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A new over-penalized weak Galerkin method. Part Ⅲ: Convection-diffusion-reaction problems

  • * Corresponding author: Lunji Song

    * Corresponding author: Lunji Song 
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(2) / Table(3) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper, we propose an over-penalized weak Galerkin (OPWG) finite element method for stationary convection-diffusion-reaction equations with full variable coefficients. This method employs piecewise polynomial approximations of degree $ k $ ($ k\geq 1 $) for both the scalar function and its trace. Especially, the trace on inter-element boundaries is approximated by double-valued functions instead of single-valued ones. The $ (\mathbb{P}_{k}, \mathbb{P}_{k},[\mathbb{P}_{k-1}]^{d}) $ elements, with dimensions of space $ d = 2,\; 3 $ are employed. Our method deals with the convective term discretized in a trilinear form, and the uniqueness of numerical solutions is discussed. Optimal error estimates in the discrete $ H^1 $-norm and $ L^2 $-norm are established, from which the optimal penalty exponent can be fixed. Numerical examples confirm the theory.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65N15, 65N30; Secondary: 35J50.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  The initial meshes: (a) unit square; (b) L-shaped domain

    Figure 2.  Example 3. The plot of WG solution (Left) for $k = 2, \beta_0 = 5$ and $h = 1/128$ and the exact solution (Right)

    Table 1.  Example 1. Numerical errors and convergence rates

    $ k=1 $ $ h $ $ |||e_h||| $ rates $ ||e_0|| $ rates
    $ \beta_0=2 $ 1/4 1.3064e-01 7.0262e-01
    1/8 9.1251e-02 0.5176 3.3170e-01 1.0828
    1/16 6.4970e-02 0.4900 1.6448e-01 1.0119
    1/32 4.6338e-02 0.4875 8.2620e-02 0.9933
    1/64 3.2963e-02 0.4913 4.1529e-02 0.9923
    1/128 2.3390e-02 0.4949 2.0838e-02 0.9949
    $ \beta_0=3 $ 1/4 1.0541e-01 4.5887e-01
    1/8 5.5024e-02 0.9378 1.2313e-01 1.8979
    1/16 2.8019e-02 0.9736 3.1732e-02 1.9561
    1/32 1.4121e-02 0.9885 8.0389e-03 1.9808
    1/64 7.0857e-03 0.9948 2.0220e-03 1.9912
    1/128 3.5489e-03 0.9975 5.0698e-04 1.9957
    $ k=2 $ $ h $ $ |||e_h||| $ rates $ ||e_0|| $ rates
    $ \beta_0=4 $ 1/4 3.8617e-02 6.4250e-02
    1/8 1.4377e-02 1.4254 8.5362e-03 2.9120
    1/16 5.1701e-03 1.4754 1.0891e-03 2.9704
    1/32 1.8422e-03 1.4887 1.3752e-04 2.9854
    1/64 6.5388e-04 1.4943 1.7279e-05 2.9925
    1/128 2.3164e-04 1.4971 2.0897e-06 3.0476
    $ \beta_0=5 $ 1/4 2.4510e-02 3.3695e-02
    1/8 6.3590e-03 1.9464 3.4220e-03 3.2996
    1/16 1.6140e-03 1.9781 3.9543e-04 3.1133
    1/32 4.0656e-04 1.9891 4.8273e-05 3.0341
    1/64 1.0203e-04 1.9944 6.0361e-06 2.9995
    1/128 2.7533e-05 1.8897 2.3620e-05 -1.9683
     | Show Table
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    Table 2.  Example 2. L-shaped domain

    $ h $ $ |||e_h||| $ rates $ ||e_0|| $ rates
    $ k=1 $
    $ \beta_0=3 $
    1/4 1.1333e+01 3.7667e+00
    1/8 6.1262e+00 0.8874 1.0837e+00 1.7973
    1/16 3.1637e+00 0.9533 2.8710e-01 1.9163
    1/32 1.6016e+00 0.9820 7.3398e-02 1.9677
    1/64 8.0463e-01 0.9931 1.8508e-02 1.9875
    1/128 4.0310e-01 0.9971 4.6435e-03 1.9948
    $ k=2 $
    $ \beta_0=5 $
    1/4 5.4298e+00 9.7421e-01
    1/8 1.5931e+00 1.7973 1.0745e-01 3.1805
    1/16 4.0802e-01 1.9163 1.2024e-02 3.1596
    1/32 1.0273e-01 1.9677 1.4513e-03 3.0504
    1/64 2.5764e-02 1.9875 1.7971e-04 3.0136
    1/128 6.4507e-03 1.9948 2.2406e-05 3.0037
     | Show Table
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    Table 3.  Example 3. Interior layer

    $ h $ $ |||e_h||| $ rates $ ||e_0|| $ rates
    $ k=1 $
    $ \beta_0=3 $
    1/4 1.9364e-02 1.3731e-01
    1/8 1.0828e-02 0.8386 7.2267e-02 0.9260
    1/16 5.3065e-03 1.0289 1.3719e-02 2.3971
    1/32 2.3762e-03 1.1591 2.5532e-03 2.4257
    1/64 1.1754e-03 1.0155 6.3756e-04 2.0016
    $ k=2 $
    $ \beta_0=5 $
    1/4 1.0119e-02 7.7888e-02
    1/8 2.8314e-03 1.8374 9.7203e-03 3.0023
    1/16 7.6948e-04 1.8795 9.5727e-04 3.3440
    1/32 2.5220e-04 1.6093 1.2603e-04 2.9251
    1/64 6.6223e-05 1.9291 1.7346e-05 2.8610
     | Show Table
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