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Capacity drop and traffic control for a second order traffic model

The second author is supported by DFG grant GO 1920/4-1.
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  • In this paper, we illustrate how second order traffic flow models, in our case the Aw-Rascle equations, can be used to reproduce empirical observations such as the capacity drop at merges and solve related optimal control problems. To this aim, we propose a model for on-ramp junctions and derive suitable coupling conditions. These are associated to the first order Godunov scheme to numerically study the well-known capacity drop effect, where the outflow of the system is significantly below the expected maximum. Control issues such as speed and ramp meter control are also addressed in a first-discretize-then-optimize framework.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 90B20, 35L65.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Demand and supply functions on a fixed road for $\rho^{\max}=1$, $v^{\rm{ref}}=2$, $\gamma=2$ and the given values for $c$

    Figure 2.  1-to-1 junction

    Figure 3.  1-to-1 junction with on-ramp

    Figure 4.  On-ramp at origin

    Figure 5.  Outflow at a vertex

    Figure 6.  A single road

    Figure 7.  Density (top) and velocity (bottom) after 36 seconds for different choices of the relaxation parameter $\delta$ and for the LWR model

    Figure 8.  Two roads with an on-ramp in between

    Figure 9.  Actual outflow depending on the desired inflow at the on-ramp for the AR and the LWR model

    Figure 10.  Road network with an on-ramp at the node ''on-ramp''

    Figure 11.  Inflow profiles for the network in Figure 10

    Figure 12.  Queue at the origin ''in'' and the on-ramp with and without optimization

    Figure 13.  Flow at the origin ''in'' of the network (left) and at the node ''out'' (right) with and without optimization

    Figure 14.  Optimal control of $v_i^{\max}(t)$ on road2 (top left) and road3 (top right) and $u(t)$ at the on-ramp (bottom)

    Figure 15.  Density (top) and velocity (bottom) behind the on-ramp in the uncontrolled case for different choices of the relaxation parameter $\delta$ and for the LWR model

    Table 1.  Capacity drop effect

    inflow at on-ramp in $[\frac{\rm{cars}}{\rm{h}}]$}$\rho_1$in $[\frac{\rm{cars}}{\rm{km}}]$$v_1$in $[\frac{\rm{km}}{\rm{h}}]$$w_1$in $[\frac{\rm{km}}{\rm{h}}]$outflow AR in $[\frac{\rm{cars}}{\rm{h}}]$outflow LWR in $[\frac{\rm{cars}}{\rm{h}}]$
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    Table 2.  Properties of the roads in Figure 10

    roadlength $[\text{km}]$$\rho^{\max}$ $[\frac{\text{cars}}{\text{km}}]$$v^{\rm{low}}$ $[\frac{\text{km}}{\text{h}}]$$v^{\rm{high}}$ $[\frac{\text{km}}{\text{h}}]$initial density $[\frac{\text{cars}}{\text{km}}]$
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    Table 3.  Optimization results for the network in Figure 10

    AR, $\frac{\partial p_i}{\partial v_i^{\max}}\ne0$AR, $\frac{\partial p_i}{\partial v_i^{\max}}=0$LWR
    no control1871.71871.7834.9
    ramp metering only1325.31325.3834.9
    speed control only1122.8872.6834.9
    both control types814.5818.4834.9
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    Table 4.  Total travel time for different choices of the relaxation parameter $\delta$

    $\delta$no controlopt. control, $\frac{\partial p_i}{\partial v_i^{\max}}\ne0$opt. control, $\frac{\partial p_i}{\partial v_i^{\max}}=0$
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