Research article

Series expansions of powers of arcsine, closed forms for special values of Bell polynomials, and series representations of generalized logsine functions

  • Received: 22 February 2021 Accepted: 30 April 2021 Published: 07 May 2021
  • MSC : Primary: 11B83; Secondary: 11C08, 12E10, 26A39, 33B10, 41A58

  • In the paper, the authors

    1. establish general expressions of series expansions of $ (\arcsin x)^\ell $ for $ \ell\in\mathbb{N} $;

    2. find closed-form formulas for the sequence

    $ \begin{equation*} {\rm{B}}_{2n,k}\biggl(0,\frac{1}{3},0,\frac{9}{5},0,\frac{225}{7},\dotsc, \frac{1+(-1)^{k+1}}{2}\frac{[(2n-k)!!]^2}{2n-k+2}\biggr), \end{equation*} $

    where $ {\rm{B}}_{n, k} $ denotes the second kind Bell polynomials;

    3. derive series representations of generalized logsine functions.

    The series expansions of the powers $ (\arcsin x)^\ell $ were related with series representations for generalized logsine functions by Andrei I. Davydychev, Mikhail Yu. Kalmykov, and Alexey Sheplyakov. The above sequence represented by special values of the second kind Bell polynomials appeared in the study of Grothendieck's inequality and completely correlation-preserving functions by Frank Oertel.

    Citation: Bai-Ni Guo, Dongkyu Lim, Feng Qi. Series expansions of powers of arcsine, closed forms for special values of Bell polynomials, and series representations of generalized logsine functions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(7): 7494-7517. doi: 10.3934/math.2021438

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  • In the paper, the authors

    1. establish general expressions of series expansions of $ (\arcsin x)^\ell $ for $ \ell\in\mathbb{N} $;

    2. find closed-form formulas for the sequence

    $ \begin{equation*} {\rm{B}}_{2n,k}\biggl(0,\frac{1}{3},0,\frac{9}{5},0,\frac{225}{7},\dotsc, \frac{1+(-1)^{k+1}}{2}\frac{[(2n-k)!!]^2}{2n-k+2}\biggr), \end{equation*} $

    where $ {\rm{B}}_{n, k} $ denotes the second kind Bell polynomials;

    3. derive series representations of generalized logsine functions.

    The series expansions of the powers $ (\arcsin x)^\ell $ were related with series representations for generalized logsine functions by Andrei I. Davydychev, Mikhail Yu. Kalmykov, and Alexey Sheplyakov. The above sequence represented by special values of the second kind Bell polynomials appeared in the study of Grothendieck's inequality and completely correlation-preserving functions by Frank Oertel.


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