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Existence and approximation of strong solutions of SDEs with fractional diffusion coefficients

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The research was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant Nos. 61473125 and 11761130072) and the Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship (REF NA160317).
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  • In stochastic financial and biological models, the diffusion coefficients often involve the terms $ \sqrt{|x|} $ and $ \sqrt{|x(1-x)|} $, or more general $ |x|^{r} $ and $ |x(1-x)|^r $ for $ r $ $ \in $ $ (0, 1) $. These coefficients do not satisfy the local Lipschitz condition, which implies that the existence and uniqueness of the solution cannot be obtained by the standard conditions. This paper establishes the existence and uniqueness of the strong solution and the strong convergence of the Euler-Maruyama approximations under certain conditions for systems of stochastic differential equations for which one component has such a diffusion coefficient with $ r $ $ \in $ $ [1/2, 1) $.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 60H10; Secondary: 65C05.


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