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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 22, 2013

Split metaplectic groups and their L-groups

  • Martin H. Weissman EMAIL logo


We adapt the conjectural local Langlands parameterization to split metaplectic groups over local fields. When G˜ is a central extension of a split connected reductive group over a local field (arising from the framework of Brylinski and Deligne), we construct a dual group 𝐆˜ and an L-group L𝐆˜ as group schemes over ℤ. Such a construction leads to a definition of Weil–Deligne parameters (Langlands parameters) with values in this L-group, and to a conjectural parameterization of the irreducible genuine representations of G˜. This conjectural parameterization is compatible with what is known about metaplectic tori, Iwahori–Hecke algebra isomorphisms between metaplectic and linear groups, and classical theta correspondences between 𝑀𝑝2n and special orthogonal groups.

During the preparation of an earlier paper on metaplectic tori [Pacific J. Math. 241 (2009), 169–200], we benefited greatly from a correspondence with P. Deligne. His advice on that paper was very helpful, and suggested many reasons why the results there are not entirely satisfactory. Deligne's recommendation to consider the geometric work of Finkelberg–Lysenko [J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 9 (2010), 719–739], seconded by a later recommendation of B. Gross to consider the geometric setting in the recent thesis of R. Reich [Represent. Theory 16 (2012), 345–449], was crucial to making a reasonable guess at an L-group. We also thank B. Gross for pointing us towards the recent work of Gan, Gross, and Prasad [Astérisque 346 (2012), 1–109], §11, in which there are precise conjectures on a local Langlands parameterization for the metaplectic group 𝑀𝑝2n. We are also thankful for the advice and personal communication with Wee Teck Gan and Gordan Savin. Both have thought deeply about metaplectic groups; Savin's earlier paper [J. reine angew. Math. 566 (2004), 111–134] and their recent work together [Compos. Math. 148 (2012), 1655–1694] were very helpful, as was their encouragement.

Received: 2011-9-17
Revised: 2012-9-22
Published Online: 2013-1-22
Published in Print: 2014-11-1

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