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Coexistence of surface lattice resonances and bound states in the continuum in a plasmonic lattice

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We present a numerical study on a 2D array of plasmonic structures covered by a subwavelength film. We explain the origin of surface lattice resonances (SLRs) using the coupled dipole approximation and show that the diffraction-assisted plasmonic resonances and formation of bound states in the continuum (BICs) can be controlled by altering the optical environment. Our study shows that when the refractive index contrast Δn < −0.1, the SLR cannot be excited, while a significant contrast (Δn > 0.3) not only sustains plasmonic-induced resonances but also forms both symmetry-protected and accidental BICs. The results can aid the streamlined design of plasmonic lattices in studies on light–matter interactions and applications in biosensors and optoelectronic devices.

© 2022 Optica Publishing Group

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