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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 16, 2019

Optimization method in material bodies cloaking with respect to static physical fields

  • Gennady V. Alekseev EMAIL logo and Dmitry A. Tereshko


Inverse problems associated with designing cylindrical DC electrical cloaking shells are studied. Using the optimization method, these inverse problems are reduced to corresponding control problems in which electrical conductivities play the role of passive controls. Admissibility of the optimization method for solving inverse design problems is justified. A numerical algorithm based on the particle swarm optimization is proposed, and the results of numerical experiments are discussed. Optimization analysis shows that high cloaking efficiency of the shell can be achieved either using a highly anisotropic single-layer shell or using a multilayer shell with isotropic layers. In the latter case, the resulting cloaking shell admits simple technological realization using natural materials.

MSC 2010: 35J25; 35R30; 35Q93


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Received: 2018-09-17
Revised: 2019-03-25
Accepted: 2019-05-23
Published Online: 2019-07-16
Published in Print: 2019-12-01

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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