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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 11, 2013

Stochastically weighted average conditional moment tests of functional form

  • Jonathan B. Hill EMAIL logo


We develop a new consistent conditional moment test of functional form based on nuisance parameter indexed sample moments first presented in Bierens. We reduce the nuisance parameter space to known countable sets, which leads to a weighted average conditional moment test in the spirit of Bierens and Ploberger’s integrated conditional moment test (ICM). The weights are possibly stochastic in an arbitrary way, integer-indexed and flexible enough to cover a range of tests from average to higher quantile to maximum tests. The limit distribution under the null and local alternative belong to the same class as the ICM statistic, hence our test is admissible if the errors are Gaussian, and a flat weight leads to the greatest weighted average local power.

Corresponding author: Jonathan B. Hill, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

6 Appendix A: Assumption C

Assumption C1: ∈ ℝ × ℝkis an iid process with non-degenerate absolutely continuous marginal distributions and finite variances. The parameter space Φ is a compact subset ofk+1. ϕ0=interior {Φ} f(.,ϕ) is for eachBorel measurable, and twice continuously differentiable on Φ.

Assumption C2: Let then An(ϕ) → A(ϕ) uniformly on Φ, where A(ϕ) is a non-stochastic positive definite matrix. The NLLS estimator satisfies

Assumption C3: Write where Then uniformly onk ×Φ where b(m,ϕ) is a non-stochastic function satisfying

Assumption C4:

  1. a finite non-stochastic matrix.

  2. ut is governed by a non-generate distribution, andexists and is constant and finite. There exists a mapping η: ℕk→ ℝ such that uniformly on k. iffor some q : ℕk→ ℝ then η(m) = O(q(m)).

  3. There exists a matrix functional Γ(m1,m2) onk×k such that and pointwise on k×k. If for some q : k→ ℝ then

  4. Let. For each ζ ∈ ℝk, is uniformly integrable and for some t > 0. Moreover, for each u∈[0, ∞).

7 Appendix B: proofs of main results

Proof of Lemma 3.1. Recall from (6) and define for arbitrary Π ∈ ℝl, π′π=1, and l ≥ 1. Assumption C, Cramér’s Theorem, and the Lindeberg central limit theorem guarantee

The claim follows by invoking the Cramér-Wold Theorem. The bounds and follow from Assumptions A and C. .

Proof of Lemma 3.2. It suffices to show is uniformly tight on for each by straightforward extensions of results in Bickel and Wichura (1971) and Neuhaus (1971). We will apply Lemma A.1 of Bierens and Ploberger (1997). The functional g(xt) must satisfy a Lipschitz continuity condition on for arbitrary :

for every and for some Kt measurable with respect to that satisfies Finally, we need

for one arbitrary All requirements are met under Assumption C by choosing Since is bounded by construction of Gm(‧) under Assumption A and it follows

Proof of theorem 3.3 Using the non-stochastic limiting sequence {ωm}, apply expansion (6), Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, and the continuous mapping theorem to verify under Assumption C

By (6) it therefore suffices to prove By the triangle inequality and ωm≥0

Assumptions A-C and Nn→∞ imply

hence by Chebyshev’s inequality

For A1,n observe

Assumption B states By Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 where Therefore which completes the proof.3.

Proof of theorem 3.4 Denote by the inner product space of sequences of continuous functions y(ξ)∈C[0,∞)k with bound y(ξ)=O(ρξ), metrized with Let be the supporting inner product. Then H is separable and complete3, hence a separable Hilbert space. Separable inner product spaces have countably infinite orthonormal basis, say , (e.g. Giles, 2000: Theorem 3.27).

Now define Fourier coefficients

then zH admits a coordinate-wise expansion

Because is a symmetric positive-semi-definite bounded function under Lemma 3.1, it follows that is a linear compact self-adjoint operator (Giles, 2000: section 15). By the spectral theorem for compact self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space there exists an orthonormal basis of H consisting of eigenfunctions of Γ, where each eigenvalue λi is real and non-negative (Giles, 2000: Theorem 20.4.1). It is immediate that denotes the eigenfunctions of Γ,

and Γ(m1,m2) obtains the series representation Use Parseval’s identity, (11) and (12) and orthonormality to get

Each z(m) under is mean zero Gaussian by Lemma 3.1, therefore each Fourier coefficient is Gaussian, completely characterized by means and pair-wise covariances

Thus which completes the proof.

Proof of Corollary 3.6 Since the argument simply mimics the proof of Theorem 3.4, we only present a sketch. Write

Exploit to deduce the following. First, if i = j and 0 otherwise; hence and hence the Fourier coefficients are w1:=z(m*) and wi = 0 a.s.i≥2.

Second, hence λ1=Γ(m*, m*) and λi=03∀i≥2.

Third, use Parseval’s identity and orthonormality to obtain the trivial identity

Fourth, the Fourier coefficients are Gaussian, completely characterized by means if i = 1 and 0 ∀i≥2, and pair-wise covariances that reduce to if ij, i1 and λ1 otherwise.

Therefore and wi = 0 a.s.i≥2. Coupled with this completes the proof under . Under we have hence by (4)

8 Appendix C

Figure 1 Logistic SWACM power at 5% level
Figure 1

Logistic SWACM power at 5% level

  1. 1

    Recall a real analytic function is infinitely differentiable and therefore has an infinite order Taylor expansion.

  2. 2

    The data are iid Gaussian and the nuisance parameter space is countable, hence it is easy to show Hansen’s approximate p-value is consistent (cf. de Jong 1996, Hill 2008).

  3. 3

    It is straightforward to show Davidson’s (1994: Theorem 5:15) argument carries over to H due to boundedness y(ξ) = O(ρξ) of every yH.


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Published Online: 2013-04-11

©2013 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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