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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 26, 2010

Sobolev error estimates and a priori parameter selection for semi-discrete Tikhonov regularization

  • J. Krebs , A. K. Louis and H. Wendland


The goal of this paper is to investigate the Tikhonov–Phillips method for semi-discrete linear ill-posed problems in order to determine tight error bounds and to obtain a good parameter choice. We consider the equation Aƒ = g, where the operator A is known, noisy discrete data with can be observed and a solution ƒ* is sought. Assuming that ƒ* is an element of a Sobolev space, we use the well-known theory of optimal recovery in Hilbert spaces for the reconstruction process. We then provide L2-error estimates in terms of the data density and derive an a priori selection for the regularization parameter, which guarantees an optimal compromise between approximation and stability. Finally, we illustrate the parameter selection with a simple example.

Received: 2009-04-07
Published Online: 2010-01-26
Published in Print: 2009-December

© de Gruyter 2009

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