Adam Ó Conghaile ; Anuj Dawar - Game Comonads & Generalised Quantifiers

lmcs:7643 - Logical Methods in Computer Science, July 23, 2024, Volume 20, Issue 3 -
Game Comonads & Generalised QuantifiersArticle

Authors: Adam Ó Conghaile ORCID; Anuj Dawar ORCID

    Game comonads, introduced by Abramsky, Dawar and Wang and developed by Abramsky and Shah, give an interesting categorical semantics to some Spoiler-Duplicator games that are common in finite model theory. In particular they expose connections between one-sided and two-sided games, and parameters such as treewidth and treedepth and corresponding notions of decomposition. In the present paper, we expand the realm of game comonads to logics with generalised quantifiers. In particular, we introduce a comonad graded by two parameters $n \leq k$ such that isomorphisms in the resulting Kleisli category are exactly Duplicator winning strategies in Hella's $n$-bijection game with $k$ pebbles. We define a one-sided version of this game which allows us to provide a categorical semantics for a number of logics with generalised quantifiers. We also give a novel notion of tree decomposition that emerges from the construction.

    Volume: Volume 20, Issue 3
    Published on: July 23, 2024
    Accepted on: May 5, 2024
    Submitted on: July 2, 2021
    Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science,68Q19

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