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Finding robust minimizer for non-convex phase retrieval

  • *Corresponding author: Tieyong Zeng

    *Corresponding author: Tieyong Zeng

This work was supported in part by the National Key R & D Program of China under Grant 2021YFE0203700, Grant NSFC/RGC N_CUHK 415/19, Grant ITF MHP/038/20, Grant RGC 14300219, 14302920, 14301121, and CUHK Direct Grant for Research; and in part by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61971234, 12126340, 12126304, 11501301), the "QingLan" Project for Colleges and Universities of Jiangsu Province

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  • The phase retrieval task has received considerable attention in recent years. Here, phase retrieval refers to the problem of recovering the clear image from magnitude-only data of its Fourier transform, or other linear transforms. As the observed magnitude signal is usually corrupted by heavy noise, retrieving the original object is rather difficult. In this paper, we investigate a regularization-based framelet method to recover the phase information and alleviate the influence of noise. Indeed, since phase retrieval is usually modeled by a non-convex model, how to find the solution efficiently is an intricate challenge. For this reason, we first reformulate the objective function as the difference between two convex functions. By introducing the boosted difference of convex algorithm (BDCA), the proposed scheme has good performance in handling the phase retrieval problem. Theoretically, we also present the convergence analysis of the numerical algorithm. To exhibit the effectiveness of our approach, we consider two classical regularizers with the proposed framework. Besides, two different measurement models are carefully studied to illustrate the robustness of our scheme. Numerical experiments demonstrate clearly that the proposed framelet method is effective and robust in tackling the non-convex phase retrieval task.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68U10, 94A08k, 90C47; Secondary: 65K10.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  The sensitive analysis of initial values. The proposed model (10) of the image 'cameraman' with the degradation of the $ 3n $ Fourier mask ratio 50% and $ \mathrm{SNR} = 30 $. (a) SNR(dB) results with 100 random values of $ \Phi(u) = \Vert\nabla u\Vert_1 $; (c) SNR(dB) results with 100 random values of $ \Phi(u) = \Vert\mathcal{W} u\Vert_1 $; the average visual results with (b) $ \mathrm{SNR} = 22.67 $ and (d) $ \mathrm{SNR} = 24.47 $

    Figure 2.  Comparisons between our BDCA and DC algorithm of Image 'cameraman' with CDP mask type $ J = 2 $. Here the red, green, and blue lines are with $ \sigma = 0 $, $ \sigma = 10 $, and $ \sigma = 30 $ respectively

    Figure 3.  Sensitive analysis with parameters $ \lambda $, $ \rho $. Image 'cameraman' with the degradation of the $ 3n $ Fourier mask ratio 50% and $ \mathrm{SNR} = 30 $

    Figure 4.  Sensitive analysis with parameters $ r_1 $, $ r_2 $, and $ r_3 $. Image 'cameraman' with the degradation of the $ 3n $ Fourier mask ratio 50% and $ \mathrm{SNR} = 30 $. The first row displays the results of the proposed model with $ \Phi(u) = \Vert\nabla u\Vert_1 $ and the second row is the results of the proposed model with $ \Phi(u) = \Vert\mathcal{W}u\Vert_1 $

    Figure 5.  The convergence behavior of the proposed model (10) of the image 'cameraman' with the degradation of the $ 3n $ Fourier mask ratio 50% and $ \mathrm{SNR} = 30 $

    Figure 6.  The comparison results (SNR/SSIM) of Img10 with $ 3n $ Fourier mask ratio $ 50% $ and $ \sigma = 0 $

    Figure 7.  The comparison results (SNR/SSIM) of Img08 with $ 3n $ Fourier mask ratio $ 50% $ and $ \sigma = 10 $

    Figure 8.  The comparison results (SNR/SSIM) of (2D projection slice of molecule) with CDP mask type $ J = 2 $ and $ \sigma = 1 $

    Figure 9.  The comparison results (SNR/SSIM) of Img13 with CDP mask type $ J = 2 $ and $ \sigma = 10 $

    Figure 10.  The comparison results (SNR/SSIM) of Img03 with CDP mask type $ J = 2 $ and $ \sigma = 30 $

    Figure 11.  The comparison results (SNR/SSIM) with random initial value of (2D projection slice of molecule) with CDP mask type $ J = 2 $ and $ \sigma = 10 $. (a) the original image; (b) The random value image with Matlab command 'u0 = rand(m, n)'; (c) RAF [48]; (d) TAF [47]; (e) TWF [15]; (f) Our TV with parameter $ \lambda = 1e30 $; (g) Our TF with parameter $ \lambda = 1e30 $; (h) Our TV; (i) Our TF

    Table 1.  Average results of Set18 with SNR/SSIM/running time in second of phase retrieval (3n Fourier measurements)

    mask $ 50% $ TVB [11] Our TV Our TF
    $ \sigma=0 $ 27.83/0.7411/24.12 27.99/0.7755/21.80 28.97/0.7952/60.33
    $ \sigma=10 $ 23.14/0.5472/24.37 24.00/0.5616/19.70 24.59/0.6148/57.28
    $ \sigma=30 $ 19.40/0.4117/24.70 20.08/0.4365/19.93 21.27/0.4677/60.17
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    Table 2.  Average results of Set18 with SNR/SSIM of phase retrieval (CDP measurement with $ J = 2 $)

    CDP mask ER [21] RAAR [30] RAF [48] RWF [52] TAF [47] CDA [54] HIO [19] TWF [15] WF [9] Our TV Our TF
    $ \sigma=30 $ 22.55/0.3406 22.94/0.3432 22.55/0.3408 22.55/0.3406 22.16/0.3418 21.72/0.3404 12.59/0.1212 22.03/0.3394 22.55/0.3406 27.02/0.6292 27.11/0.6406
    $ \sigma=10 $ 30.16/0.7323 30.56/0.7490 30.16/0.7324 30.16/0.7323 30.21/0.7345 30.06/0.7315 20.63/0.3424 30.20/0.7042 29.04/0.7402 34.53/0.8902 35.29/0.9002
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    Table 3.  Average running time in second of Set18 of phase retrieval (CDP measurement with $ J = 2 $)

    CDP mask ER [21] RAAR [30] RAF [48] RWF [52] TAF [47] CDA [54] HIO [19] TWF [15] WF [9] Our TV Our TF
    $ \sigma=30 $ 0.67 3.20 2.83 14.39 2.91 1.55 3.42 3.06 154.91 62.77 75.09
    $ \sigma=10 $ 0.66 3.06 2.75 10.61 2.81 1.27 2.92 3.01 136.06 61.21 73.85
     | Show Table
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