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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 21, 2008

Reflection principle characterizing groups in which unconditionally closed sets are algebraic

  • Dikran Dikranjan and Dmitri Shakhmatov
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


We give a necessary and sufficient condition, in terms of a certain reflection principle, for every unconditionally closed subset of a group G to be algebraic. As a corollary, we prove that this is always the case when G is a direct product of an Abelian group with a direct product (sometimes also called a direct sum) of a family of countable groups. This is the widest class of groups known to date where the answer to the 63-year-old problem of Markov turns out to be positive. We also prove that whether every unconditionally closed subset of G is algebraic or not is completely determined by countable subgroups of G. Essential connections with non-topologizable groups are highlighted.

Received: 2007-03-11
Published Online: 2008-05-21
Published in Print: 2008-May

© de Gruyter 2008

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