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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter July 7, 2018

Analysis of a key exchange protocol based on tropical matrix algebra

  • Matvei Kotov EMAIL logo and Alexander Ushakov


In this paper, we consider a two party key-exchange protocol proposed in [D. Grigoriev and V. Shpilrain, Tropical cryptography, Comm. Algebra 43 (2014), 2624–2632, Section 2], which uses tropical matrix algebra as the platform. Our analysis shows that the scheme is not secure.

MSC 2010: 94A60; 68W30

1 Introduction

In this paper, we analyze a key-exchange protocol based on tropical matrix algebra proposed in [3, Section 2]. Ideas similar to [3] were used before in the “classic” case, i.e., for algebras with familiar addition and multiplication. However, in the classic case, these schemes were shown to be vulnerable to various linear algebra attacks. The idea to use an algebra with another addition and multiplication came as an attempt to avoid those attacks, as there are no known algorithms for solving systems of linear equations in tropical sense (it is an active field of research currently).

1.1 Tropical algebra

Consider the extended set of real numbers {} and binary operations , defined by


A set S{} closed under + and containing 0 and is called a tropical semi-ring. It is straightforward to check that (S,,) satisfies all the axioms of a commutative ring with unity 0 except for existence of additive inverses. In this paper S={}.

The set of all n×n matrices Mn(S) with entries in S can be equipped with operations and as well, as defined below:


The obtained algebra R=(Mn(S),,) is called a tropical matrix algebra.

The identity matrix is the matrix that has 0 on the diagonal and elsewhere. A scalar matrix is a matrix that has cS on the diagonal and elsewhere. To multiply a matrix by a scalar is to multiply the matrix by the corresponding scalar matrix. If p(x)=i=0dcixi is a polynomial and AMn(S), then we can define p(A) in the obvious way:


For more information on tropical algebras see [1], and for more information on non-commutative algebraic structures used in cryptography see [6].

1.2 The protocol

Here we describe a two party key-exchange protocol proposed in [3, Section 2]. Let A,BR be matrices satisfying ABBA, called public base matrices.

  1. Alice generates random polynomials p1(x),p2(x)[x] and sends U=p1(A)p2(B) to Bob.

  2. Bob generates random polynomials q1(x),q2(x)[x] and sends V=q1(A)q2(B) to Alice.

  3. Alice computes KA=p1(A)Vp2(B).

  4. Bob computes KB=q1(A)Uq2(B).

It is easy to check that Alice and Bob finally compute the same matrix K=KA=KB, called the shared key.

The following key generation method is suggested in [3, Section 2.5].

  1. The size of matrices n=10.

  2. The entries of matrices A and B are integers, selected randomly in [-1010,1010].

  3. The degrees of the four polynomials p1(x),p2(x),q1(x),q2(x) are selected uniformly randomly in the range [1,10].

  4. The coefficients of p1(x),p2(x),q1(x),q2(x) are selected uniformly randomly in [-1000,1000].

1.3 Computational assumption

For a passive eavesdropper to break the protocol means to be able to compute the value of K based on the values of A,B,U,V. For that it clearly suffices to find a pair of matrices X,Y satisfying the following conditions:


or to solve a similar system for Bob’s public key. Indeed, if X,Y satisfy the conditions above, then the product XVY is equal to K. In the case of matrix algebra over (,+,) one would reduce the system above to a system of linear equations (as in [7, 5]). The same approach does not seem to work with tropical algebra as explained in [3].

2 Simple heuristic for original key generation method

In this section we argue that one can find a solution of system (1) by a very simple heuristic when the public information is generated as proposed in [3].

Consider a particular 3×3 matrix A with entries chosen uniformly randomly in the range [-100,100]


and its tropical powers


As we can see the entries in Ai very soon become negative and decrease linearly with i. In a linear combination of the matrices Ai with sufficiently small coefficients xi, say -10xi10, smaller monomials are irrelevant compared with the leading monomial, i.e., for any choice of the coefficients -10xi10 we have


This is precisely the case for key generation proposed in [3]. Half of the entries in A and B have negative value. The entries in the tropical-powers Ai and Bi become all negative very fast (when i2) and decrease faster than the range for coefficients which makes lower monomials in the polynomials p1,p2 irrelevant. Based on that observation one can expect that system (1) has a solution of the form


for some i,j[1,D] and c, where D is the upper bound for degrees of polynomials in the protocol.

