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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access February 22, 2016

Exact distributions of order statistics of dependent random variables from ln,p-symmetric sample distributions, n ∈ {3,4}

  • K. Müller and W.-D. Richter
From the journal Dependence Modeling


Integral representations of the exact distributions of order statistics are derived in a geometric way when three or four random variables depend on each other as the components of continuous ln,psymmetrically distributed random vectors do, n ∈ {3,4}, p > 0. Once the representations are implemented in a computer program, it is easy to change the density generator of the ln,p-symmetric distribution with another one for newly evaluating the distribution of interest. For two groups of stock exchange index residuals, maximum distributions are compared under dependence and independence modeling.


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Received: 2015-10-12
Accepted: 2016-2-5
Published Online: 2016-2-22

© 2016 K. Müller and W.-D. Richter

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