About me


Well, I live in Argentina so I'm a Spanish speaker. I was born the 2nd of February, 1992 in a little village called Remedios de Escalada. I'm not exactly an expert at English, so I'll be grateful if you help me with my grammatical or orthographical errors...

Me & the Wikipedia's project


Since the first moment I "met" Wikipedia, I though it was a really useful tool. After some time, a friend suggested me to be an user(obviously at the Wikipedia in Spanish!).

Nowadays, I want to help here, in Wikipedia, with everything I know, and I'll accept criticism to improve myself.

My likes


By themes


Well, I love the following list of themes:

Other's things

 This user likes the company of hamsters.

 This user's favourite animal is the Bald Eagle.
 This user is proud to be a bonaerense.
 This user lives in Argentina.
 This user was born on 02 February.
 This user loves the Autumn.
  This user uses Windows Live Messenger and his/her email address is juan_panosetti@hotmail.com.
  This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.