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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 6, 2017

Full box spaces of free groups

  • Thiebout Delabie EMAIL logo
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


In this paper we investigate full box spaces and coarse equivalences between them. We do this in two parts. In part one we compare the full box spaces of free groups on different numbers of generators. In particular, the full box space of a free group Fk is not coarsely equivalent to the full box space of a free group Fd, if d8k+10. In part two we compare fn to the full box spaces of 2-generated groups. In particular, we prove that the full box space of n is not coarsely equivalent to the full box space of any 2-generated group, if n3.

Communicated by Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace

Award Identifier / Grant number: 200021_163417

Funding statement: Supported by grant 200021_163417 of the Swiss National Science Foundation.


The author would like to thank Ana Khukhro and Alain Valette for the many useful comments.


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Received: 2016-8-16
Revised: 2017-5-30
Published Online: 2017-7-6
Published in Print: 2018-1-1

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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