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Optimality conditions for $ E $-differentiable vector optimization problems with the multiple interval-valued objective function

  • * Corresponding author: Najeeb Abdulaleem

    * Corresponding author: Najeeb Abdulaleem
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  • In this paper, a nonconvex vector optimization problem with multiple interval-valued objective function and both inequality and equality constraints is considered. The functions constituting it are not necessarily differentiable, but they are $ E $-differentiable. The so-called $ E $-Karush-Kuhn-Tucker necessary optimality conditions are established for the considered $ E $-differentiable vector optimization problem with the multiple interval-valued objective function. Also the sufficient optimality conditions are derived for such interval-valued vector optimization problems under appropriate (generalized) $ E $-convexity hypotheses.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90C29, 90C30, 90C46, 90C26.


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