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Optimization method in counter terrorism: min-max zero-sum differential game approach

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  • One of the most critical problems facing governments at present is terrorism. Most recent studies are striving to find an optimal solution to this problem that threatens the security and stability of people. To combat terrorism, government uses various means, such as improving education quality, providing labor opportunities, seeking social justice, creating religious awareness, and building security arrangements. This study aims to evaluate the optimum strategy for both government and terrorist organization using a min-max zero-sum differential game approach. In addition, it analyses the dynamics of the government's activities separately and explain the impact of the government's counter-terror measures on the activity and strength of international terror organization.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 91A23; Secondary: 49N70, 49N90.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  The relation between $ u $ and $ \nu $

    Figure 2.  The relation between $ Y $ and $ \nu $

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