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Statistical inference of semidefinite programming with multiple parameters

  • * Corresponding author: Jiani Wang

    * Corresponding author: Jiani Wang 

Jiani Wang is supported by NNSFC grant Nos. 11571059, 11731013 and 91330206

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  • The parameters in the semidefinite programming problems generated by the average of a sample, may lead to the deviation of the optimal value and optimal solutions due to the uncertainty of the data. The statistical properties of estimates of the optimal value and the optimal solutions are given in this paper, when the estimated parameters are both in the objective function and in the constraints. This analysis is mainly based on the theory of the linear programming and the perturbation theory of the semidefinite programming.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 90C22, 90C31, 90C46; Secondary: 62D05, 62F12.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  $ \hat{\vartheta}_N $ in the case that the optimal solution is not unique

    N Bias SD SE CP
    100 -0.01575607 0.09802304 0.1026943 0.959
    300 -0.008588234 0.05875263 0.05928791 0.947
    800 -0.005730269 0.03494695 0.03630683 0.953
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    Table 2.  $ \hat{\vartheta}_N $ with the unique optimal solution

    N Bias SD SE CP
    100 -0.008575782 0.2752905 0.283196 0.954
    300 0.000433069 0.1598366 0.1635033 0.953
    800 0.002228357 0.1022441 0.1001249 0.948
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    Table 3.  $ \hat{x}_N $ with the unique optimal solution

    N x Bias SD SE CP
    100 $ x_1 $ 0.001119686 0.1960365 0.2006396 0.956
    $ x_2 $ -0.005239017 0.2040734 0.2006396 0.951
    400 $ x_1 $ 0.003114901 0.09937129 0.1003198 0.948
    $ x_2 $ 0.004845715 0.1005173 0.1003198 0.946
    1000 $ x_1 $ -0.0001884376 0.06216153 0.06344781 0.943
    $ x_2 $ 0.005075925 0.06360439 0.06344781 0.952
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