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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 19, 2009

Positively closed classes of three-valued logic generated by one-place functions

  • S. S. Marchenkov


We consider the positive closure operator on the set P3 of functions of three-valued logic. It is shown that in P3 there are exactly 51 positively closed classes positively generated by one-place functions, 26 of these classes are generated by a single one-place function (including one of the positively precomplete in P3 classes), and 25 classes are generated by two functions (including the class P3 and the remaining 9 positively precomplete classes).

Received: 2008-10-09
Published Online: 2009-10-19
Published in Print: 2009-October

© de Gruyter 2009

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