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Volume: 35 | Article ID: IPAS-285
ORCA: An end-to-end video object removal framework with cropping interested region and quality assessment
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2023.35.9.IPAS-285  Published OnlineJanuary 2023

Recently, various types of Video Inpainting models have been released. Video Inpainting is used to naturally erase the object you want to erase in the video. However, to use inpainting models, we usually need frames extracted from a video and masks and most people make these data manually. We propose a novel End-to-End Video Object Removal framework with Cropping Interested Region and Video Quality Assessment (ORCA). ORCA is built in an end-to-end way by combining the Detection, Segmentation, and Inpainting modules. The characteristics of proposed framework are going through the cropping step before inpainting step. In addition, We propose our own video quality assessment since ORCA use two models for inpainting. Our new metric indicates the higher quality of the results between two models. Experimental results show the superior performance of the proposed methods.

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Minseong Son, Hansol Lee, Sungkeun Kwak, Jihwan Woo, "ORCA: An end-to-end video object removal framework with cropping interested region and quality assessmentin Electronic Imaging,  2023,  pp 285-1 - 285-6,

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