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Well-posedness and numerical algorithm for the tempered fractional differential equations

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  • Trapped dynamics widely appears in nature, e.g., the motion of particles in viscous cytoplasm. The famous continuous time random walk (CTRW) model with power law waiting time distribution (having diverging first moment) describes this phenomenon. Because of the finite lifetime of biological particles, sometimes it is necessary to temper the power law measure such that the waiting time measure has convergent first moment. Then the time operator of the Fokker-Planck equation corresponding to the CTRW model with tempered waiting time measure is the so-called tempered fractional derivative. This paper focus on discussing the properties of the time tempered fractional derivative, and studying the well-posedness and the Jacobi-predictor-corrector algorithm for the tempered fractional ordinary differential equation. By adjusting the parameter of the proposed algorithm, high convergence order can be obtained and the computational cost linearly increases with time. The numerical results shows that our algorithm converges with order $ N_I $, where $ N_I $ is the number of used interpolating points.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 34A08, 74S25; Secondary: 26A33.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  Maximum errors and convergence orders of Example 1 solved by the scheme (56)-(57) with $ T = 1,N = 20,N_I = 7 $, and $ \alpha = 0.5 $

    $ \lambda=0 $ $ \lambda=2 $ $ \lambda=6 $
    $ \tau $ error order error order error order
    1/10 1.5207e-004 2.3516e-005 1.4300e-006
    1/20 4.6202e-007 8.3626 1.4040e-007 7.3879 3.3507e-008 5.4154
    1/40 1.6877e-009 8.0967 6.3106e-010 7.7976 2.7846e-010 6.9109
    1/80 8.1135e-012 7.7005 2.5491e-012 7.9517 1.4371e-012 7.5982
    1/160 3.5305e-014 7.8443 1.2794e-014 7.6383 7.0913e-015 7.6629
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    Table 2.  Maximum errors and convergence orders of Example 1 solved by the scheme (56)-(57) with $T = 1,N = 20,N_I = 6$, and $\alpha = 1.0$

    $\lambda=0$ $\lambda=2$ $\lambda=6$
    $\tau$ error order error order error order
    1/10 8.1108e-005 1.2528e-005 1.1365e-006
    1/20 7.8788e-007 6.6857 1.5673e-007 6.3207 2.3299e-008 5.6082
    1/40 1.2817e-008 5.9418 2.1909e-009 6.1606 3.2657e-010 6.1567
    1/80 2.2418e-010 5.8373 3.4124e-011 6.0046 4.4768e-012 6.1888
    1/160 3.6193e-012 5.9528 5.3461e-013 5.9962 6.7955e-014 6.0417
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    Table 3.  Maximum errors and convergence orders of Example 1 solved by the scheme (56)-(57) with $ T = 1,N = 20,N_I = 6 $, and $ \alpha = 1.5 $

    $ \lambda=0 $ $ \lambda=2 $ $ \lambda=6 $
    $ \tau $ error order error order error order
    1/10 6.6386e-005 9.6009e-006 8.5068e-007
    1/20 9.2847e-007 6.1599 1.4297e-007 6.0694 1.9943e-008 5.4147
    1/40 1.5767e-008 5.8799 2.1338e-009 6.0661 3.0437e-010 6.0339
    1/80 2.3505e-010 6.0678 3.5138e-011 5.9242 3.8203e-012 6.3159
    1/160 3.8498e-012 5.9320 5.3434e-013 6.0391 6.7433e-014 5.8241
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    Table 4.  Maximum errors and convergence orders of Example 2 solved by the scheme (66) with $ T = 1.1, N = 26, \tilde{N} = 40, N_I = 2, T_0 = 0.1,\mu = 1 $, and $ \lambda = 5 $

    $ \alpha=0.2 $ $ \alpha=0.9 $ $ \alpha=1.8 $
    $ \tau $ error order error order error order
    1/20 5.4805e-004 1.9043e-005 2.1461e-006
    1/40 1.8749e-004 1.5475 4.3478e-006 2.1309 5.6685e-007 1.9207
    1/80 5.0838e-005 1.8828 1.0851e-006 2.0025 1.5416e-007 1.8786
    1/160 1.3492e-005 1.9138 3.1549e-007 1.7821 4.0386e-008 1.9324
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    Table 5.  Maximum errors and convergence orders of Example 2 solved by the scheme (66) with $ T = 1.1, N = 26, \tilde{N} = 40, N_I = 2, T_0 = 0.1,\mu = 1 $, and $ \lambda = 10 $

    $ \alpha=0.2 $ $ \alpha=0.9 $ $ \alpha=1.8 $
    $ \tau $ error order error order error order
    1/20 2.0162e-004 7.0054e-006 4.0825e-007
    1/40 8.8563e-005 1.1868 1.6897e-006 2.0517 1.0286e-007 1.9887
    1/80 2.7211e-005 1.7025 4.1757e-007 2.0167 2.7730e-008 1.8912
    1/160 7.4508e-006 1.8688 1.1169e-007 1.9025 7.3208e-009 1.9214
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    Table 6.  Maximum errors and convergence orders of Example 3 solved by the scheme (56)-(57) with $ T = 1,N = 20,N_I = 5 $, and $ \alpha = 0.4 $

    $ \lambda=0 $ $ \lambda=3 $ $ \lambda=5 $
    $ \tau $ error order error order error order
    1/10 2.4208e-004 7.4482e-007 2.1996e-007
    1/20 4.9371e-006 5.6157 6.8759e-008 3.4373 3.2736e-008 2.7483
    1/40 1.0390e-007 5.5704 3.1715e-009 4.4383 2.1801e-009 3.9084
    1/80 2.2895e-009 5.5041 1.1961e-010 4.7288 9.9159e-011 4.4585
    1/160 5.3248e-011 5.4261 4.1052e-012 4.8647 3.7378e-012 4.7295
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