This gives us the following simple heuristic attack. For each i,j[1,D] we compute the matrix


If Tij=(c)kl for some constant c, then X=cAi, Y=Bj is a required solution to (1), and the algorithm successfully stops. If there are not such i and j, then the algorithm fails.

Table 1 shows success rates of the described algorithm for different key-generation strategies. If the keys are generated as originally proposed, then the success rate is 97%. Success rate decreases to 71% if we allow a larger range for coefficients in polynomials p1,p2. It becomes negligible if we allow only non-negative entries in A and B. Below we suggest an attack which works well in this case.

Table 1

Experimental results of the simple heuristical algorithm.

Range for of polynomials[-103,103][-1010,1010][0,1010]
Range for entries of matrices[-1010,1010][-1010,1010][0,1010]
Average time0.5 sec0.6 sec1.2 sec
Success rate97 %71 %2 %

3 General attack

In this section we discuss a general attack on the protocol. The success rate of this attack does not depend on parameters of key generation and equals 100 %. We find matrices X and Y of the form


with unknown coefficients xi,yj. Clearly for such matrices the first and the second equality in (1) are satisfied. Notice that


Therefore, to break the protocol, we need to find x0,,xD,y0,,yD such that


where Vij=AiBj. Using the definition of and , we get a system of equations

mini,j(xi+yj+Vklij)=Uklfor each k,l[1,n].

This system is equivalent to the following system:

(2)mini,j(xi+yj+Tklij)=0for each k,l[1,n],

where Tij=Vij-U. Solving system (2) is the main goal of this section.

Denote by mij the least entry in the matrix Tij and by Pij the set of entries where the minimum is achieved:


Notice that any solution xi,yj, 0i,jD, of (2) satisfies the following conditions:

  1. xi+yj-mij.

  2. For every k,l there exist i,j such that (k,l)Pij and xi+yj=-mij.

Therefore, to solve (2), we need to find a cover C{P00,P01,,PDD} of the set [1,n]×[1,n] and values xi,yj, 0i,jD, satisfying

(3){xi+yj=-mijif PijC,xi+yi-mijotherwise.

Hence, in order to solve (2), we need to enumerate all minimal covers for [1,n]×[1,n] and then find those that define consistent systems of equalities and inequalities (3).

Recall that finding a minimal set cover problem is one of Karp’s 21 problems shown to be NP-complete in 1972. Nevertheless, for all randomly generated instances of the protocol it was relatively easy to enumerate all possible minimal covers.

We generate a set containing all the minimal covers using simple recursive procedure. As one can see in Table 2, often the number of covers is small, and rarely it is greater than 10,000. In every experiment we were able to enumerate them in a few seconds.

Table 2

Experimental results of the general attack.

Range for coefficients of polynomials[-103,103][-1010,1010][0,1010]
Range for entries of matrices[-1010,1010][-1010,1010][0,1010]
Maximal number of covers10229620736
Average number of covers4.216.52705.5
Median of number of covers117.5
Average number of tested covers11.031.57
Median of number of tested covers111
Average time1.9 sec2.0 sec2.5 sec
Success rate100 %100 %100 %

Also, we noticed that often an appropriate cover (a cover defining a consistent system (3)) is smaller than most other covers produced by our algorithm. Furthermore, for covers of the same size an appropriate cover often has smaller value of

|{i:there exists an j such that PijC}||{j:there exists an i such that PijC}|

than others. Therefore, to speed up computations, we sort the covers using these heuristic criteria. This strategy works very well, as shown in Table 2, on average we have to test only one or two covers to find a solution.

Finally, to determine if a system (3) is consistent for a particular cover C, we use the simplex method, see [2].

The described attacks were implemented in GAP [8]. The implementation can be found in [4]. Our tests were run on Intel Core i3 1.50 GHz computer with 4 GB of RAM, Ubuntu 14.04, GAP 4.7. We generated 100 random instances for every set of parameters presented in the tables.

4 Conclusion

The protocol described in [3, Section 2] is not secure when used with the proposed parameter values. It is not clear how to modify key generation to provide a sufficient level of security. We encourage an interested reader to use our code [4] and perform their computational experiments over the tropical algebra.

Communicated by Spyros Magliveras

Award Identifier / Grant number: 14-01-00068

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1318716

Funding statement: The first author has been partially supported by RFBR, project No. 14-01-00068. The second author has been partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1318716.


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Received: 2016-11-14
Revised: 2018-05-16
Accepted: 2018-06-26
Published Online: 2018-07-07
Published in Print: 2018-09-01

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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