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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 10, 2013

Warped product Einstein metrics on homogeneous spaces and homogeneous Ricci solitons

  • Chenxu He EMAIL logo , Peter Petersen and William Wylie


In this paper we consider connections between Ricci solitons and Einstein metrics on homogeneous spaces. We show that a semi-algebraic Ricci soliton admits an Einstein one-dimensional extension if the soliton derivation can be chosen to be normal. Using our previous work on warped product Einstein metrics, we show that every normal semi-algebraic Ricci soliton also admits a k-dimensional Einstein extension for any k ≥ 2. We also prove converse theorems for these constructions and some geometric and topological structure results for homogeneous warped product Einstein metrics. In the appendix we give an alternative approach to semi-algebraic Ricci solitons which naturally leads to a definition of semi-algebraic Ricci solitons in the non-homogeneous setting.

Funding source: NSF

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS 1006677

Funding source: NSF

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS 0905527

Part of the work was done when the first author was at Lehigh University and he is very grateful to the institute for their hospitality.

Received: 2013-3-21
Revised: 2013-7-29
Published Online: 2013-9-10
Published in Print: 2015-10-1

© 2015 by De Gruyter

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