• Comment: The two articles added were written by the subject, and are thus primary sources. We require coverage of the subject by independent sources, not their employers. Remsense 10:49, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Comment: Sources are non secondary, to establish notability it needs multiple in-depth coverage from Independent reliable secondary sources. GrabUp - Talk 17:09, 16 May 2024 (UTC)

Thomas Theodor Jaeger Thomas Theodor Jaeger (* 1977 in Klagenfurt, Austria) is an European jurist and European Union law legal scholar of Austrian origin.[1] He is the current president of the Austrian Society for European Law (ÖGER)[2] and thereby the Austrian representative at the Fédération Internationale Pour le Droit Européen (FIDE).[3]

The FIDE Society and Congresses

FIDE was established in 1961 as the only pan-European association active in the development and study of the law and institutions of the European Union and its interactions with the laws of the member states.[4] ÖGER and FIDE serve the mission of bringing together academic scholars, private practitioners and representatives from the institutions of the European Union for the exchange of ideas on European integration, the evolution of the law of the European Union and answers to contemporary challenges.

FIDE’s activities are focused on a long tradition of biennial Congresses, which provide the main forum for discussion and exchange. They last two and half days on average and are held in the state of the member association that is elected to hold the FIDE presidency for the period. The Congresses gather renowned academics, practitioners of EU Law, the President of the Court of Justice of the EU, judges, advocates-general, director generals of legal services of EU Institutions (European Parliament, Council of EU and European Commission).[4] The Congresses and related publications constitute FIDE’s main activity and play an eminent role landmarks in the study of key themes on European Law and of case law of the Court of Justice of the EU.

Affiliation and Background

Jaeger is currently Chair in European law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna[5] and an external professor at the College of Europe.[6] He is also President a full member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts[7] and a member of the Advisory Board for European Law at the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMeiA).[8] His research focuses on European economic law, in particular the EU internal market and competition, as well as intellectual property law, international trade and the enforcement and judicial system for EU law.[9]

His written work comprises over 300 individual works in German and English, including several monographs and textbooks on European law.[10] He is the founder and co-editor of the Austrian yearbook series on state aid law[11] as well as co-editor of Austria's leading legal commentary on the TEU and TFEU,[12]. He is also co-editor of the pan-European law journal European State Aid Quarterly (EStAL)[13] and the Austrian economic law journal Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter (wbl)[14] as well as reviewer for the international section of the German journal for intellectual property law (GRUR Int.).[10]

Jaeger is married and the father of two children.[15] The family lives in Salzburg, Austria.[16]

Books (selection)

Beihilfen durch Steuern und parafiskalische Abgaben, NWV 2006, ISBN 978-3-7083-0395-6

System einer Europäischen Gerichtsbarkeit für Immaterialgüterrechte: Grundlagen – Struktur – Verfahren, Springer 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-39672-4

Introduction to European Union Law, Facultas 2021, ISBN 978-3-7089-2060-3

Einführung in das Europarecht: Grundlagen – Institutionen – Durchsetzung – Binnenmarkt, Facultas, 4. Auflage 2023, ISBN 978-3-7089-2349-9

Materielles Europarecht, LexisNexis, 3. Auflage 2024, ISBN 978-3-7007-8511-8

Internet links

Thomas Theodor Jaeger personal web page at the University of Vienna, JAEGER, Thomas

Thomas Theodor Jaeger at the College of Europe, Thomas JAEGER | Coleurope

Publications by Thomas Theodor Jaeger in the research database of the University of Vienna, Suche - u:cris-Portal

Interview with Thomas Theodor Jaeger in the media portal of the University of Vienna (German language), Thomas T. Jaeger: "Juristerei ist das Hinterfragen von Regeln"

Interview with Thomas Theodor Jaeger as author of the month by Manz publishing house (German language), Thomas Jaeger - Autor des Monats 03/2019: MANZ


  1. ^ "Was tun, wenn Mitgliedsstaaten dem EuGH den Gehorsam verweigern?". DER STANDARD (in Austrian German). Retrieved 2024-05-23.
  2. ^ "Austrian Societey for European Law - ÖGER, FIDE Austria". oeger.eu.
  3. ^ "National Associations". FIDE, International Federation of European Law.
  4. ^ a b "FIDE, International Federation of European Law". FIDE, International Federation of European Law.
  5. ^ "Was tun, wenn Mitgliedsstaaten dem EuGH den Gehorsam verweigern?". DER STANDARD (in Austrian German). Retrieved 2024-05-23.
  6. ^ "Thomas JAEGER | Coleurope".
  7. ^ "Members | European Academy of Sciences and Arts". members.euro-acad.eu.
  8. ^ "JAEGER, Thomas".
  9. ^ "Hält ein mutiger EU-Gerichtshof die Europäische Union zusammen?". DER STANDARD (in Austrian German). Retrieved 2024-05-23.
  10. ^ a b "Forschung".
  11. ^ "Beihilferecht | Einzelkauf/Kein Abo | 99.105005/9783708341361".
  12. ^ EUV AEUV online - Kommentar zu EUV und AEUV online bestellen | | MANZ. July 2023.
  13. ^ "EStAL - European State Aid Law Quarterly". estal.lexxion.eu.
  14. ^ "Wirtschaftsrechtliche blätter | Einstiegsabo | 99.105005/09303855-NEUS".
  15. ^ "Thomas T. Jaeger: "Juristerei ist das Hinterfragen von Regeln"".
  16. ^ "Thomas Jaeger - Autor des Monats 03/2019: MANZ". www.manz.at.