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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 4, 2021

Upper bounds for analytic summand functions and related inequalities

  • Soodeh Mehboodi and M. H. Hooshmand EMAIL logo
From the journal Mathematica Slovaca


The topic of analytic summability of functions was introduced and studied in 2016 by Hooshmand. He presented some inequalities and upper bounds for analytic summand functions by applying Bernoulli polynomials and numbers. In this work we apply upper bounds, represented by Hua-feng, for Bernoulli numbers to improve the inequalities and related results. Then, we observe that the inequalities are sharp and leave a conjecture about them. Also, as some applications, we use them for some special functions and obtain many particular inequalities. Moreover, we arrived at the inequality 1p+2p+3p++rp12rp+13rp+1(p+1)+23p!πp+1sinh(πr), for r sums of power of natural numbers, if p ∈ ℕe and analogously for the odd case.

MSC 2010: 30A10; 40A30; 11B68
  1. (Communicated by Marek Balcerzak)


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Received: 2020-05-30
Accepted: 2020-11-03
Published Online: 2021-10-04
Published in Print: 2021-10-26

© 2021 Mathematical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences

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