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A new exact inversion method for exponential Radon transform using the harmonic analysis of the Euclidean motion group

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper presents a new method for the exponential Radon transform inversion based on the harmonic analysis of the Euclidean motion group of the plane. The proposed inversion method is based on the observation that the exponential Radon transform can be modified to obtain a new transform, defined as the modified exponential Radon transform, that can be expressed as a convolution on the Euclidean motion group. The convolution representation of the modified exponential Radon transform is block diagonalized in the Euclidean motion group Fourier domain. Further analysis of the block diagonal representation provides a class of relationships between the spherical harmonic decompositions of the Fourier transforms of the function and its exponential Radon transform. These relationships and the block diagonalization lead to three new reconstruction algorithms. The proposed algorithms are implemented using the fast implementation of the Euclidean motion group Fourier transform and their performances are demonstrated in numerical simulations. Our study shows that convolution representation and harmonic analysis over groups motivates novel solutions for the inversion of the exponential Radon transform.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 44A12, 44A35, 94A08; Secondary: 65R10, 92C55.


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