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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access June 13, 2024

Mutually unbiased bases via complex projective trigonometry

  • Mikhail G. Katz EMAIL logo
From the journal Open Mathematics


In this study, we give a synthetic construction of a complete system of mutually unbiased bases in C 3 .

MSC 2010: 53C35; 53C20

1 Synthetic description

In quantum mechanics, the concept of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) [1] is of fundamental importance. Recall that orthonormal bases ( e i ) and ( f j ) for C n are called mutually unbiased if the absolute value of the Hermitian inner product e i , f j for all i , j is independent of i and j (and therefore necessarily equals 1 n ). No knowledge of quantum theory is required for reading this article.

A complete system of MUBs in C n is a system of n + 1 such bases. It is still unknown whether a complete system of bases exists for C 6 , i.e., in C P 5 . A complete system of MUBs is known to exist when the vector space dimension is a prime power. We propose a new approach to construct MUBs and implement it in the case of the complex projective plane.

Fix a complex projective line

(1.1) CP 2 .

Recall that is isometric to a 2-sphere of constant Gaussian curvature. Let

A , B , C , D

be the vertices of a regular inscribed tetrahedron, i.e., an equidistant 4-tuple of points on the 2-sphere. There is a synthetic construction of a complete system of MUBs, where each basis includes one of the four points A , B , C , D . Let

(1.2) m CP 2

be the complex projective line consisting of points at maximal distance from A CP 2 . On the projective line of (1.1), let


be the antipodal point of A , so that E = m , where m is the complex projective line of (1.2). Then { A , E } is a pair of points at maximal geodesic distance in CP 2 . In homogeneous coordinates, this corresponds to the fact that their representing vectors in C 3 are orthonormal with respect to the standard Hermitian inner product.

Choose a great circle (i.e., closed geodesic)

S 1 m

passing through E . We view S 1 as the equator of m and denote by

A , A m

the corresponding north and south poles. Then S 1 m is the set of equidistant points from A and A . Let

γ A B E

be the closed geodesic (great circle) passing through the three points A , B , E . Consider the real projective plane

RP B 2 CP 2

that includes the great circles γ A B E and S 1 . Consider also the real projective plane RP C 2 CP 2 that includes the great circles γ A C E and S 1 .

Theorem 1.1

A complete system of MUBs is constructed as follows. The first basis is { A , A , A } CP 2 . On the complex projective line passing through A and A , let S 1 be the equidistant circle from A and A . Choose an equilateral triangle E E E in S 1 . Let be the projective line through A and E . We complete A to an equidistant 4-tuple A , B , C , D on . Next, we complete B to a basis { B , B , B } RP B 2 CP 2 by choosing B appropriately on the great circle γ A E RP B 2 , and similarly for B γ A E . Next, we complete C to a basis { C , C , C } as we did for B; the same for D.

The remainder of this article presents a proof of Theorem 1.1.

2 Complex projective trigonometry

Consider a pair of unit vectors v , w in C n endowed with its Hermitian inner product , . Associated with the pair v , w , there is a pair of angles:

  • α = arccos Re v , w is the usual angle between the vectors when C n is identified with R 2 n , and

  • θ = arccos v , w is the least angle between vectors in the complex lines spanned by v and w .

Letting P w be the orthogonal projection of w to the complex line spanned by v , we denote by

(2.1) ψ

the angle between v and P w , so that by the spherical law of cosines (see [2, p. 17]) we have

(2.2) cos α = cos θ cos ψ .

Given a pair of geodesics issuing from a point A CP n , the corresponding angle α (resp. θ ) is defined similarly using their unit tangent vectors at A . Consider a geodesic triangle in CP n with sides of length a , b , c and angles α and θ at the point opposite to the side c . We normalize the metric on CP n so that the sectional curvature satisfies 1 4 K 1 . Then each complex projective line CP 1 CP n is isometric to a unit sphere. The following formula, generalizing the law of cosines of spherical trigonometry, goes back to Shirokov [3] and was exploited in [4] in 1984 as well as in 1991 in [5, p. 176]:

(2.3) cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos α 2 sin 2 a 2 sin 2 b 2 sin 2 θ .

Let A CP 2 and let m CP 2 be the complex projective line consisting of points at maximal distance π from A (the notation is consistent with that introduced in Section 1).

Let E , X m and consider a geodesic triangle A E X contained in a copy of a real projective plane (of curvature 1 4 according to our normalization). As before, α and θ are the angles between the tangent vectors at A to the chosen geodesics γ A E and γ A X .

Consider the tangent vector of the geodesic γ A X at the point X . If we parallelly translate this vector along the geodesic γ X E to a vector u at the point E , then

  • the angle at E between u and the tangent vector to the geodesic γ A C is the angle ψ of (2.1) by [5, p. 177];

  • the distance d ( E , X ) between E and X is d ( E , X ) = 2 θ

(the factor of 2 is due to our normalization of the metric).

