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Symmetry actuated closed-loop Hamiltonian systems

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  • This paper extends the theory of controlled Hamiltonian systems with symmetries due to [23,9,10,6,7,11] to the case of non-abelian symmetry groups $ G $ and semi-direct product configuration spaces. The notion of symmetry actuating forces is introduced and it is shown, that Hamiltonian systems subject to such forces permit a conservation law, which arises as a controlled perturbation of the $ G $-momentum map. Necessary and sufficient matching conditions are given to relate the closed-loop dynamics, associated to the forced Hamiltonian system, to an unforced Hamiltonian system. These matching conditions are then applied to general Lie-Poisson systems, to the example of ideal charged fluids in the presence of an external magnetic field ([20]), and to the satellite with a rotor example ([9,10]).

    Mathematics Subject Classification: 70G40, 10H14, 37K45, 76B75.


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