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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter August 23, 2013

Extremal solutions of Cauchy problems for abstract fractional differential equations

  • JinRong Wang EMAIL logo , Yong Zhou and Milan Medveď
From the journal Mathematica Slovaca


In this paper, we study the extremal solutions of Cauchy problems for abstract fractional differential equations. Some definitions such as L 1-Lipschitz-like, L 1-Carathéodory-like and L 1-Chandrabhan-like are introduced. By virtue of the singular integral inequalities with several nonlinearities due to Medved’, the properties of solutions are given. By using a hybrid fixed point theorem due to Dhage, existence results for extremal solutions are established. Finally, we present an example to illustrate our main results.

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Published Online: 2013-8-23
Published in Print: 2013-8-1

© 2013 Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences

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