We complete A to a basis { A , A , A } by choosing a pair of antipodal points A , A m .

The following identity plays a key role in the construction. Relative to the above normalization of curvature, a totally geodesic CP 1 has Gaussian curvature 1, whereas a totally geodesic RP 2 has Gaussian curvature 1 4 . Let d be the spherical side length of a regular inscribed tetrahedron in CP 1 . Then geodesic arcs of length d , π d , and π 2 form a right-angle triangle in RP 2 with hypotenuse d , so that

(2.4) cos d 2 = cos π d 2 cos π 4 .

3 MUBs

By definition, another basis { B , B , B } is unbiased with respect to { A , A , A } if and only if the distance d between A and B is d = 2 arccos 1 3 (again the factor of 2 is due to our normalization), and similarly for all the other distances between a member of the first basis and a member of the second basis. Note that cos d = 2 cos 2 d 2 1 = 2 3 1 = 1 3 , i.e., d = arccos 1 3 is the spherical side length of a regular inscribed tetrahedron.

Consider the equator S 1 m equidistant from A and A and choose an equilateral triangle E E E on S 1 , so that d ( E , E ) = 2 π 3 and similarly for the other two pairs. The complex projective line through A and E is denoted as in Section 1.

We choose a geodesic arc γ A E CP 2 and a point B γ A E so that d ( A , B ) = d . Next, we consider the complex projective line through A and E . On this line, we choose a geodesic γ A E CP 2 so that the angle ψ between γ A E and γ A E is ψ = π (here α = 2 π 3 and θ = π 3 ). Then the geodesics γ A E and γ A E lie in a common real projective plane RP 2 which also includes the equator S 1 m . We choose the point B γ A E so that d ( A , B ) = d . We choose the point B above E similarly. Note that the angle ψ between γ A E and γ A E is also π , because parallel transport around S 1 in RP 2 of a vector u orthogonal to S 1 gives u .

By construction, d ( A , B ) = d . Let us calculate d ( A , B ) . Consider the right-angle triangle A E B in RP 2 . As cos d 2 = 1 3 by the unbiased condition, we have sin d 2 = 2 3 . Hence, by the spherical theorem of cosines,

cos ( 1 2 d ( A , B ) ) = cos π 4 cos π 2 d 2 = 1 2 sin d 2 = 1 2 2 3 = 1 3 ,

as required. The equality A B = A B is equivalent to (2.4). A similar calculation shows that cos d ( A , B ) = 1 3 , as well. By symmetry, each of the points B and B is also at geodesic distance d from A , A and A . It remains to check that the triple { B , B , B } corresponds to an orthonormal basis. Indeed, ψ = π implies cos α = cos ψ cos θ = cos θ by (2.2). We apply (2.3) at the point A we obtain

cos d ( B , B ) = cos 2 d + sin 2 d cos α 2 sin 4 d 2 sin 2 θ = 1 9 + 8 9 1 2 2 4 9 3 4 = 1

and therefore d ( B , B ) = π as required.

4 Completing the MUBs

To specify a third basis, we choose C so as to complete A and B to an equilateral triangle A B C with side d (and angle 2 π 3 ). Then the corresponding angle θ vanishes, and hence α = ψ = 2 π 3 . We complete C to a basis { C , C , C } as in Section 3, using a real projective plane which includes the geodesic γ A C E and the equator S 1 m (the same equator as before, equidistant between A and A ). To check that the C -basis is unbiased relative to the B -basis, note that ψ ( B , B ) = π and ψ ( B , C ) = 2 π 3 hence ψ ( B , C ) = π 2 π 3 = π 3 , while θ = π 3 as before. Hence, cos d ( B , C ) = 1 9 + 8 9 cos ψ cos θ 2 4 9 sin 2 θ = 1 3 , as required. The other pairs are checked similarly.

To specify a fourth basis, we choose D to complete the equilateral triangle A B C to a regular inscribed tetrahedron, and proceed as before. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.1.

Such a synthetic construction of MUBs involves less redundancy than complex Hadamard matrix presentations, and may therefore be useful in shedding light on MUBs in higher-dimensional complex projective spaces, such as CP 5 where the maximal number of MUBs is unknown.

  1. Funding information: Mikhail Katz was supported by the BSF grant 2020124 and the ISF grant 743/22.

  2. Author contributions: The author confirms the sole responsibility for the conception of the study, presented results, and manuscript preparation.

  3. Conflict of interest: The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


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Received: 2023-12-14
Revised: 2024-04-30
Accepted: 2024-05-12
Published Online: 2024-06-13

© 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter

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