Tip of the day...
Avoid trademarks

Try to avoid using trademarks whenever possible. When trademarks do need to be used, remember to follow standard English text formatting and Wikipedia Method of Style (MOS) capitalization rules even if the trademark owner encourages special treatment. Do not use special symbols such as TM and ® unless they are important to the context, such as to distinguish between generic and brand names for drugs. Product logos and corporate logos may be used once in the infobox or corner of articles about the related product, service, company, or entity. Be sure to use a low-resolution version of the logo to comply with copyright requirements for fair-use.

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some cryptically hidden thoughts


other stuff interesting


at least to me


perhaps to others as well


Sometimes contributed from IP addresses:

CUVThis user is dedicated to
cleaning up vandalism.
This user tries not to insult the vandals and hopes he doesn't ever.

This user is a member of the Wikipedians in Europe category.
vn-4This user page has been vandalized 4 times.