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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 16, 2015

Stochastic small perturbation based simulation technique for solving isotropic elastostatics equations

  • Dmitriy Kolyukhin EMAIL logo and Karl K. Sabelfeld


The paper deals with a stochastic analysis of random displacements governed by isotropic elasticity equations. The elasticity constants are assumed to be random fields with gaussian distribution. Under the assumption of small fluctuations of elasticity constants but not ignoring their distribution and correlation structure, we derive the spectral tensor of the random displacement field. A randomized spectral representation is then used to simulate this random field numerically. The same approach was applied to the case of random loading. In this case, the intensity of fluctuations may be arbitrarily large. A series of test calculations confirm the high accuracy and computational efficiency of the method.

Funding source: RFBR

Award Identifier / Grant number: 14-05-93090

Funding source: RFBR

Award Identifier / Grant number: 15-55-20004

Funding source: RFBR

Award Identifier / Grant number: 15-01-00977

Received: 2014-11-1
Accepted: 2015-4-6
Published Online: 2015-4-16
Published in Print: 2015-6-1

© 2015 by De Gruyter

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