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A degenerate diffusion-reaction model of an amensalistic biofilm control system: Existence and simulation of solutions

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We study a mathematical model that describes how a "good" bacterial biofilm controls the growth of a harmful pathogenic bacterial biofilm. The underlying mechanism is a modification of the local protonated acid concentration, which in turn decreases the local pH and, thus, makes growth conditions for the pathogens less favorable, while the control-agent itself is more tolerant to these changes. This system is described by a system of 5 density-dependent diffusion-reaction equations that show two nonlinear diffusion effects: porous medium degeneracy and fast diffusion. This is a multi-species expansion of a previously studied single species biofilm model. In this paper we prove the existence of solutions to this model and show in numerical simulations the effectiveness of the control mechanism.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35K65; Secondary: 92D25.


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