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Nonlinear Biharmonic Problems with Singular Potentials

Abstract / Introduction Related Papers Cited by
  • We deal with the problem \begin{eqnarray} \Delta^2 u +V(|x|)u = f(u), u\in D^{2,2}(R^N) \end{eqnarray} where $\Delta^2$ is biharmonic operator and the potential $V > 0 $ is measurable, singular at the origin and may also have a continuous set of singularities. The nonlinearity is continuous and has a super-linear power-like behaviour; both sub-critical and super-critical cases are considered. We prove the existence of nontrivial radial solutions. If $f$ is odd, we show that the problem has infinitely many radial solutions.
    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 35J30, 35J35; Secondary: 35J70, 35J91.


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