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A stochastic HIV/HTLV-I co-infection model incorporating the AIDS-related cancer cells

  • *Corresponding author: Weipeng Zhang

    *Corresponding author: Weipeng Zhang

The second author is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of PR China (No.11971096), the National Key R & D Program of PR China (2020YFA0714102), the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province(No.YDZJ202101ZYTS154), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(6) / Table(2) Related Papers Cited by
  • This paper proposes a stochastic HIV/HTLV-I co-infection model incorporating the AIDS-related cancer cells and investigates its dynamical behaviours. The main methods are stochastic Lyapunov analysis and the ergodic theory. The existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution is proved as well as the stochastic ultimate boundedness. A unique stationary distribution is yielded. Furthermore, the sufficient conditions for the extinction of diseases are given. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out to support the theoretical results.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60H10, 65C20.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Figure 1.  The action mechanism of model (3)

    Figure 2.  Time evolution of $ C(t) $, $ H(t) $, $ I_{1}(t) $ and $ I_{2}(t) $ obtained from numerical simulation for the deterministic model (2)

    Figure 3.  Ergodicity stationary distribution of model (3) with $ \sigma_{1} = 0.015 $, $ \sigma_{2} = 0.015 $, $ \sigma_{3} = 0.015 $ and $ \sigma_{4} = 0.015 $

    Figure 4.  The sample path of $ C(t) $, $ \langle\langle C\rangle\rangle_t $, $ H(t) $, $ \langle\langle H\rangle\rangle_t $, $ I_{1}(t) $ and $ I_{2}(t) $ with $ \sigma_{1} = 0.025 $, $ \sigma_{2} = 0.02 $, $ \sigma_{3} = 0.2 $ and $ \sigma_{4} = 0.45 $, respectively

    Figure 5.  The sample path of $ C(t) $, $ \langle\langle C\rangle\rangle_t $, $ H(t) $, $ \langle\langle H\rangle\rangle_t $, $ I_{1}(t) $ and $ I_{2}(t) $ with $ \sigma_{1} = \sqrt{0.2} $, $ \sigma_{2} = 0.02 $, $ \sigma_{3} = 0.3 $ and $ \sigma_{4} = 0.5 $, respectively

    Figure 6.  The sample path of $ C(t) $, $ H(t) $, $ \langle\langle H\rangle\rangle_t $, $ I_{1}(t) $ and $ I_{2}(t) $ with $ \sigma_{1} = 0.5 $, $ \sigma_{2} = 0.02 $, $ \sigma_{3} = 0.2 $ and $ \sigma_{4} = 0.45 $, respectively. The distribution of $ H(t) $

    Table 1.  The significance of parameters in model (2)

    Parameter Significance
    $ r_{1} $ the intrinsic growth rate of cancer cells
    $ r_{2} $ the intrinsic growth rate of healthy CD4+ T cells
    $ e_{1} $ the killing rate of healthy CD4+ T cells
    $ e_{2} $ the losing rate of healthy CD4+ T cells
    $ k $ the HIV infection rate
    $ q $ the HTLV-I infection rate
    $ \frac{1}{h_{1}} $ the maximum carrying capacity of cancer cells
    $ \frac{1}{h_{2}} $ the maximum carrying capacity of healthy CD4+ T cells
    $ \mu_{1} $ the death rates of HIV-infected CD4+ T cells
    $ \mu_{2} $ the death rates of HTLV-infected CD4+ T cells
    $ \alpha_{1} $, $ \alpha_{2} $, $ \beta_{1} $, $ \beta_{2} $ positive constants
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    Table 2.  The parameters and their values in model (3)

    Parameter Value Source
    $ r_{1} $ $ 10^{-1} $ [47]
    $ r_{2} $ $ 3\times 10^{-2} $ [44]
    $ e1 $ $ 10^{-5} $ [44]
    $ e2 $ $ 10^{-6} $ [44,47]
    $ k $ $ 10^{-4} $ [53]
    $ \alpha_{1} $ $ 5\times 10^{-3} $ Estimated
    $ \beta_{1} $ $ 5\times10^{-2} $ Estimated
    $ h_{1} $ $ \frac{1}{700} $ Estimated
    $ h_{2} $ $ 1.25\times 10^{-3} $ Estimated
    $ \mu_{1} $ $ 0.0015 $ Estimated
    $ q $ $ 10^{-4} $ Estimated
    $ \alpha_{2} $ $ 10^{-3} $ Estimated
    $ \beta_{2} $ $ 10^{-2} $ [24]
    $ \mu_{2} $ $ 2\times 10^{-2} $ [59]
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