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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 12, 2006

On generalized smooth groups

  • A. M Elkholy EMAIL logo
From the journal Forum Mathematicum


A maximal chain in a finite lattice L is called smooth if any two intervals of the same length are isomorphic. We call a lattice L totally smooth if all maximal chains of L are smooth. The main concept in this paper is that of a generalized smooth group, that is, a group G such that [G/H] is totally smooth for every subgroup H of G of prime order. The purpose of this paper is to determine the structure of generalized smooth groups.

(Communicated by Rüdiger Göbel)

Received: 2004-04-26
Revised: 2004-06-23
Published Online: 2006-05-12
Published in Print: 2006-01-26

© Walter de Gruyter

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