry editing agreement


(Amended version)

This foregoing, in its closing, appears to have accomplished nothing it seems, so I will close with a formal proposal:

  • (i) that all cosignatories consciously return to the principles of WP with respect to these chemistry discussions, including AGF and other policies requiring mutual respect in actions and discussion;
  • (ii) that the PP and all cosignatories here commit unequivocally to add no substantial chemistry text material without good secondary / tertiary scientific sources—not primary sources [only in cases where secondary/tertiary sources are indeed available], and with sources substantially beyond UG first and second year texts (graduate texts, reviews, and monographs preferred);
  • (iii) that in selection of chemistry citations, proof-texting be avoided, and instead, a commitment be made to identifying the preponderance of scientific opinion—not via Google, but through reliable scientific search venues such as CAS SciFinder, Pubmed, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, etc.;
  • (iv) that by all cosignatories, the difference between nomenclature and lexicography discussed above be acknowledged, and through the use of disambiguation, and careful name choice, both familiar and unfamiliar chemical concepts be given adequate definition and coverage in article images and text (whether in same or different articles);
  • (v) that PP agree to make no gross change to article nomenclature without creating a talk page, prior, and laying out the reasons for the overarching change, and that Talk section be allowed to stand for two weeks before a bold, comprehensive nomenclature edit is made;
  • (vi) that for any article for which PP can reasonably [discretion lies with PP] be aware that the cosignatories of this long discussion have interest or past involvement, that the same "discuss first" rule be again adhered to for any major edit, or series of minor edits that taken together constitute a significant change to the article text (given the clear differences of opinion about approach to practical editing that this page lays bare); in such cases, the same let Talk stand for two weeks criteria be applied;
  • (vii) that on becoming aware of the indicated Talk sections, that the cosignatories of the foregoing long discussions agree to approach matters civilly, with both sides committed to the careful thorough conversation as eventually was seen in the foregoing discussion;
  • (viii) that when a no point of consensus is soon reached in these Talk venues, all cosignatories here agree to seek additional participants to weigh both sides of the issue, in the specific context (and I will volunteer evening time for this if I am available); all then agree to abide by the consensus that is eventually reached (e.g., and if in the minority, not return again after a pause, to attempt to subvert consensus);
  • (ix) that all cosignatories here agree, whether for edits covered above or otherwise, that on experience of first reversion of an edit, to move the matter immediately to Talk, and allow the initial, more longstanding text to remain in place, while discussion takes place over the aim of the once-reverted edits (where points vii and viii again apply); and
  • (x) that all take seriously their own intellectual limitations, and respect the need for stable article spaces, and accept that return to earlier business-as-usual approaches to get edits in place may result in a block of work in this Project.

Plasmic Physics (talk) 12:17, 19 June 2014 (UTC)

Nomenclature Notes


Substitutive nomenclature:

  • -uide is to be used when the valence is equal or greater than that of the equivalent Heuristic Parent Hydride (HPH).
  • -ide is is to be used when the valence is less than that of the equivalent HPH.
  • -anium is to be used when the valence is greater than that of the equivalent HPH.
  • -ylium is to be used when the valence is equal or less than that of the equivalent HPH.

The lambda convension is to be used in conjunction with the usage of -uide, -ide, -anium, and -ylium when the valance of the parent hydride is not equivalent to that of the HPH.

  • When -uide or -anium is used, then elect the immediate parent hydride with the lower valence.
  • When -ide or -ylium is used, then elect the immediate parent hydride with the hhigher valence.

For example, PF
would be named pentafluoro-λ4-phosphanuide and P+
would be named λ1-phosphanylium. When naming a radical, -yl and -ylidene is to be used only when refering to a particular quantum state. -ylidyne is not to be used.