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Solving matrix game using rough interval payoffs

  • *Corresponding author: Sankar Kumar Roy, Orcid: 0000-0003-4478-1534

    *Corresponding author: Sankar Kumar Roy, Orcid: 0000-0003-4478-1534
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(2) / Table(4) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we conduct an analysis of a matrix game using rough interval payoffs, which we refer to as the rough interval matrix game (RIMG). We employ three methods to address the problem at hand: linear programming, graphical method, and algebraic method. The proposed approach offers several key advantages over existing methods, which we highlight. We introduce algorithms associated with each of the three mentioned methods to obtain optimal solutions for the RIMG. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed techniques, we present two numerical examples and apply the methodologies to solve them. In conclusion, we summarize the findings of our study and discuss potential avenues for future research based on the insights provided in this paper.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 91A86; Secondary: 91A80.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  Graph of $ \phi_j(t),\; j = 1,2,3 $

    Figure 2.  Graph of $ \psi(t) $

    Table 1.  Contributions of different authors in relate to matrix game under uncertainty

    Author Payoff Matrix Approach
    Campos (1989) Fuzzy Linear programming problem
    Li (1999) Fuzzy Multi-objective programming
    Osman et al. (2011) Rough interval Rough programming
    Li (2011) Interval An effective linear programming problem
    Hamzehee et al. (2014) Rough interval Linear programming problems with rough approximation concept
    Li and Nan (2014) Interval Interval programming
    Roy and Mondal (2016) Fuzzy An effective fuzzy multi-objective linear programming with fuzzy interval payoffs
    Roy and Mula (2016) Rough interval Genetic algorithm and Linear programming problem
    Bhurjee and Panda (2017) Interval Normalized matrix game with variable payoffs
    Our proposed work Rough interval Three traditional methods, namely, AM, GM, and LPP
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    Table 2.  Optimal value and strategy of players by LPP

    Problem Value of the game Optimal strategy (Player A) Optimal strategy (Player B)
    Problem-1.1 93.684 (0.474, 0.526) (0.526, 0.000, 0.474)
    Problem-1.2 111.428 (0.524, 0.476) (0.571, 0.000, 0.429)
    Problem-2.1 87.500 (0.500, 0.500) (0.550, 0.000, 0.450)
    Problem-2.2 117.500 (0.500, 0.500) (0.550, 0.000, 0.450)
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    Table 3.  Game value using different methods in market share problem

    Methods Value of the game
    Using LPP ([93.684,111.428], [87.500,117.500])
    Using GM ([97.693,103.076], [92.693,111.153])
    Using AM ([97.692,117.692], [92.692,122.692])
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    Table 4.  Game value using different methods in water resources management problem

    Methods Value of the game
    Using LPP ([65.000, 75.000], [60.000, 80.000])
    Using GM ([75.000, 79.520], [57.620, 87.620])
    Using AM ([53.300, 62.000], [48.300, 67.000])
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