Algebraic intersection for a family of Veech surfaces
Annales Henri Lebesgue, Volume 7 (2024), pp. 787-821.


Keywords Lyapunov exponents, translation surface, Teichmüller curve, algebraic intersection


We study some properties of the function KVol defined by

KVol(X,ω):=Vol(X,ω)sup α,β Int(α,β) l g (α)l g (β)

on the moduli space of translation surfaces. For the Teichmüller discs 𝒯 n of the original Veech surfaces arising from the right-angled triangles (π/2,π/n,(n-2)π/2n) for odd n5, we establish the first known explicit formula for KVol (beyond the case of the moduli space of flat tori).


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